
  • 网络self-sufficiency;Food Self-Sufficiency Ratio
  1. 江苏省粮食自给率及未来耕地需求量预测研究

    Study on the Self-sufficiency Rate of Food and Prediction of Future Arable Land Demand in Jiangsu Province

  2. 目前温州粮食自给率已下降至50%左右,这就必须重新调整温州粮食安全思维和战略。

    At Present , the grain self-sufficiency in Wenzhou is down to 50 % , which requires the adjustment of grain security strategy .

  3. 中国粮食自给率研究

    Studies on Food Self - sufficient Rate of China

  4. 降低粮食自给率,进行作物种植结构调整,将使我国粮食生产立于不败之地。

    Chinese grain production will success in WTO if reduce the level of grain self-support and adjust crop-planting structure .

  5. 目前,英国的粮食自给率约为60%,其余40%主要由因气候因素无法在英国种植的作物组成。

    Today Britain is about 60 per cent self-sufficient in food production . Much of the remaining 40 per cent is made up of crops that could not be grown here for climatic reasons .

  6. 粮食自给率水平的高低,不仅关系到国内粮食的生产与消费,农业的发展方向,而且对世界粮食市场的稳定和繁荣也有极为重要的影响。

    Food self-sufficient rate not only affect the production and consumption of grain , the direction of agriculture development , but also has the important sense to the stability and prosper of the world grain market .

  7. 从60年代中期到80年代中期,欧盟的粮食自给率从82%迅速提高到了110%以上,这说明欧盟的粮食政策取得了很大的成功。

    EU ′ s grain self-sufficiency rate rose rapidly from 82 % to over 110 % from the mid 1960s to the mid 1980s . It showed that EU ′ s grain policy had achieved great success .

  8. 只要加大农业科技投资力度,保持现有灌溉面积不减少,提高灌溉保证率,2020年我国粮食自给率也可达到91%左右的水平;

    As far as investment in agricultural technology is reinforced , irrigation area is maintained at the current scale , and irrigation assurance ratio is upgraded , by 2020 China will achieve a grain self-sufficiency ratio of 91 % .

  9. 如果按照灌溉面积发展规划,2020年全国粮食自给率甚至将达到98%以上的水平。未来我国粮食总量上有很高的保障率。

    If we assume irrigation area will be expanded under government plan , grain self-sufficiency ratio will be even higher , reaching over 98 % in 2020 . China will be capable of assuring aggregate grain supply at the national level .

  10. 这使得我国粮食生产自给率不断下降,对粮食数量安全的威胁与日俱增。

    This makes Chinese grain self-sufficiency rate of production declining , and the number of threats to the safety of food growing .

  11. 取420公斤人均粮食占有量,粮食自给率为93.87%。

    And by taking 420 kg grain possessing for per capita , the self-sufficient ratio of grain production amounts to 93.87 % .

  12. 利用投入占用产出技术及系统科学方法,对2030年中国的粮食产量、粮食进口量及自给率进行了预测。

    Using the input-occupancy-output techniques and system science methods , this paper makes a forecast about China 's grain output , grain import and self-support rate in the year 2030 .

  13. 粮食需求是一个刚性问题,粮食自给率的问题实质是如何提高粮食产量。

    Food demand is a rigid problem , the essence of the problem of grain self-sufficient rate is how to increase crop production .

  14. 粮食自给是粮食安全的基础,粮食自给率是衡量粮食安全最重要的硬性指标。

    Self-sufficiency in grain is the basis of grain security and the grain self-sufficiency rate is the most important mandatory target for balancing grain security .

  15. 进一步从粮食的需求量、供给量出发,分析了中国粮食自给率存在的隐患,最后提出了稳定粮食自给率的对策建议。

    In the end , the paper gives suggestions to stabilize the grain self-sufficient rate .

  16. 应用粮食与灌溉发展需求模型分析得出我国在不同粮食自给率条件下的国内粮食生产需求,以及2010年和2020年我国灌溉面积发展需求。

    The model could be used to analyze the demand on the development of irrigation and efficient irrigation for different target year and grain self sufficient rate . The Water for Food model developed by ICID was modified and applied .

  17. 粮食安全对经济安全的极端重要性,决定了必须保持较高的粮食自给率。

    Food security is very important to the economy security , which requires to keep high grain self-sufficient rate .