
zhān tiē
  • paste;affix;stick
粘贴 [zhān tiē]
  • (1) [affix; stick] 用黏性的东西使纸张等附着在别的东西上

  • 粘贴邮票

  • (2) ;湿的东西贴在别的物体上

  • 湿衣服粘贴在身上

粘贴[zhān tiē]
  1. 剪切和粘贴比重新打字要快。

    It 's quicker to cut and paste than to retype .

  2. 本功能可使你剪切并粘贴文本。

    This function allows you to cut and paste text .

  3. 这不能把木料粘贴在金属上。

    It cannot be used to bond wood to metal .

  4. 孩子们忙着剪裁和粘贴纸帽子。

    The children were busy cutting and pasting paper hats .

  5. 可在不同的程序之间进行剪切和粘贴。

    You can cut and paste between different programs .

  6. 把照片小心地放在页面中央并粘贴好。

    Carefully centre the photograph on the page and stick it in place .

  7. 在这间客厅,我们粘贴了各种美丽的印花纸。

    In this living room we 've mixed glorious floral prints .

  8. 材料被剪切下来并粘贴到合适位置。

    The material is cut and glued in place

  9. 它们被粘贴在一起。

    They are glued together .

  10. 我们可用胶水把这几张画粘贴在书里。

    We can stick these pictures into the book with gum .

  11. 我费了好几个小时用胶水把相片粘贴在家庭相册上,弄得手指都粘在一起了。

    I spent hours sticking the photographs into the family book , and my fingers got all gummed up .

  12. BookCrossing提供了一个验证码,可粘贴在书里。

    BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book .

  13. 为什么不直接从视频中引用一句话粘贴成评论呢?

    Why not just take a quote from the video and paste it as your comment ?

  14. 在Form1Load事件处理器方法中,复制并粘贴以下代码。

    In the Form1_Load event handler method , copy and paste the following code .

  15. 基于粘贴DNA计算模型的数据存储技术

    Data storage technology based on sticking model of DNA computing

  16. 将下面的导入语句复制并粘贴到您的新Java类中

    Copy and paste the import statements into your new Java class

  17. 若干DNA计算粘贴模型的研究

    The Study of Some DNA Computing Sticker Models

  18. PLC控制塑料片粘贴机的研制

    Design of the Sticky Plastic Flake Machine by PLC Control

  19. LotusNotes现在可以自动压缩粘贴到文档中的图像。

    Lotus Notes now can automatically compress the images pasted into documents .

  20. 与在传统编程中一样,您也应该努力避免在Shell脚本中进行剪切和粘贴。

    As in traditional programming , you should strive to avoid cut-and-paste in shell scripts , too .

  21. 粘贴纤维布加固RC梁的受弯裂缝计算方法

    Calculation Method on Bending Crack in RC Beams Strengthened with FRP

  22. 这可以帮助您避免必须找到一个相关的资源,或者从Problems视图中复制并粘贴一个错误信息以修复一个缺陷。

    This helps you avoid having to find a related resource or to copy and paste an error message from the Problems view to attach to a defect .

  23. 粘贴钢板加固RC梁非线性有限元模型

    Non-linear Finite Element Modeling of RC Beams with Externally Bonded Steel Plates

  24. 一些代码测量包括内嵌注释,并且这种度量实际上受益于剪切粘贴式开发(cut-and-pastestyledevelopment)。

    Some code measurement included in-line comments , and the metric actually favored cut-and-paste style development .

  25. 论文设计了一个求解最大团问题的递阶法DNA粘贴、剪接算法。

    In this paper , in order to solve the maximum clique problem , a recursive DNA sticker-splicing algorithm is designed .

  26. 读取粘贴内容的页面&此页面将需要被传递给某种post标识符。

    A page that reads a post & This page will need to be passed some kind of post Identifier .

  27. 如果您只是拷贝并粘贴模板文件,而没有正确地修改所有的jet声明,那就可能出现这种情况。

    This can happen if you copy and paste template files without properly modifying all of the jet declaration .

  28. 本文给出了一种实现位图图象叠映的处理方法&透明粘贴法,并在BorlandBGI图形接口标准中实现了该算法的C语言程序设计。

    A kind of processing method that implements bitmap overlay - Transparent Pasting is presented , and its C programming is given in this paper .

  29. 复制和粘贴Stylemozart,修改属性,然后保存文件。

    Copy and paste Style mozart , change the properties , and then save the file .

  30. 采用外部粘贴FRP加固混凝土梁抗剪强度的设计计算

    Design calculation of shear strength of concrete beams strengthened with external bonding FRP