
  1. 传统的一对夫妻加1.6个孩子的家庭模式正在被“混合家庭”或“拼图家庭”所取代,这类家庭中夫妻一方或双方会带着之前婚姻中的孩子加入新家庭。

    The traditional married couple with 1.6 children was increasingly being replaced by " amalgamated " or " jigsaw " families where one or both of the couple have children from a previous relationship .

  2. 零售商正满心期待,Oprah和她提供的一堆闪亮耀眼的商品,会诱使这类家庭改变主意。

    Retailers will be hoping that Oprah and all her glitzy goodies will tempt them to change their minds .

  3. 1960年,这类家庭的收入等于平均值的0.16倍;

    In 1960 , such a household earned 16 % of mean income .

  4. 1960年,这类家庭的收入等于平均值的0.16倍;到了2005年,其收入与平均值之比降到了8%。

    In 1960 , such a household earned 16 % of mean income . By 2005 , that was down to 8 % .

  5. 他预计,这类家庭“将这个假期视为购物良机,正打算抢购打折商品,但方式会一如既往节俭”。

    Such households " are going to hunt for bargains , recognise the holiday , but continue their frugal ways , " he predicts .

  6. 多于12个洲已经扩大该计划至该类家庭的成人,得到联邦政府的支持。

    More than a dozen states have expanded the SCHIP program , with consent of the federal government , to cover adults in those families .

  7. 在过去一代人的时间里,单亲家庭数量急剧增长。在这类家庭中,男孩受到的负面影响似乎大于女孩。

    The number of single-parent families has surged over the last generation , and the effect seems to be larger on boys in those families than girls .

  8. 不过,对于最贫穷的家庭,最低的起价也可能很昂贵,因此可能仍然需要为这类家庭提供补贴。

    For the poorest households , however , even the lowest block tariffs may be expensive , and targeted subsidies for that group may continue to be needed .

  9. 无论结果怎样,失望的情绪很快就被晚会的欢笑驱散了。我们围坐在一起,根本不提野味的事。总之,我们仍会好好地享受小牛肉和烤乳猪这类家庭美食。

    The party soon forgot its disappointment , however , and we sat down , not to venison , but to a tamer feast of veal and roast pig .

  10. 霍克斯沃斯表示,此类衡量标准不具代表性:几乎任何数字你都可以创造出来,只要选出特定的家庭类型,然后编造出这类家庭的典型数据就行。

    Mr Hawksworth said such measures were unrepresentative : You can create almost any number just by picking a specific household type and inventing typical data for that household .

  11. 随着第一批计划生育政策下形成的独生子女父母逐渐进入老年阶段,这类家庭中父母的养老负担也日益加重。

    During the aging process of the first group of parents of one-child , the problem of providing for the aged of only - child family also becoming more serious .

  12. 主要来自三类家庭:离异且经济贫困的家庭,家庭成员罹患重病的家庭和极度贫困家庭。

    A good number of CSWs come from the following three types of families : divorced family with economic difficulties , family with seriously ill members , and poverty-stricken family .

  13. 后续通过内容分析法提炼十三类家庭互动交流的需求,对每类需求进行阐述,并提出需求解决的方案设想。

    Thirteen interactive communication needs between family members which are generalized by content analysis , with description of each requirement and suggested solutions that would meet the demand are mentioned in the following part .

  14. 介绍了智能家庭网络的基本概念及其功能;简要分析了两大类智能家庭网络组网技术实现方案的优劣重点介绍了homeRF无线家庭网络技术;

    This article introduces the conception and function of the Intelligent Home Network , and discusses it 's construction technologies and presents the wireless home net technology-HomeRF in stress .

  15. 离婚后子女的监护问题浅探十类特殊家庭子女心理卫生状况的研究

    On the Guardianship of Children after Divorce Behavior Problems of Children in Special Families

  16. 十类特殊家庭子女心理卫生状况的研究

    Behavior Problems of Children in Special Families

  17. 第四个抽屉装的是照片、信件、成绩单这类有关家庭生活的物品。

    The fourth drawer holds family things such as photographs , letters and schools reports .

  18. 哈利•波特这类深受家庭欢迎的影片引发的猛烈攻击显示出影迷的行为越来越朝着对电影公司不利的方向发展。

    The withering attacks over a family-friendly franchise like Potter show how the nature of fan uprisings has grown increasingly hostile .

  19. 家庭基本上可分两类:核心家庭和大家庭。

    There are basically two types of families : nuclear families and extended families .

  20. 高、低两类社会支持家庭初中生应对方式的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Coping Styles of Junior Middle School Students from Higher and Lower Social Support Families

  21. 经过比较发现:两类家长在家庭教育的观念及教育方式方面存在一定程度的差异。

    It exists the difference of these two kinds of parents in the value of family education and the method of education by making a comparison .

  22. 这类做法因家庭、办公室和数据中心之间的高速网络连接而成为可能,旨在缓解令用户头痛的技术问题,有时还会节省用户的开支。

    Such arrangements , made possible by high-speed Internet connections between homes , offices and data centers , aim to ease users'technology headaches and , in some cases , cut their costs .

  23. 两种不同的土地使用可能是同一使用类型的两种不同类(独立家庭住宅与公寓),也可能指两种完全不同的使用类型(居住型与商业型)。

    Two different land uses could mean two different kinds of the same use ( single family homes and apartments ) or it could mean two different kinds of use altogether ( residential and commercial ) .

  24. 最后将共同隐私分为三大类,即家庭隐私、其他社会关系当事人间的共同隐私、与死者相关的共同隐私。

    Finally , intimacy privacy has been divided into three categories , namely , the intimacy privacy of the family , the intimacy privacy between the parties of other social relations , and the intimacy privacy related to the dead .

  25. 与现今存在的两类WindowsXP(家庭版和专业版)密切对应,WindowsVista。

    And today there are two categories of Windows XP ( Home Edition and Professional Edition ) closely correspond , Windows Vista .

  26. 番茄红素是最强大的抗氧化剂和类胡萝卜素的家庭,与维生素C和E,保护我们免受自由基,降低身体的许多地方。

    Lycopene is the most powerful antioxidant in the carotenoid family and , with vitamins C and E , protect us from the free radicals that degrade many parts of the body .

  27. 高管职位随时随地的出差要求(受家庭牵连,女性做不到这点);女性对自卖自夸的不情愿;以及女性榜样的稀缺。而在亚洲,另一个障碍是缺乏诸如孩童看护(ChildCare)一类的,援助家庭的公共服务。

    the requirement in many senior jobs to be always available and free to travel ; women 's reluctance to blow their own trumpet ; and the scarcity of female role models . In Asia , an additional hurdle is the lack of public services to support families , such as child care .

  28. 因此解决这类学习障碍从家庭入手,采用家庭治疗的方法会取得良好的效果。

    In order to solve this kind of learning disability , using family therapy can get good effects .

  29. 如果也这类代价可以增进家庭生活,那么这便可以为国家减轻照顾老年人的负担。

    If taking on such expenses helped promote family life , it might reduce the burden on the state of looking after the old .

  30. 我们可以形成一个类摩梭式的家庭组合,比如,单身女性朋友住在同一屋檐下,而男性只是偶尔来一下。

    It 's possible that we could form a Mosu-like alternative household with , for example , single female friends sharing a house and men only being transient .