
lán qiú
  • basketball
篮球 [lán qiú]
  • (1) [basketball]

  • (2) 赛篮球用的球,用橡胶做里面的球胆,用牛皮做外面的球皮,也有全用橡胶制成的

  • (3) 球类运动项目之一

篮球[lán qiú]
  1. 每星期五晚上有篮球训练。

    There 's a basketball practice every Friday evening .

  2. 杰夫在中学时参加了校内篮球赛。

    Jeff played intramural basketball in high school .

  3. 放学后,我们就在车行道上打篮球。

    After school we 'd be on the driveway shooting baskets .

  4. 你是否一直在注意篮球锦标赛的赛程?

    Have you been following the basketball championships ?

  5. 一群孩子在外面开始了即兴街头篮球赛。

    A group of kids started a pickup game of basketball on the street outside .

  6. 他执教篮球和足球。

    He coaches basketball and soccer .

  7. 篮球令他着迷。

    Basketball is his consuming passion .

  8. 我喜欢打篮球。

    I enjoy playing basketball .

  9. 肖恩·麦卡利斯特也为校篮球队效过力。

    Shaun McCalister also played for the varsity basketball team .

  10. 北卡罗来纳大学在美国大学篮球联赛中夺魁。

    The NCAA basketball championship was won by North Carolina .

  11. 她每天都带3个女儿进行篮球训练。

    She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day

  12. 有谁听说过篮球运动员不需要跳跃的吗?

    Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn 't need to jump ?

  13. 瓦莱丽在排球、篮球和曲棍球三个项目上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。

    Valerie earned letters in three sports : volleyball , basketball , and field hockey .

  14. 我过去常打篮球。

    I used to play basketball

  15. 他个子明显较为矮小,一头银发,每周都会和他的员工一起打几次篮球。

    A notably short , silver-haired man , he plays basketball with his staff several times a week .

  16. 他得到了一个有全体队员签名的篮球。

    He 's got a basketball autographed by the whole team .

  17. 成群的小伙子正在那里打篮球。

    There are groups of youths playing basketball over there .

  18. 人们呆呆地看着那个叫姚明的高个子篮球队员。

    People were gaping at the tall basketball player , Yao Ming .

  19. 他们标出了篮球场的边界。

    They marked the boundaries of the basketball court .

  20. 我准是在打篮球时伤了手臂。

    I must have jarred my arm playing basketball .

  21. 他们肯定能打赢这场篮球赛。

    They are sure to win this basketball match .

  22. 他是过去10年中最受尊敬的篮球运动员之一。

    He 's one of the most respected basketball players in the last decade .

  23. 他昨天首次出战篮球联赛。

    He made his basketball league debut yesterday .

  24. 篮球运动员侵人犯规五次即被罚下场。

    A basketball player is allowed five personal fouls before fouling out .

  25. 在那场篮球赛中中国队险胜日本队。

    In the basketball game China beat the Japanese by a neck .

  26. 她也会打篮球,也会打网球。

    She can play tennis as well as basketball .

  27. 电灯把篮球场照得亮堂堂的。

    Electric lights lit up the basket-ball ground .

  28. 两国篮球运动员在比赛后聚在一起,切磋球艺。

    The basketball players of the two countries got together and compared notes after the match .

  29. 在那场篮球赛中,中国队以108比71的悬殊比分大胜菲律宾队。

    In the basketball game China won against the Philippines by the heavy score of 108 to 71 .

  30. 美国职业篮球联赛(nba)的最佳后卫之一讲解了如何有效地使用盯防战术。

    One of the best defenders in the NBA explained how to effectively play man-to-man defence .