
  1. 中国队和NBA明星队之间的比赛计划周五晚上在首钢篮球馆举行。

    The charity game between the Chinese national team and the NBA Stars is scheduled for Friday evening , at the Shougang Basketball Centre Gymnasium .

  2. 犹他大学近40%的外国留学生是中国人,该州前州长洪博培(JonHuntsman)曾是美国驻华大使。犹特人队的篮球馆便是以洪博培父亲的名字命名的。

    Nearly 40 percent of the University of Utah 's foreign students are Chinese , and the state 's former governor Jon Huntsman , for whose father the Utes " basketball arena is named , was the American ambassador to China .

  3. 为了鼓励健康的生活方式,NetApp总部员工拥有26000平方英尺的健身中心,其中包括一个可变为排球场、室内足球场和羽毛球场地的室内篮球馆,并提供免费的健身课程。

    To encourage a healthy lifestyle , employees at NetApp headquarters have a 26000-square-foot fitness center , with an indoor basketball gym that transforms into volleyball , indoor soccer and badminton courts , and free exercise classes .

  4. 渤海国际会议中心游泳馆和篮球馆膜结构屋盖设计

    Design of membrane structure roofs of natatorium and gymnasium in Bohai International Convention Center

  5. 我是指篮球馆?

    To the arena , I mean ?

  6. 周一晚上,该集团在一个重新布置的篮球馆举行了声势浩大的展前发布会。在会上,无人提起内燃机之类的词汇。

    At the company 's preshow extravaganza for the media Monday night at a repurposed basketball arena , there was nary a mention of internal combustion .

  7. 安德拉会一直待在篮球馆中,直到比赛全部结束,因为她和儿子特里都明白,篮球场&一直都是属于她的地方,一个让她有家的感觉的地方。

    And Andrea Cheatham will watch these games and her son and know this is where she belongs & in the gym , which always has felt like home .

  8. 尽管苏州大多数高职院校都有室内篮球馆,但篮球教学均在室外场地进行,场地数量偏少,质量有待提高。

    Although there are indoor basketball courts in most of the Suzhou vocational colleges , the basketball teaching is mainly outdoors . The number of court is small , and the quality has much room to improve .

  9. 工程师宋京一直负责一个篮球馆建设工程,需要在4个月内完工。他解释说:没有人能像我们一样这么快完成工程,但我们遇到许多困难。

    Jing Song , an engineer who has overseen the building of a basketball stadium in four months , explains : No one can finish work as quickly as we can , but there are too many difficulties .

  10. 仔细看看那些在篮球馆的硬木地板上闪烁的球鞋吧,你会发现那些手写的字符有着特殊的个人意义,这些字符是球员们在踏进球场之前亲手写下的。

    Take a close look at the sneakers flashing up and down the hardwood , and you 'll find handwritten messages that have a personal meaning to the player who wrote them on his shoe before stepping onto the court .

  11. 这个体育项目在BasquetCornella可以追溯到1929年,并且那里有个设施齐全的篮球训练馆和健身房,紧挨着的是一个巨大的网球中心,网球是一项全国都为之疯狂的运动。

    The sports program of Basquet Cornella dates to1929 , and the booming facility in which it plays has an immaculate basketball gym , next to the huge tennis center in a country gone mad for sport .

  12. 体育总局训练局举重篮球训练馆

    Weight-lifting and basketball training hall of Sports Training Bureau

  13. 进一步加大对篮球场、馆设施的投入,提高场、馆设施的利用率。

    To further increase the basketball court , museum facilities , improve the market , the Museum facilities . 4 .