
lán qiú yùn dònɡ
  • basketball;hoop bombardment
  1. CUBA对湖北省高校篮球运动开展的影响

    The Influence of CUBA on Basketball Development of Universities in Hubei

  2. COKE和NBA已经分别远远超越了饮料的品牌,篮球运动的品牌,而更是影响着社。

    COKE and NBA are far beyond the beverage brand and basketball brand respectively , and become two key brands which affect the public lifestyle in society .

  3. NBA篮球运动市场化运作成功因素分析

    The Analysis of Successful Factor About NBA Market

  4. 2008、2010年FIBA规则修订对篮球运动的影响

    Effects of the revised 2008 and 2010 FIBA rules on basketball

  5. 而与美国NBA相比,中国职业篮球运动起步较晚,在赛制管理、技术、战术等方面,暴露出许多不足。

    Compared with NBA , Chinese professional basketball sports has a late start and has a short come in management , technique , and tactics .

  6. 运动寿命是一个系统的、复杂的、动态的过程,CBA运动员运动寿命的长短反映了我国篮球运动水平的高低。

    The span of sport life is a complicate , developing and systematic process , and the length of CBA athlete 's sport span reflects our country 's basketball level .

  7. 在篮球运动方面,最重要的竞赛是六日竞标赛,2005年SuncityDragons赢得ShellRimula挑战赛奖牌。

    In basketball the most prominent competition is a six-date tournament , the Shell Rimula Challenge Trophy , won by Suncity Dragons in2005 .

  8. 通过对足、篮球运动技术掌握过程中肢体对侧迁移的观察,采用半径误差(RadialError,RE)和命中率对迁移效果进行评定,找寻肢体对侧迁移不对称性的方向。

    By observing bilateral transfer which occurs while students learning football and basketball skills , this paper tries to use Radial Error ( RE ) and percentage of hits to evaluate the effect of bilateral transfer and to find out the asymmetrical direction of the bilateral transfer .

  9. 显然,研究NBA,学习其先进的技术、战术将会带动我国篮球运动的发展,促进运动员竞技能力水平的提高。

    Undoubtedly , studying NBA game and learning from NBA 's advanced skills and tactics will help to promote the development of China 's basketball game and the increase of the athletic level of Chinese players .

  10. 虽然与世界最高水平的NBA联赛相比,我们还有许多需要完善的地方,但它所呈现出的发展势头完全符合世界篮球运动发展的趋势。

    Although there were still problems needed to perfect , compared with the NBA leagues of the highest level of the world , the development tendency of the CBA leagues completely accord with that of the basketball of the world .

  11. 根据CBA竞赛制度,系统地概括CBA主客场赛季制的特点,并根据其特点探索CBA主客场赛季制训练原则,皆在为提高CBA球队训练质量,提高我国篮球运动水平提供有益的理论参考。

    According to competing institution of CBA , we systematically summarize Characteristics and Principles of Training for a basketball Home-away Match Season . The purpose is to provide a reference theory for improving quality of training and improving basketball level of China .

  12. 旨在完善赛制,为CUBA的良性发展创造有利条件,同时也为了提高高校篮球运动技术水平,促进篮球运动在各高校协调、健康的发展。

    It is designed to create a conducive environment for the healthy development of CUBA by improving its present system and to promote the technical standard of the basketball sports of colleges and ( universities ) so that basketball sports can develop in a coordinating and healthy manner .

  13. 投篮技术就是篮球运动准确性的最直接的体现。

    The shooting technology is cage game accurate most direct manifestation .

  14. 对篮球运动假动作技术特征的教学与训练研究

    On Technical Characteristic of Feint in Basketball Game in Teaching Practice

  15. 大专院校体育专业与非体育专业男生对篮球运动兴趣的调研分析

    A Survey and Study on the Basketball Interest of College Students

  16. 我一直以为这是篮球运动营的运动衫。

    I always thought it was his jersey from basketball camp .

  17. 中国篮球运动可持续发展制约因素分析

    Analysis on the Restriction Factors of Chinese Basketball 's Sustainable Development

  18. 学生篮球运动技能的诊断与评价方法的研究

    The study of diagnose and evaluate on basketball skills of students

  19. 关于我国篮球运动发展出路的探讨

    A Probe into the Way of Development of the National Basketball

  20. 我国篮球运动防守技、战术现状及亟待解决问题的研究

    On the Defending Technique and Tactics of Basketball-sports in Our Country

  21. 大学生健心篮球运动处方的探讨

    Discussion about Mental Health Prescription of Basketball Activities for College Students

  22. 北京市城区群众篮球运动开展现状与影响因素研究

    Research of Beijing City Masses Basketball Movement Status and Influencing Factors

  23. (篮球运动中的)投篮这个球掉进篮下罚球区。

    Shoot at the basket The ball dropped into the key .

  24. 上海市篮球运动的现状及对策

    Status Quo of Basketball in Shanghai and Measures for Its Development

  25. 篮球运动中的髌骨劳损及处理

    The Kneecap Strain and the Treatment of It in Basketball Game

  26. 我国三人制篮球运动的开展状况及对策研究

    A Research on Development and Strategy of Three Vs Three Basketball Game

  27. 现代篮球运动的进攻与防守对抗激烈,在进攻中能控制好比赛节奏就能获得比赛的主动权。

    There are fierce attacks and defenses in modern basketball .

  28. 论现代篮球运动的技战术特点

    On the Technical and Strategic Features in Modern Basketball Games

  29. 篮球运动竞技能力结构特征及非衡补偿

    The Characteristics of Basketball Athletic Ability and Unbalanced - compensation

  30. 武汉市社会体育篮球运动活动形式调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Social Basketball Activity Forms in Wuhan