
ɡuǎn lǐ tiáo lì
  • Management regulations;regulations on administration
  1. 《取水许可和水资源费征收管理条例》的颁布实施是水法规建设的重大成果,对促进水资源合理开发利用,推进节水型社会建设具有重要作用。

    The promulgation of the Regulations on Administration of Water abstract Licensing and Collection of Water Resources Charges is a big achievement made in water legislation , which plays an important role in encouraging rational utilization and establishing water-saving society .

  2. 根据《导游管理条例》,导游人员可以分为两类:一类是与旅行社签订劳动合同的旅行社导游;一类是在导游服务机构登记注册的社会导游。

    According to Regulations on Administration of Tour Guides , there are two kinds of tour guides : One of them concludes the labor contract and establishes labor relationship with travel agency . One of them just registers with a tour guide service agencies .

  3. 含酒精饮料的销售管理条例

    regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages

  4. 目前,中国政府正在制定全国性的易制毒化学品管理条例

    At present , the Chinese government is formulating nationwide regulations on the control of such chemicals .

  5. 在即将加入WTO之际,我国已建立了电信管制机构,出台了电信管理条例,做好了组织和法律上的准备。

    On verge of entering WTO , China has already made preparation in respect to organization and law by establishing the telecom regulation authorities and Telecom Supervision Regulation .

  6. 结合《收费公路管理条例》和我省有关高速公路项目投资人招标的有关规定,对公路BOT投资建设模式中的特许经营竞标管理问题进行了探讨。

    Combined with the relative specification of expressway project bidding , the paper discussed the competitive bidding management of BOT construction model .

  7. 莱茵和意昂对将Horizon售予何方有最终发言权,但竞购方应满足英国在反应堆设计等方面的核能管理条例,才有资格被纳入考虑范围。

    RWE and Eon will have the final say on who they sell Horizon to , but the bidders will have to satisfy UK nuclear regulations , for example on reactor design , in order to be considered .

  8. 国家广播电视总局表示,BBC世界新闻台涉华报道有关内容严重违反《广播电视管理条例》《境外卫星电视频道落地管理办法》有关规定。

    The National Radio and Television Administration says BBC World News was found to have seriously violated regulations on radio and television management and on overseas satellite television channel management in its China-related reports .

  9. FES-DP系统主要包括加热炉运行参数及炉管数据模块、金相组织图谱模块、装置管理条例模块和评估模块四个模块。

    FES-DP mainly consists of four modules : the module of operation parameters and materials database , the module of metallographic photos , the module of the equipment operation rules and the assessment module .

  10. 遵守行业协会管理条例促进玩具产业健康发展

    Comply with the industry association ordinances promote toy industry healthy development

  11. 《辽宁省会计管理条例》与《会计法》的比较

    Contrast between Regulations of Liaoning Provincial Accounting Management and Accounting Law

  12. 《山西省档案管理条例》出台

    The Regulations of Archival Management of Shanxi Province Has Come Out

  13. 2003年6月,国务院出台了全国性的《物业管理条例》,对区分所有物业的管理进行了明确的规范。

    2003 , the State Council issued the Property Management Regulations .

  14. 捕杀珍贵动物有严格的管理条例。

    There are strict rules governing the killing of precious animals .

  15. 关于《排污费征收使用管理条例》的几点思考

    Reflections on Ordinance of Pollutant Discharge Feeing Collection , Use and Management

  16. 随后,其他特殊产品召回管理条例也相继颁布。

    Subsequently , on other special product recall management regulations are promulgated .

  17. 地名管理条例实施细则海船船员考试发证规则实施细则

    Implementing Rules for the Regulations Governing Examination and Certification for Marine Officers

  18. 各公司指责这是由于环境管理条例以及从中国进口的成本很低。

    Companies blamed environmental rules and low-priced imports from China .

  19. 贯彻技术服务管理条例推进避孕节育知情选择

    Implement Management Ordinance of Technical Service and Promote Informed Choice on Contraception

  20. 各级政府根据辖地具体情况,颁布各种管理条例、办法,全省总计60多种;

    Promulgation of more than 60 management regulations and measures ;

  21. 建筑节能管理条例(征求意见稿)

    Architectural Energy Saving Management Regulations ( SOLICIT OPINION DRAFT )

  22. 加快财政转移支付管理条例等的立法进程。

    Enactment of the Regulations on Managing Transfer Payments will be expedited .

  23. 中华人民共和国工业产品生产许可证管理条例

    The PRC Administration Regulations on Industrial Product Manufacturing Permission License

  24. 国有企业监督管理条例

    Regulation on the supervision and management of the state-owned enterprises

  25. 山西省档案管理条例

    The Regulations of the Archival Management of Shanxi Province

  26. 《外资银行管理条例》五大亮点

    Five striking characteristics of Regulations of Foreign Bank Administration

  27. 搞好建设工程质量的有力武器&论《建设工程质量管理条例》的颁布

    Study of Issue of Construction Engineering Quality Control Rules

  28. 易制毒化学品管理条例非药品类易制毒化学品生产、经营许可办法

    Manufacture and Operation Permit Regulations for Non-Pharmaceutical-Grade Chemicals Used in Making Illicit Drugs

  29. 但是,管理条例的有效实施往往仍然是一个极富挑战性的问题。

    Often , however , effective implementation of regulations remains a challenging issue .

  30. 同时,管理条例中所纳入的商品范围也有所扩大。

    They also cover a wider range of products .