
  1. 随着我国铁路隧道的大量修建,对管棚钻机的需求也越来越大。

    With a large number of railway tunnel construction , the demand of pipe-roof rig is growing .

  2. 目前国内能够生产专用管棚钻机的厂家非常少,并且其产品无论从性能上还是效率上都跟国外差距很大。

    There are only a few factories which can produce pipe-roof rig presently at home , however , both performance and efficiency of domestic products are badly behind foreign products .

  3. 管棚钻机作为隧道施工中管棚超前支护的专用设备,由于其技术的先进性以及施工的高效性,在国外隧道施工中的应用越来越广泛。

    Pipe-roof rig is the special equipment in the tunnel construction of pipe-roof advance support , because of its technological superiority and efficient construction , it is getting more and more extensive application in the tunnel construction .

  4. 管棚支护台车钻机动力头的动态特性仿真研究

    Dynamic Characteristic Simulation Study on Drill Power Pack of Forepoling Rig

  5. 作为管棚超前支护法中使用最多、最关键的设备之一,管棚钻机的作用是沿着隧道断面外轮廓超前钻进并安设管棚。

    As one of the most critical facilities , pipe-roof rig services most in the pre-reinforcement . The role of rig is to erect pipe roof along the tunnel outline .