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suàn ɡuà
  • Divination;tell fortune;tell sb.'s fortune or divine by using the Eight Trigrams
算卦 [suàn guà]
  • [practise divination] 迷信的人按照卦象推算事情吉凶

  1. 我猜它们是算卦或占卜用的。

    I guess they were used for Suan Gua .

  2. 最著名的算卦方式是看水晶球。

    One of the most famous methods involves gazing into a crystal ball .

  3. 韩佳,据我所知啊,这《周易》它只是一部算卦的书。

    Han Jia , to my knowledge , the Book of Changes is about divination .

  4. 在这个问题上,艾伦有个想法,他想到一种算卦式的图灵机,一个这种机器对应着一个不可解的问题(比如判定一个序数公式),

    no way of pinning down exactly what was going on . One nice touch on the side was his idea of an ' oracle ' Turing machine , one which would have the property of being able to answer one particular unsolvable problem ( like recognising an ordinal formula ) .