
  • 网络Jenson;jensen;Janson
  1. 简森认为公众公司最大的缺点在于经济学家所谓的“委托代理问题”:实际拥有公司的人(委托人)和实际运作公司的人(代理人)一分为二。

    Mr Jensen argues that their biggest drawback is what economists call the principal-agent problem : the split between the people who own the company ( principals ) and those who run it ( agents ) .

  2. 它首先寄望于简森・巴顿(JensonButton)的新搭档凯文・马格努森(KenvinMagnussen)。

    And that starts with Jenson Button 's new partner , Kevin Magnussen .

  3. 他们为缉拿简森出了一大笔钱。

    They put a hunk of money on jameson 's head .

  4. 简森已经创立了400米新的世界记录。

    Jansen has set up a new world record for the400 metres .

  5. 周四是试车的最后一天,简森加入了试车行列。

    Jenson joined the team on Thursday for the final day of the test .

  6. 简森-巴顿:不,不是在这个周末。

    JB : No , not this weekend .

  7. 试车第三天,天气温暖而晴朗,简森•巴顿参加了试车。

    Warm and sunny conditions greeted the arrival of Jenson Button for day three of the test .

  8. 菲比一脚踏两船:魁梧的消防员文思和多情的教师简森。

    Phoebe dates two guys : Vince , a burly fireman , and Jason , a sensitive teacher .

  9. 简森-巴顿:和摩纳哥以及前几场比赛相比,我们不会突然拥有飞跃。

    Jenson button : we 're not going to suddenly jump forward compared to Monaco and the previous few races .

  10. 简森和我都知道怎样做才能在这儿登上领奖台,就让我们期待我们明天能够做到吧。

    Both Jenson and I know the way to the podium here so let 's hope we can repeat that tomorrow .

  11. 我们的车整场表现都不错,然而简森和鲁本斯表示,他们的车子在最后都出现了严重转向不足的问题。

    Our car is working well around this circuit although both Jenson and Rubens experienced too much understeer on their final runs .

  12. 就在我们解决这个问题后,费斯很快就追上了简森(巴顿),而且向他施加压力。

    As soon as we did , Fisi caught Jenson ( Button ) very quickly , and put some pressure on him .

  13. “怪物史莱克”的导演维姬简森通过拍摄2003年的短片“家庭树”使她沉重的动画事业得到扭转。

    " Shrek " director Vicky Jenson added a twist to her animation-heavy career by making the short " Family Tree " in2003 .

  14. “未命名的斯坦简森项目”一集中讲道里兹曾在四年级时迷上了他。

    In the episode " The Untitled Stan Jenson Project ," it was revealed that Lizzie had a crush on him in the fourth grade .

  15. 这也许是简森-巴顿的首次胜利,但本田在匈牙利大奖赛上的胜利并不是日本车队的第一次。

    It may have been Jenson Button 's maiden win , but Honda 's Hungarian Grand Prix triumph wasn 't the Japanese team 's first .

  16. 这架“直-奥威尔”目前正在阿姆斯特丹的昆斯特莱艺术节上展览,简森说他的目的在于向他挚爱的猫表示敬意。

    Jansen said the " Orvillecopter , " which is being displayed at the Kunstrai art festival in Amsterdam , is a tribute to his beloved pet .

  17. 在当前的世界冠军简森。巴顿离开前布朗车队加入汉密尔顿所在的麦克拉伦后,舒马赫同尼克。罗斯伯格一起为梅赛德斯出战。

    Schumacher will race alongside Nico Rosberg at Mercedes , after current world champion Jenson Button left the former Brawn GP team to join Lewis Hamilton at McLaren .

  18. 芬兰人表示,他对赛车在一开始甩开了巴里切罗并在第四圈被简森-巴顿插入之后的表现感到不满,但同意赛车在伊莫拉之后有了改进。

    The Finn said he was unhappy with the performance of the car after beating Barrichello away at the start and diving by Jenson Button on the fourth lap , but agreed that it was an improvement over imola .

  19. 而简森巴顿这边,他发现他的车“难以驾驶”,并一定会努力捡一些和他前十场比赛表现不相匹配的积分数量。

    As for Jenson Button , he found his car " undriveable " and will have to work hard even to salvage a few points from a race that has rarely been good to him during his10 previous appearances .