- 名Signed by;subscriber

Remove all other CA signers from the trust store .
When the keyring is first created , it will be loaded up with a number of default CA signer certificates .
Switch to the Signer Certificates tab and delete all unnecessary signers .
Delete all signer certificates from the Signer Certificates tab .
For instance , if one specifies a truststore by using its Java System property , if a valid signer is not found in the truststore , search will not continue on afterward .
These are data constructs digitally signed by some signer ( typically a Certificate Authority , but public keys can be self-signed ) .
Huang et al . proposed an efficient threshold proxy signature with known signers ( denoted as HC scheme ) .
This is done to limit the WebSphere MQ trust domain to only those clients presenting a certificate whose signer is the one we expect : WebSphere Application Server .
Therefore , the signer of the server certificate must have a PKC stored in the truststore of the client .
Now , add the WebSphere Application Server client signer by clicking the Add button , then select Import from a file , browse to was_jms_client . arm , and add the certificate .
After analyzing these schemes , they found that the signer need to trust a Trusted-Authority ( we called TA ) in th .
In addition , recall that it is important to guarantee that the signer of a SOAP message is always the same as the sender of the message .
If you remove the public key from the queue manager 's truststore ( under signer certificates , remove was_jms_client ), you will get a JMS connection error again .
To guard against such an attack , root and signer certificates based on the MD5 hash should not be trusted .
Note that the mail owner is the agent signer , as well as the " on behalf of " value ( Rain Cloud / Lily ), because the mail owner directly enabled the agent .
We now need to extract the jmsclient certificate and place it in the trust file for WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere MQ , so that they can both use it as a signer .
Constructed on PKI , ring signature requires no pre-defined group , no manager , and no group public key ; It allows unconditional anonymity , and can be implemented efficiently .
Each key in the keystore can be identified by an alias , which is typically the name of the signer who owns the key .
When using JSSE for SSL communication , one needs to maintain the set of trusted signer certificates in a local store , hence the name truststore .
Aiming at the flaw , an appointed multi-receiver Chameleon signature scheme is proposed that is advantageous in protecting the interests of the signer .
In my experiments I have assumed that certification carries the semantics of the signer endorsing the statements in the contained FOAF file .
We propose an efficient partially restrictive blind signature protocol to modify the format of blind transforming for both receiver and signer .
They also accepted " a responsibility to partner with communities where the effects of rapidly changing technologies have hurt our fellow Americans . " Among those signing were Aileen Lee , a venture capitalist ;
They Sydney mother was the 56th signatory to an online petition started by a U.S. woman , Isis Martinez , imploring the media to stop using the acronym ISIS for the group .
The more than 100 signatories have joined the call for governments and private bodies to accelerate asteroid tracking greatly , including 34 US and Russian astronauts , and scientists such as the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins .
16 . We , the undersigned , inform you that the partnership lately existing between us and Mr. R.P. , under the style of Messrs. R.P. & Co. , has been dissolved by mutual consent , as from the above date .
Analysis results show the two schemes can resist forgery attacks and conspired attacks ( including KGC ), and can meet with the requirements of unconditional anonymity of signers .
This paper Analyzes the maneuverability of HLL scheme , and proves that HLL scheme exist disfigurement badly , the proxy signers can not bring signatures .
While the WASServerKeyFile is used for private keys , we need a trust file which will be will be used for validating signers .
If not , check the access level of the signer .