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  • discourse on politics;questions and themes;discourse on polities;a type of essay in feudal China
策论 [cè lùn]
  • [discourse on polities;a type of essay in feudal China] 古时指议论当前政治问题、向朝廷献策的文章。清末科举废八股文,用策论代替

策论[cè lùn]
  1. 在有多个出口时,疏散人员根据对策论选择出口

    Moreover , for multi-exits , evacuees select a exit based on game theory .

  2. 东亚国际工程承包劳务市场现状及我对策论加入WTO对我国对外工程承包业的影响

    INTERNATIONAL CONTRACTING BUSINESS IN EAST ASIA On the Influence to the International Contracting for Construction Industries After China Joined WTO

  3. 它起源于经济问题,与著名的Stackelberg对策论有着紧密的联系。

    It stems from the economical problem , and has close relation with the well-known Stackelberg game .

  4. 本文讨论比MDI问题更普遍的带有二次约束和熵密度约束的广义熵密度规划问题,这两类问题在信息论、统计力学、对策论和保险业中有着广泛的应用。

    More general quadratic constraints and entropy constrains of the density programming will be dealt with in this article .

  5. 用对策论的Stackelberg平衡理论研究了Proxy-Users系统中Proxy和Users之间分配收入问题。

    The problem of revenue distributions between Proxy and Users in the system of Proxy-Users is studied by using Stackelberg strategy theories of game .

  6. 为了深入了解我国加入WTO对国内市场的冲击,在开放经济环境中利用对策论和微分技术手段,分析了贸易政策的调整和在不同贸易模式下的横向兼并对多方经济利益的影响。

    For helping to understand deeply the impact of China 's entering WTO on its domestic market , this paper applied the theory of game and differential technology to analyze the social effects of trade policies ' adjustment and horizontal mergers under different trade modes in open economy environment .

  7. 本文研究企业破产问题,利用对策论方法讨论破产企业的财产分配方式,给出了顺序比例规则,在一定条件下,得到3人破产对策的C-值,σ-值,Ap规则一致。

    Making use of game theory , we discuss distributive patterns of bankruptcy enterprises property . The order proportion rule is given . Under some conditions , we obtain that c value ,σ value , Ap rule of a three-person bankruptcy game are identical .

  8. 在最近的一次国际对策论会议上,Shapley教授提出了一种新的谈判集概念。这种谈判集避开了单个局中人之间的谈判,从而对于具有无限多局中人的对策也有意义。

    In a recent international conference on Game Theory , Professor Shapley presented a new bargaining set concept , which avoid bargaining among players , and so can be generalized to the games with infinitely many players .

  9. 介绍了模型在大气环境污染防治多元决策领域中的应用实例。3S技术为对策论模型提供科学决策数据,有效地解决对策论应用中的瓶颈问题。

    The practical example is introduced about the application of the model and it is indicated that 3S technology can provide the data for the scientific decision-making on the game theory model and solve the bottleneck problem of the game theory applications in an effective way .

  10. 在多媒体通信系统中引入代理服务器,使其成为Server-Agents-Users系统,并用对策论的Stackelberg理论研究该系统。

    Agents server is introduced into the multimedia communication systems , and the systems are called Server-Agents-Users multimedia communication systems . It is studied by using Stackelberg strategy of game theories .

  11. 本文针对我们提出的用于S12程控交换机的新的路由选择策略,给出基于对策论的链路选择的预测决策模型。

    In the paper , arming at the new routing selecting strategy we presented and to be used in S12 programming exchanger , a prediction-decision model of links selecting based on game-theory was given out .

  12. 二人有限零和对策问题是对策论问题中最基本的一种,论文利用线性规划和对策论的相关定理,证明了线性规划求解该对策的可行性,并结合Spreadsheet方法给出使用计算机具体求解方法。

    The two-person finite zero-sum game is a basic problem in game theory . This paper demonstrates the feasibility of linear programming method in the solution of the problem by using related theorems in linear programming and game theory and Spreadsheet method . Concrete computer-based solutions are given .

  13. 将给出证券组合投资分析的一个对策论方法。

    This paper presents a game theory approach for portfolio selection .

  14. 策论是历代科举考试中最重要的文体之一。

    Ce-lun is the most important style of Imperial Examinations .

  15. 对策论在广告决策定量分析中的应用研究

    Application of game theory in quantitative analysis of advertising decision

  16. 基于对策论的威胁评估模型

    A Model for the Threat Assessment Based on Game Theory

  17. 基于对策论的群机器人追捕-逃跑问题研究

    Group robot pursuit - evasion problem based on game theory

  18. 浅论网络信息污染及其防治对策论网络信息与检索

    Discussion on Internet Information Pollution and Countermeasures On Internet Information and Searches

  19. 对策论及其在雷达电子对抗中的应用研究

    The Game-Theory and its Application Research in Radar Electronic Warfare

  20. 基于对策论的防空兵防护效能分析

    Protection Efficiency Analysis of Air-Defense Forces Based on Countermeasure Theory

  21. 用软对策论分析均衡价格的形成机制

    Analysis of the Scheme of Price Equilibrium with Drama Theory

  22. 对策论中最优策略搜索的协同进化演化算法

    Finding optimal strategy in game theory utilizing coevolution evolutionary algorithm

  23. 湖北文化资源转化策论

    A Strategic Analysis of the Cultural Resource Transformation in Hubei

  24. 网络经济信息的量子对策论分析

    The Analysis on the Quantized Game Theory of the Network Economy Information

  25. 基于对策论的鲁棒输出反馈控制器设计

    An approach by game theory to design of robust output feedback controllers

  26. 系统环境营造与房产营销大型建筑企业集团发展房产经营策论

    Discussion on the Development of Real Estate Business for Large Construction Enterprise Group

  27. 贝斯策论模识别、号测非常广泛应。

    Bayesian decision theory is widely used in pattem recognition and signal detection .

  28. 对策论在航空反潜搜索效能评估中的应用研究

    Application of Game Theory in Efficiency Evaluating about Aviation Anti-Submarine Warfare Searching Game

  29. 对策论在水库优化问题中的应用

    Application of the Game theory in Reservoir Optimization Scheduling

  30. 对策论在企业破产问题中的应用

    Application of Game Theory for Bankruptcy Problems of Enterprises