
  • 网络Allele frequency;allelic frequency;allele frequence
  1. 等位基因频率在鉴别模棱两可HLA基因型中的应用价值分析

    Application Value of Allele Frequencies in Direct Identification of Ambiguous HLA Genotypes

  2. 结果:MMP-9基因-1562C/T多态性位点的基因型和等位基因频率在病例组和对照组儿童中的分布无明显差别。

    RESULTS : The genotype distributions and allele frequencies of MMP-9-1562C / T gene polymorphisms were similar in gastric upper gastrointestinal disease and healthy subjects .

  3. 63例正常人C等位基因频率C为4%。

    C allele frequences were 4 % in 63 normal subjects .

  4. P、S等位基因频率分别为70.15%和29.85%,这种基因多态性分布无性别差异(P>0.05)。

    The allele gene frequency of P is 70.15 % , S is 29.85 % .

  5. A、B两种等位基因频率分别为43.75%和56.25%;

    The frequency of A allele gene was 43.75 % and B was 56.25 % .

  6. 携带A和G等位基因频率与基因型分布频率相同。

    A and G allele carrying genotype frequency and the same frequency .

  7. 随机漂移亚群体等位基因频率分布的假定及在DNA指纹数据中的应用

    A Supposed Distribution for Random Drift Substructure of Population and Its Application in DNA Fingerprinting Date

  8. 载脂蛋白E等位基因频率与脑卒中相关性研究

    Study on the correlation between the frequency of the apolipoprotein E polymorphism and cerebral apoplexy

  9. 总样本中,K、E等位基因频率分别为0.29、0.71。

    In total specimen , allele frequencies of K and E were 0.29 and 0.71 , respectively .

  10. 双链置换探针实时PCR用于DNA池的等位基因频率测定

    Determination of Allele Frequency of Pooled DNA by Double - stranded Displacing Probe - based Real Time PCR

  11. G等位基因频率在老年性痴呆组中和正常对照者组中分别为41.8%和46.6%。

    The G allele frequency was 41.8 % in patients with AD and 46.6 % in control subjects .

  12. 等位基因频率与哮喘组及健康组比较差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    There was no significant difference in the allele frequency of CVA compared with asthma control and healthy control group ( P 0.05 ) .

  13. 等位基因频率的分布以A等位基因最多见(0.85),其次为G等位基因(0.15)。

    The frequency of A allele was the commonest ( 0.85 ), followed by G allele ( 0.15 ) .

  14. 载脂蛋白E等位基因频率的种族差异&中国人群与西方人群的比较

    Studies on Racial Difference in Distribution of apoE Phenotypes and Frequencies of apoE Alleles-Comparison of Chinese and Western Populations

  15. A、G等位基因频率分别为43.71%和56.29%;

    Results The frequency of Protein Z promoter A-13G A and G alleles were 43.71 % and 56.29 % respectively .

  16. 结论:TNFβ等位基因频率在正常人分布具有种族差异,但在SLE病人分布无种族差异。

    But there are no differences in SLE patients between the different race .

  17. A等位基因频率在两牦牛品种中都相对于B等位基因频率较高,为优势等位基因;

    Frequency of the allele A , which is the dominate allele , is higher than that of the allele B in both yak breeds ;

  18. SLE患者TNFB-2等位基因频率分析

    Analysis of Frequency of TNF ? B-2 Allele in SLE Patients

  19. 载脂蛋白E(apoE)遗传表型在中国人群中的分布及其等位基因频率

    The distribution of apoE Phenotypes and the Frequencies of their Allels in Chinese Population

  20. PCR产物直接测序法鉴定基因型,基因型和等位基因频率采用直接计数法,并进行Hardy-Weiberg平衡检测。

    The direct count method was used for calculating the frequency of allele and genotype and Hardy-Weinberg test was made .

  21. 结果:在正常男性和男性不育患者组之间,RAD51基因135G/C的等位基因频率和基因型频率均无显著性差异(P值均大于0.05)。

    Results : No significant differences in allele and genotype frequencies of SNP 135G / C between infertile patients and controls were observed ( P > 0.05 ) .

  22. 出血性卒中T等位基因频率为41.4%,C等位基因频率为58.6%;

    The frequency of two alleles were follows : T , 41.4 % ; C , 58.6 % in hemorrhagic stroke patients and T , 54.2 % ;

  23. 我国地方猪种清平猪、小梅山猪、金华猪ESR基因B等位基因频率都较高,分别为0.884、0.744、0.617;

    The gene frequency of allele B in Qingping , small Meishan , Jinhua was 0.884 、 0.744 、 0.617 respectively .

  24. HLA血型遗传。HLA是人类白细胞抗原系统。福建地区造血干细胞捐献者HLA等位基因频率分析

    HLA system heredity Allele frequency of human leukocyte antigen among hematopoietic stem cell donors in Fujian province

  25. 结果FcγRⅢB基因型分布及等位基因频率在3组间差异无显著性。

    Results There were no significant genotype distribution differences of Fc γ R ⅲ B between any two of the three subject groups .

  26. 脑梗死组T等位基因频率为58.82%,对照组为36.36%;脑梗死组T/T纯合基因型频率及T等位基因频率明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。

    The frequency of T allele in cerebral infarction patients was 58.82 % , significantly higher than that of normal individuals which was only 36.36 % ( P < 0.01 ) .

  27. 对3个STR基因座的等位基因频率进行了调查分析,并与其他汉族人群的等位基因频率进行了比较。

    The allele frequencies were compared with other Han populations .

  28. 该位点各基因型频率和等位基因频率在哈萨克族高血压组和正常对照组的分布差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The frequency of genotype in EH group was significantly different from that in NT group in Kazakh population ( P0.05 ) .

  29. 结果:在OA病例组和对照组中rs8044769等位基因频率和基因型频率并无显著差异(P0.05)。

    No significant difference was detected in genotype or allele distribution between OA case and control groups ( all P0.05 ) .

  30. CHD患者总体和分类型的基因型频率和等位基因频率与对照组相比差异无显著性;

    No difference was observed in total and CHD type-dependent genotype distribution and allele frequency between patients and control .