
  1. 马哈拉诺比斯模型在印度第二个五年计划中的应用与教训

    The Mahalanobis Planning Pattern : Its Application in India and the Lessons

  2. 我看,这个问题的影响,不在第一个五年计划,而是在第二个五年计划,也许还在第三个五年计划。

    In my view , its effects will be felt not during the First Five-Year Plan , but during the Second , or perhaps the Third .

  3. 依我看,第一个五年计划期内建成合作社,第二个五年计划期内合作社能得到巩固,那就很好了。

    In my view , we will be doing well enough if the co-operatives can be consolidated during the Second Five-Year Plan after being established in the First .

  4. 他指出在2003年,美国成为最大的单一捐助者后,盖茨的捐助仅解决了基金第二个五年计划的资金问题。

    He noted that the Gates contribution was only the second five-year commitment to the Fund , after that made in2003 by the United States , the biggest single contributor .

  5. 香港特殊教育第二个五年发展计划

    Second Five-year Development Programme for Special Education in Hong Kong

  6. 国营农业在第二第三两个五年计划时期内将有大规模的发展。

    There will be a big growth in state-operated agriculture during the period covered by the Second and Third Five-Year Plans .