
ɡāo děnɡ xué xiào
  • institutions of higher learning
高等学校 [gāo děng xué xiào]
  • [colleges and universities] 大学、专门学院和专科学校的统称。简称高校

  1. 高等学校形象的建树与传播

    Setting Up and Spread the Image of Institutions of Higher Learning

  2. 高等学校构建校院两级管理模式若干问题

    Considerations about the Two-level Management Mode at Institutions of Higher Learning

  3. 这所大学的全体人员招待了来自另一所高等学校的参观者。

    The University played hosts to their visitors from another institute .

  4. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  5. 提高普通高等学校的教学质量,是我国加入WTO和进入高等教育大众化阶段后不容忽视的问题。

    It is an important problem for the common university to improve the teaching quality since China joining the WTO and entering popularize stage in higher education .

  6. 本文在进行传统CAI和网络型CAI的比较基础上,对高等学校CAI网络课程的开发从作用定位、理论应用及规范性方面给予相应的论述。

    The text discusses altitude schools CAI Network Course research and exploitation from action orientation , theory apply and criterion , base on compare of tradition CAI and network CAI .

  7. 最后,为我省科研绩效非DEA有效的高等学校提出了具有针对性的改进建议。

    Finally , using the DEA model puts forward targeted recommendations for improvement for high education institutions in our province without the DEA efficient performance evaluation on scientific research .

  8. 高等学校引入ISO9000质量认证是提高高等学校教育质量的一种有效方法,提供了一条我国高等学校与国际接轨的途径。

    Colleges ' quality attestation by introducing ISO9000 is an effective approach to improve colleges ' education quality and provides a way to coordinate with the world .

  9. 利用SWOT分析工具,进行战略定位,提出民办普通高等学校如何打造核心竞争力的战略制定及选择。

    And with SWOT analysis tool , it also presents the strategic establishment and selection of how Chinese non-governmental colleges and universities create their core competency in the higher education market .

  10. 进入20世纪末,e-learning时代对于高等学校的教育观念、教学方式、教育技术、教学管理等方面都提出了新的要求。

    The epoch of E-learning has brought forward some new requirements to the higher education in many aspects , such as educational concept , didactical mode , educational technology and didactical management .

  11. 介绍了应用Delphi开发《普通高等学校学生体质健康标准管理系统》的目的、设计过程和关键技术,并在实践中进行大样本数据检验和研究。

    The purpose , designing process , key technology of The Standards of Students ' Physical Quality Managing System in Colleges which designed by Delphi were introduced . And big-sample data experiments to test its efficiency .

  12. 只有通过加强师资建设,调动教师参与E-Learning与传统教学的整合,才能推动E-Learning在高等学校教育教学中广泛应用。

    So only through strengthening the construction of qualified teachers , inspiring teachers to combine E-Learning and the traditional way of teaching can we motivate the wide application of E-Learning in the course of higher education .

  13. 高等学校;人力资源管理;模糊综合评判;

    Higher School ; Human Resources management ; Fuzz synthesis appraisal ;

  14. 关于高等学校院系资料室文献资源建设的思考

    Thoughts on Document Resource Construction for College and University Reference Room

  15. 激励原则:高等学校思想政治教育工作的驱动力

    Encouraging Principle is the Ideological and Political Education Work at Colleges

  16. 高等学校办学特色的生成机制研究

    Research on Formative Mechanism of School-Running Feature in Colleges and Universities

  17. 高等学校课程资源共享研究

    A Study on Sharing of Curriculum Resources Among Colleges and Universities

  18. 高等学校人才培养模式改革

    Research on reforms of talents cultivation mode of colleges and universities

  19. 新世纪高等学校风险投资运作

    The Operation of Risk Investment in University at the New Century

  20. 高等学校信息的种类、特点及其发布

    Variety , Specialty and Issuance of Information in colleges and universities

  21. 学分制已成为高等学校教学管理制度发展趋势。

    Credit management system has become a trend in Higher Education .

  22. 龟足幼虫的室内培育条件高等学校学科特色培育的条件保障

    Conditional Safeguard for Cultivating the Subject Characteristics of Colleges / Universities

  23. 解读高等学校的法律法规授权的组织资格&以田永诉北京科技大学案为范本展开的分析

    On the Qualification of University as An Organization Authorized by Law

  24. 民族高等学校学生欠缴学费问题探讨

    Students Owing Tuition of University ( or College ) for Nationality

  25. 浅谈高校人才流失的预防策略地方普通高等学校办学定位探讨

    Local Universities and Colleges ' Precautionary Measures Against Outflow of Talent

  26. 普通高等学校体育课程学习评价的研究

    Research on Study Evaluation of PE Lesson in General Higher-learning Institutions

  27. 新的《普通高等学校学生管理制度规定》确立了学生申诉制度。

    New Rules for Regular College Students establishes the Student Complaint System .

  28. 高等学校的教学质量与科学管理

    Teaching Quality and Its Scientific Management at Higher Learning Institution

  29. 高等学校计算数学学报第28卷2006年总目次

    Numerical Mathematics A Journal of Chinese universities Vol.28 2006 contents

  30. 高等学校管理的规范与标准初探

    To Study on the Norms and Standards of University Management