
dì sān guó
  • third state
  1. 条约对第三国的效力及其最新发展

    The Validity of Treaty to the Third State and Its Latest Development

  2. 追逐只要没有中断,可以在中华人民共和国领海或者毗连区外继续进行。在被追逐的船舶进入其本国领海或者第三国领海时,追逐终止。

    The pursuit , if not interrupted , may be continued outside the territorial sea or the contiguous zone until the ship pursued enters the territorial sea of its own country or of a third State .

  3. 这场争端通过第三国的斡旋而得以解决。

    The dispute was settled by mediation of the third country .

  4. 这个条约不针对任何第三国。

    The treaty is not directed against any third country .

  5. 他们保证不会有通过第三国进行包围的事

    They gave a pledge that there would be no circumvention via third coutries .

  6. 混合型FDI与第三国效应:对东亚地区的经验研究

    Complex FDI and the Third-country Effect : Empirical Research of East-Asia Area

  7. FDI的混合型特征与区域贸易协定的第三国效应:对亚太地区的经验研究

    The Hybrid Characteristics of FDI and the Third-Country Effect of RTA : Study on Asia Pacific Area

  8. AGOA国家已运作下什么是所谓的第三国面料条款。

    AGOA countries have been operating under what is called a third-country fabric provision .

  9. 国际法院程序中第三国介入的规则和实践,不失为WTO争端解决程序中第三方介入问题的很好指南,实践中专家组在第三方介入权利范围上已经在向国际法院靠拢。

    By looking into the rules and practices of third party intervention in the procedure of International Court of Justice , this article makes it possible both a deeper comprehension and a bettering of the problem of third party intervention in the WTO dispute settlement proceedings .

  10. 设备材料运杂费:中国产设备材料按20%计算,第三国进口设备材料按土国cif价的10%计算。

    Freight and miscellaneous expenses of equipment and materials : equipment and materials made in China are calculated as20 % , equipment and materials imported from third countries are calculated as10 % of native CIF price .

  11. 当美国新任商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)本周抵达北京、代表美国贸易利益开展游说之际,他还担负着另一项代表第三国利益的使命。

    When Gary Locke , the new US Commerce Secretary , touched down in Beijing this week to lobby on behalf of American trade interests , he also carried with him a brief representing the interests of a third country .

  12. 这类假货通常会被转往第三国目的地。

    Such fake goods are often then transported to a third destination .

  13. 协调在第三国网络能力建设努力上的合作。

    Coordinating cooperation on cyber capacity-building efforts in third countries .

  14. 伊朗第三国外交战略的历史考察

    A Historical Review of Iran 's ' Third Power Diplomacy ' Strategy

  15. 您是否同意仲裁在第三国进行?

    Do you permit arbitration In a third country ?

  16. 他们还经过了中国寻求第三国的庇护。

    And they have gone through China to take refuge in a third country .

  17. 我们认为仲裁庭应由第三国的仲裁员组成。

    We think the arbitration court shall consist of arbitrator from a third country .

  18. 我们也不承担协调美苏针对第三国行动的义务。

    Nor would we undertake an obligation to concert US-Soviet actions toward third countries .

  19. 他们保证不会有通过第三国进行包围的事。

    They gave a pledge that there would be no circumvention via third countries .

  20. 试谈进口国是否应该代表第三国进行反补贴行动

    Whether Importer 's Country Should Take Countervailing Measures on Behalf of the Third Party

  21. 所有合同中都规定仲裁在第三国进行。

    With you , it was stipulated that arbitration took place in a third .

  22. 反倾销法中的第三国规避问题研究

    Research on Third Country Circumvention in Anti-dumping Law

  23. 代表第三国的反倾销行动

    Anti-Dumping Action on Behalf of a Third Country

  24. 传统做法上,我们的合同通常规定不在第三国进行仲裁。

    Traditionally , our contracts did not contain provision for arbitration in a third country .

  25. 俄气的商业模式涉及不透明合同,常常包含禁止转售给第三国的条款。

    Gazprom 's business model involves opaque contracts that often restrict onward sales to third countries .

  26. 这意味着当美元贬值时,第三国相对于中国的竞争力遭到削弱。

    That means that when the dollar weakens , third countries become less competitive relative to China .

  27. 这一伙伴关系将要求各成员同意第三国法庭来决定是否已经满足投资义务。

    The partnership will require members to agree to third-countrytribunalsto decide whether investment obligations have been met .

  28. 仲裁也可在双方都能接受的第三国进行。

    The arbitration may also be settled in a third country mutually agreed upon by both Parties.17 .

  29. 报告还说,朝鲜通过某个没有指明的第三国向伊朗输送违禁技术。

    N.sanctions , also said North Korea has transported banned technology to Iran through an unnamed third country .

  30. 他说,自从排外暴力发生以来,已经有数以千计的人返回本国,或者前往第三国。

    He says thousands have since returned to their countries of origin , or to a third country .