
  1. 从视角符号、人物符号、物品符号等方面分析《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》文本叙述者意旨传达的方式和效果。

    From angle of view , character and product sign , this thesis analyses Du Shiniang Angrily Throwing Priceless Treasure to River 's text idea and its idea aims of this narrator informing with result .

  2. 多样的叙事结构,独特的拍摄手法,符号化的人物,意向化的影像,这一切都为北野武的电影主题服务。

    Numerous narrating styles , special shot ways , symbol characters and imagery portraits , all of these were serving for the films'theme .

  3. 高校文化的内容包括:意识体系,制度性规范,行为基本模式,象征性符号和模范人物故事和传说等。

    The contents of university culture includes : the consciousness systems , the standard systems , the basic behavior molds , the university symbol and the stories of model .

  4. 神话传说经过漫长的流传和演变逐渐形成相对稳定的故事版本,包涵了高度象征化和符号化的人物形象、丰富的故事情节和特定的精神内涵。

    After a long spread and evolution , the myth gradually formed a relatively stable version . The story includes the highly symbolic , symbolic characters , rich storylines and a spiritual connotation .

  5. 论文主要论述了余华小说中的几类人物意象:符号化的人物意象、儿童意象、非正常人意象、父亲意象、女性意象。

    This paper mainly expounds on some character images in Yu Hua 's fiction as follows : the symbolized image , children images , the image of the abnormal , father image , female image , etc.

  6. 康伯巴奇花了很长时间谈论图灵的悲剧人生,以及自己近期来饰演的一系列激烈角色&他们都是符号式的虚构人物或真实人物。

    Cumberbatch talked for a long time about the tragedy of Turing 's life and about what has been a series of very intense roles , heavy on iconic fictional characters and real people .

  7. 本文选取小说《说吧,房间》中标题符号、空间符号、人物符号这三组修辞元素和话语这一修辞载体来作为研究对象。

    This paper selects three rhetorical elements of " speaking , room " - title symbols , space symbols , character symbols and rhetoric carrier which is known as the subjects of words .