
  • 网络compete for the post
  1. 方法对56名新竞聘上岗护士长及119名普通护士用状态-特质焦虑量表进行调查,并用SPSS软件进行统计分析。

    Method 56 new head nurses by position competition and 119 nurses were investigated with the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory ( STAI ), the data was analyzed using SPSS software .

  2. 护士长竞聘上岗的流程创新

    Innovation of the competition procedure in the selection of head nurses

  3. 一是首次实行项目经理竞聘上岗。

    One is the first execute project manager hired mount guard .

  4. 挂牌上课、竞聘上岗的拓展性研究

    An Expanded Study of Free Class Attendance Scheme by Adopting Competition

  5. 关于护士长竞聘上岗制度的实施与思考

    Implement and thinking over competitive employment system of head nurses

  6. 护理人员对竞聘上岗的态度调查

    Investigation of attitudes of position competition for the nursing staff

  7. 不管什么原因,跳马,也知道如何让你竞聘上岗。

    Whatever the reason , vault knows how to get you hired .

  8. 竞聘上岗护士长心理健康状况调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of the psychological health status in position competitive head nurses

  9. 推行专业技术职务竞聘上岗的做法和体会

    Practice and experience in implementing professional post competing engagement

  10. 首先建立管理人员竞聘上岗、能上能下的人事制度。1、调整企业组织机构。

    In the first , setting up personnel system , 1 , adjusting corporation structure .

  11. 92.93%的护理人员对竞聘上岗感到有压力;

    92 . 93 % of nursing staffs felt the pressure due to the position competition ;

  12. 竞聘上岗有只针对中层管理岗位和变个人私下相马为集体公开相马的局限性,岗位动态管理制度是克服局限性的好方法。

    The better way of overcoming its limitations is the regulation of dynamic management of job stations .

  13. 结果全省乡镇卫生院院长竞聘上岗率为44.60%;危房面积占业务用房面积比例为33.50%;

    Results : The rate of competes for president of Township health center in the whole province is 44.60 % .

  14. 挂牌上课、竞聘上岗的前期研究主要局限在公共课程的教学形式上。

    The earlier study of free class attendance scheme by adopting competition has been limited to the teaching of the public courses .

  15. 结果新竞聘上岗护士长的状态焦虑与国内常模、普通护士比较存在显著性差异。

    Result The STAI score of the new head nurses was obviously different from that of the nurses and the normal group .

  16. 竞聘上岗是新时期我国深化干部制度改革的重要举措。

    The Cadres Drafting System is one of the important measures to further carry out the ongoing cadre system reform in the New Era .

  17. 制定了公开、公平的人员竞聘上岗制度,改革了薪酬管理方法,系统制定了绩效考核方法,设计了量化考核指标体系。

    The system includes subsystems of open and fair competition for working posts , improved pay management , performance assessment , and quantified assessment indexes .

  18. 结论带教老师竞聘上岗适应现时代选择人才要求,并提高了护理临床带教水平及教学质量。

    Conclusion That the tutors compete for tutoring position satisfies the requirement of the contemporary era and improves the quality of tutorship and learning quality .

  19. 目的随着医院各项体制改革的深入,竞聘上岗已成为人事改革的主要手段。

    Objectives Along with the further reform of various system in hospitals , competition appointment has been one of the main means in hospital personnel reform .

  20. 1999年中层干部竞聘上岗没有机械地重复1997年的方法,但效果更好。

    There had been twice , one in 1997 another in 1999.But they did not automatically duplicate the method of 1997 in 1999 , whereas the effect was much better .

  21. 目的了解新竞聘上岗护士长的心理健康状况,分析心理问题,从而帮助护士长更好地适应角色转变。

    Objective To explore the psychological health status of position competitive head nurses and find out their psychological problems in order to help them to adapt the changes of roles .

  22. 目的:通过对护理人员实施竞聘上岗制的态度进行调查,了解不同层次护理人员的心态倾向和各种需求,以探讨与医院改革发展相适应的护理管理对策。方法:采取问卷调查法。

    Objective : The purpose of the research was to identify attitudes and requirements of different level nursing staff , and explore nursing management measures that match the development of hospital reform .

  23. 结果:97.31%的护理人员认为竞聘上岗符合当前的改革形势,而且各年龄段之间差异无显著性意义(P>0.05);

    Result : 97 . 31 % nursing staffs thought the competition went with the current reform situation and no difference in different level ages ( P ≥ 0 . 05 ) ;

  24. 对照组是选择年资高的护士作为带教老师;实验组采用竞聘上岗的方法选择带教老师,即通过按条件报名、理论考试、竞聘演讲、综合考核评价4个步骤而择优选聘的老师。

    The students form the control group were tutored by senior experienced teacher while those from the experimental group by the tutors who succeeded in competing for the post of tutorship through the four steps of signing up , theoretic exam , speech making and comprehensive assessment .

  25. 此方案包括三个步骤:①对组织机构进行优化;②科学合理测算劳动定员;③实施劳动用工派遣制、低端业务外包、竞聘上岗制。

    The project includes three steps , namely ① optimize the organizational institution ;② measure and calculate fixed number of workers scientifically and reasonably ;③ implement dispatching system of labor and employment management , subcontract of low-end business , and system of taking up a job through competition .