
  • 网络Riser;STANDPIPE;Stem;Seat tube;C-T
  1. 海军少将玛丽·兰德里命令BP公司采取新方法以切断立管和帮助控制设施装在泄露的部位。

    Rear Admiral Mary Landry today directed BP to launch a new procedure whereby the riser pipe will be cut and a containment structure fitted over the leak .

  2. 本文给出了研究立管碰扰问题所需的基本理论和研究方法,主要包括立管碰撞的简化模型、参与质量法、API推荐方法、能量法等。

    The second chapter describes a simplification of the riser impact problem , collision participating masses , API recommended , energy method such interference problems riser main collision theory and basic research methods .

  3. 钢悬链线立管与海床土体接触问题的ANSYS有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Steel Catenary Riser / Soil Contact Problem by ANSYS

  4. 在计算过程中,分别采用流体分析软件FLUENT分析流场和有限元分析软件ANSYS计算立管的动力响应。

    CFD software FLUENT is used to analyze the fluid field and FE software ANSYS to analyze the riser dynamic response .

  5. 海流作用在立管结构上时,会产生涡激振动(Vortex-InducedVibration,VIV)。

    When the current exerts on the risers , the vortex-induced vibration ( VIV ) may occur .

  6. 随着循环量Gs的增加,两种类型的立管内负压差梯度均随之增大,也存在着流动形态的差别。

    With circulating rate G_s increasing , the negative pressure gradient in the two type standpipes increased also .

  7. 用Hermite插值函数和Galerkin法离散运动方程建立海洋立管动力运动的有限元模型。

    By using the Hermite interpolation , the Galerkin method was adopted to discretize the motion equation .

  8. 研究了建筑排水立管的水流形态,应用FLUENT对立管排水进行模拟计算,并对模拟结果进行分析。

    Study the flow pattern in the building drainage systems and use FLUENT to simulate the drainge situation in riser and analyse the simulation results .

  9. 楼层高度小于或等于4M时,立管可装一个固定件。

    When the height of storey is not higher than4M , Fixed parts can be installed on riser .

  10. 循环量Gs的增加会引起立管内平衡料柱高度的降低。

    Without pyrolysis chamber , the increase of the circulating rate G_s would cause the equilibrium height of the solid in the standpipe declined .

  11. 平衡状态时立管中心线的孤长s取为自变量,而立管中心线的坐标X、Y和截面扭转角F以及管内拉力T则为孤长s的函数。

    The coordinates X and Y , twisting angle F , and the tension T are the four dependent variables , while the are length s in the equilibrium state is the independent variable .

  12. 对海洋SCR立管J型铺管工艺进行了详细的说明。(4)对现行国际立管环缝疲劳标准存在问题进行了分析。

    On the marine riser J-SCR pipe laying process was described in detail . ( 3 ) Riser on the existing international standard girth fatigue problems were analyzed .

  13. 通过计算流体力学软件FLUENT,确定了立管最佳出风口参数,模拟了喷头雾化场,确定自然风对该机喷雾影响。

    By calculation the fluid dynamics software FLUENT riser outlet parameters , simulating of the nozzle spray field to determine the impact of natural wind on the aircraft spray .

  14. 因为现在看BP公司提供给我们的动画的时候,你应该注意的是,在开头,你看到的是吸油立管的下面部分。

    Because now what you 're going to notice when you look at the animation BP is providing is that at the beginning of all of this , you 're looking at that lower marine riser package .

  15. 张力腿平台TTR立管壁厚设计研究

    Research for Wall Thickness Design of a Top Tensioned Riser for a Tensioned Leg Platform

  16. 从苏维脱到速微特&《旋式速微特单立管排水系统安装》标准图集简介硬聚氯乙烯螺旋单立管(PPI)的应用与发展

    Brief on the Album of Standard Drawings of Spiral Single Stack Discharge System The Application & Development of the Pipe Material-PPI in Building Drainage System

  17. 主要内容如下:首先,依据基于粒子群算法的层次分析法,构建了深海平台SCR立管风险因素的递阶层次结构体系。

    The main contents are shown as follow : First of all , based on improved analytic hierarchy process , identification model of deepwater SCR operating risk factor has been established .

  18. 内波数值模型作为工具应用于一个耦合分析软件HARP,其中船体,系泊系统和立管系统作为一个整体进行考虑。

    The numerical model is implemented in a coupled analysis program HARP where the hull , moorings and risers are considered as an integrated system .

  19. 随着平台及FPSO工作水深的增加,海洋柔性立管以其对深水环境良好的适应性,得到了广泛的应用。

    With the increase depth of platforms and FPSO , marine flexible riser , known for its good adaptability to the deep-water environment , has been widely used .

  20. 本研究以南海海域为应用背景,对可解脱立管转台式系泊(DisconnectableRiserTurretMooring)系统(简称DRTM系统)进行了研究。

    The research has been made on Disconnectable Riser Turret Mooring ( DRTM ) System which could be used in the South China Sea .

  21. lock-in现象会加速立管的疲劳破坏,立管一旦发生破坏,不仅工程本身会蒙受损失,还将引发严重的环境污染和次生灾害。

    When lock-in state appears , it will aggravate the fatigue damage , not only causing huge loss of project itself but also leading to secondary haphazard and environment pollution .

  22. 为了研究立管严重段塞流及其控制方法,中国石油大学(北京)多相流实验室建造了一套半U形管实验架。

    A transparent semi - " U " type experimental rig was constructed at Multiphase Flow Lab in CUP ( China University of Petroleum , Beijing ) in order to study the characteristics of severe slug flow and the control method .

  23. 利用综合有限元分析软件ABAQUS对深水顶张式生产立管(TTR)进行了非线性动力分析,得到其应力时程曲线。

    Nonlinear dynamical analysis of deepwater production TTR is proposed by using general finite element analysis software ABAQUS , and the stress-time curves are calculated .

  24. 针对深水SCR安装模型试验中所面临的缩尺比选择及立管模型加工问题,提出了深水SCR安装主动式截断混合试验方法,并研制了深水SCR安装模拟试验系统。

    For the problems and challenges encountered in the model test of deepwater SCR installation , the active truncated test method for deep-water SCR installation is proposed , and a deep-water SCR installation simulation system is developed .

  25. 由二维梁柱单元和集中质量法构建了立管和浮筒的数学模型,立管的运动方程用Wilsonθ法求解。

    Then , a 2-d beam-column element and the plumped mass method are introduced to form the model and dynamic equations of the riser and buoy , and Wilson - θ approach is used to solve these equations .

  26. 在提升管内表观气速一定的情况下随着循环量Gs的增加,提升管及立管内的压力分布也随之增大;

    The results showed that the pressure gradient in the riser and standpipe was gradually decreased with the superficial gas velocity , while it was increased with the circulating rate at the constant superficial gas velocity .

  27. Geldart-D颗粒在长立管料斗系统中悬料态初始条件的研究

    Incipient Condition of Hung-up Regime in a Long Standpipe-hopper System for Geldart-D Powders

  28. 本文以APIRP2RD为基础,以SCR立管结构型武为例,简要介绍海洋深水立管壁厚计算中应主要考虑的设计因素和计算方法,供海底管道设计者参考。

    The article is based on the criterion API RP 1111 and makes brief introduction to main considering design factor and calculation method of the deep water riser with the instance of SCR . This article conclusion gives reference to submarine pipeline designer .

  29. 没有热解室时,立管内为稀相流动和移动床流动同时存在,立管内平衡料柱高度随Ur的增加而升高。

    If without pyrolysis chamber , the lean phase flow and the moving bed flow co-existed in the standpipe . And with the increase of U_r , the equilibrium height of the solid in the standpipe was heightened .

  30. 用Hermite插值函数离散,在微机上编写海洋立管静、动力分析程序,通过计算分析研究管内流体对立管侧向变形和应力的作用;

    Discretization is made with Hermite interpolation function and codes of computing the deflection and the dynamics of a marine riser has been written . The effect of internal flow velocity on the lateral deflection and stress is studied .