
  • 网络MOURINHO;jose mourinho;José Mourinho;special one
  1. 我一直感觉能参加欢迎穆里尼奥和他的国米来到OT这样的欧冠之夜十分幸运。

    I always feel highly privileged and fortunate to be involved in this kind of European night as we welcome Jose Mourinho and his Inter Milan team to Old Trafford .

  2. 切尔西主教练穆里尼奥渴望留在英国执教。

    Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho is keen on the England job .

  3. 假如穆里尼奥安排阿。科尔轮休,那么同一位置上的将会得到一个上场的机会来证实自己

    One player hoping to get another chance to shine if Mourinho opts to rest Cole backBridge .

  4. BBC、每日邮报以及天空体育晚些时候也就穆里尼奥被解雇这条新闻进行了报道。

    The BBC and Daily Mail also reported the news of his dismissal shortly afterwards , along with Sky Sports News .

  5. 教练变动包括若泽•穆里尼奥(JoséMourinho)加盟曼联,佩普•瓜迪奥拉(PepGuardiola)加入曼城(ManchesterCity),以及安东尼奥•孔蒂(AntonioConte)加入切尔西(Chelsea)。

    Management changes include Jos é Mourinho to Manchester United , Pep Guardiola joining Manchester City and Antonio Conte at Chelsea .

  6. 威尔金森是在《主教练》(TheManager)一书的发布会上发表上述言论的。这本书讲述了一些最优秀足球主教练的管理见解,切尔西队(Chelsea)的若泽•穆里尼奥(JoséMourinho)就是其中之一。

    Mr Wilkinson was speaking at the launch of The Manager , a book of management insights from top football coaches such as Chelsea 's Jos é Mourinho .

  7. 就连酷爱足球的咨询师、《主教练》一书作者迈克•卡森(MikeCarson)也写道,穆里尼奥及其同行传授给我们的经验,更多的是关于领导力而非管理。

    Even football-mad consultant Mike Carson , author of The Manager , writes that lessons taught by Mr Mourinho and his peers are more about leadership than management .

  8. 据消息来源向ESPN透露,在周二及周三已经就穆里尼奥下课引发了激烈的讨论,而在周四,InfosportPlus曝出了穆里尼奥被解雇的消息。

    Sources told ESPN FC that intense discussions over Mourinho 's position took place on Tuesday and Wednesday and Infosport Plus broke the news of his dismissal on Thursday .

  9. 火车还可以把你从呆伯特式(Dilbertian)浪费时间的办公室生活中解放出来:同事们无所事事地围在你的桌子旁,抱怨通勤,抱怨老板,或抱怨若泽•穆里尼奥(JoséMourinho)。

    Trains also free you from the Dilbertian timewasting of office life : the colleagues loafing around your desk grumbling about the commute , the boss or Jos é Mourinho .

  10. 穆里尼奥很高兴切尔西能面对特殊问题。

    Mourinho appreciates they are team that can pose special problems .

  11. 我奉劝穆里尼奥去听听斯帕莱蒂的访谈。

    I would urge Mourinho to listen to Spalletti 's interviews .

  12. 罗曼已经指定阿弗拉姆接替伟大的穆里尼奥。

    Roman has appointed Avram as the replacement for mighty Mourinho .

  13. 还有一些更好的标准去评估穆里尼奥的价值。

    There are far better yardsticks by which to assess Mourinho .

  14. 但穆里尼奥一直支持他远离这场风暴。

    But Mourinho is backing him to ride out the storm .

  15. 埃辛的膝关节韧带有些问题,穆里尼奥说。

    " It was something in the knee ligament ," Mourinho said .

  16. 穆里尼奥是那种应该被大棒敲掉牙齿的人。

    Mourinho is a man who deserves a smack in the mouth .

  17. 在我看来,就算是没有穆里尼奥,意大利足球也不会失去什么。

    I don 't think Italian football would lose anything without Mourinho .

  18. 所以为什么穆里尼奥还坚持使用他的大牌呢?

    So why does Mourinho persist with his big names ?

  19. 很大程度上我们应该感谢穆里尼奥。

    In many ways we should be thankful to mourinho .

  20. 如果穆里尼奥离开弗格森会感到很惊讶。

    Ferguson would be surprised if Mourinho did walk away .

  21. 相反,他们热衷于知道穆里尼奥将在哪里观看比赛。

    Instead , they are obsessed with where Mourinho watches the game .

  22. 但更快的是,穆里尼奥所处的境况牵涉到另外一个潜在的里程碑。

    But more immediately , Mourinho 's situation involves another potential milestone .

  23. 穆里尼奥确信,英足总已经公然向切尔西宣战了。

    JOSE MOURINHO is convinced the FA have declared war on Chelsea .

  24. 巴萨被皇马和穆里尼奥盯得心里发毛。

    Barcelona are becoming obsessed with and terrified by Madrid and Mourinho .

  25. 穆里尼奥相信我可以进步并且帮助到球队。

    Mourinho believes I can improve and help the team .

  26. 穆里尼奥打电话给麦克拉伦,确认了兰帕德的伤势。

    Mourinho himself called McClaren to confirm the extent of the injury .

  27. 亦有人声称穆里尼奥和阿布拉莫维奇将会在这周末进行见面会谈。

    Some also claim that there will be a Mourinho-Abramovich meeting this weekend .

  28. 穆里尼奥对队长观点表示认同。

    Jose Mourinho echoed the sentiments of his captain .

  29. 穆里尼奥在和福格森的8次相遇中,仅输给曼联一次。

    Mourinho has lost to his United counterpart only once in eight clashes .

  30. 何塞•穆里尼奥在他的球队4:1战胜洛杉矶银河后出席了新闻发布会。

    Jose Mourinho addressed the media after his side's4-1 victory over LA Galaxy .