
  • 网络Hemorrhage;hematocele;he m-atocolpos
  1. 目的:探讨膀胱内大量积血的处理方法。

    Objective To investigate the treatment of massive hematocele in bladder .

  2. 膀胱内大量积血的处理(附35例报告)

    Treatment of massive hematocele in bladder ( report of 35 cases )

  3. 头颅CT示全脑室积血死亡率高达60%;

    Showed by head CT , the full ventricle hemorrhage caused the mortality as high as 60 percent .

  4. C组术后3例髋部肿胀,1例术后10天切口内仍有积血,5例血沉加快,4例C反应蛋白阳性,1例髋脱位。

    In group C , there were 5 cases of rapid ESR , 4 cases CRP positive and 1 case luxation .

  5. 方法应用CT定位颅骨锥孔侧脑室前角持续引流术抢救治疗老年人脑室内积血患者201例。

    Methods 201 patients with primary intraventricular haemorrhage who were treated with external ventricular drainage by CT scans localization were included .

  6. 结果:根据CT表现将脾外伤分为3型:Ⅰ型(包膜下积血)18例;

    Results : Based on CT manifestation , the splenic trauma can divided into 3 types : type ⅰ subcapsular hematoma 18 cases ;

  7. 结论腹部CT平扫在诊断早期及延迟性脾脏损伤有其独特优势,而腹腔积血则在脾脏损伤诊断有重要的意义。

    Conclusion The abdominal plain CT scan is of unique value in diagnosing the early and delayed spleen injuries , while hemoperitoneum has great significance in it .

  8. 结果:CT检查发现肝包膜下积血3例,肝撕裂伤3例,肝挫裂伤19例,肝内血肿25例。

    Result : Subcapsular hematoma were found in 3 cases , hepatic lancination in 3 cases , contusion in 19 cases , hepatic hematoma were found in 25 cases .

  9. 本组CT示关节腔积血22例,积气5例,其中脂血征7例。

    CT examination showed 22 cases of hemarthrosis of knee joint , there were 7 cases with lipemia , and CT also displayed 5 cases of articular cavity pneumatosis .

  10. SAH后急性脑积水与脑室、脑池积血及分布的相关性研究

    The study of the association between intraventricular hemorrhage , cisternal hemorrhage and acute hydrocephalus after subarachnoid hemorrhage

  11. 目的观察评估玻璃体切割手术的同时联合进行超声乳化白内障囊外摘除和IOL植入治疗并发晶状体混浊的玻璃体积血的术后效果。

    AIM : To evaluate the effects of vitrectomy surgery combined with PEA and IOL transplantation on vitreous hemorrhage accompanied with cataract .

  12. 全脑室积血组死亡率高于部分脑室积血组(Logistic回归分析P<0.05,χ2检验P>0.05);

    The mortality in all ventricles hemorrhage of the brain was higher than the mortality in partial ventricles hemorrhage of the brain by Logistic regression analysis ( P < 0.01 ) .

  13. 术后8眼(40%)有少量前房积血,大部分3~5d吸收。

    Eyes ( 40 % ) had a little postoperative hyphemas and disappeared after 3 ~ 5 days .

  14. 方法在173例严重前房积血患者行前房冲洗术中应用连接平衡盐液的ACM进行灌注冲洗。

    Methods We washed out the blood used the balance salt solutions ( BSS ) through ACM in 173 eyes of hyphema .

  15. 5眼有少量前房积血,4~7d消失,其中1眼为术后1d打喷嚏后出现。

    Hyphema was found in 5 eyes 1d after operation due to sneezing in 1 eye . All the hyphema was absorbed in 4-7d .

  16. 结果30例中,29例引流效果良好,术后第4d脑室积血减少50%以上。

    Results 29 cases got recovered with good results . intraventricular blood was reduced by more than 50 % in 4 d after drainage .

  17. 结果:CT扫描发现视神经管骨折15例,视神经周围血肿3例,同侧蝶窦积血11例,同侧筛窦积血18例,视神经肿胀8例。

    Result : CT scans demonstrated that 15 cases with fractures of optic canal , 3 cases with hematomas around the nervus opticuses , 11 cases with hematocele of ipsolateral sphenoidal sinus , 18 cases with hematocele of ipsolateral ethmoidal sinus and 8 cases with optic swelling .

  18. 目的:探讨加压包扎挫伤性前房积血(BTH)眼预防继发性前房出血(REB)的效果。

    Objective : To study the effect of pressure bandaging for preventing rebleeding ( REB ) of blunt traumatic hyphema . ( BTH ) .

  19. 目的寻找一种客观实用的方法,预测脑室积血(IVH)并发急性梗阻性脑积水(AOH)的发生概率。

    Objective To investigate a practical and useful method for predicting probabilities of acu te obstructive hydrocephalus ( AOH ) after intraventricular hemorrhage ( IVH ) .

  20. PAVF患者临床症状较为多样,可出现咯血、胸腔积血、紫绀、杵状指、呼吸困难、异位栓塞等。目前的CT肺血管成像多是血管内注入对比剂后行各种方式的血管重组。

    Patients often have various clinic symptoms , such as hemoptysis , hemothorax , cyanosis , acropachy , dyspnea , ectopic embolization etc. The current CT pulmonary angiography are mostly the various recombination performed after contrast materials were injected .

  21. 结果导致NTEL的主要病因有:开放性腹部损伤;腹壁、网膜或系膜损伤,腹膜后血肿,肝脾外伤后导致的腹腔积血。

    Results The main causes for NTEL included open abdominal injuries , peritoneal hemorrhage from abdominal wall , omentum or mesentery injury , retroperitoneal hematoma , liver or splenic injury .

  22. 方法:对32例脾破裂I-II级伴腹腔积血患者常规于左下腹麦氏点经皮穿刺置美国COOK公司生产的8F猪尾巴多孔引流管,引流腹腔积血。

    Methods 32 patients of spleen rupture in I-II grade were placed the 8F " pigtail " multi-hole tube , made in COOK company of the United States , at the left down abdomen Mc Burney 's point to drain hematocelia . Their hemodynamic and drainage were closely observed .

  23. 有12眼(29.27%)术后出现前房积血。

    Hyphema was formed in 12 eyes ( 29.27 % ) .

  24. 结果眼外伤以挫伤性前房积血、角膜水肿混浊及外伤性虹膜炎为多见;

    Results the trauma include contusion hematocele corneal edema and opacity ?

  25. 巩膜隧道切口手术治疗重度前房积血效果分析

    Curative Effect Analysis of Scleral Tunnel Incision in Treating Severe Hyphema

  26. 改良式前房冲洗术治疗173例严重前房积血

    Improvement of anterior chamber washout for serious hyphema in 173 eyes

  27. 塑料子弹致儿童前房积血24例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of hyphema caused by plastic bullets in 24 children

  28. 眼挫伤所致前房积血62例临床分析

    Clinical analysis on hyphema caused by ocular contusion in 62 cases

  29. 儿童外伤性前房积血28例

    Clinical analysis of 28 children with traumatic anterior chamber hyphema

  30. 先天性阴道下段闭锁合并子宫阴道积血的手术治疗

    Treatment of Congenital Atresia of Lower Vagina Complicated with Hematocolpometra