
jī jí xìnɡ
  • enthusiasm;initiative;activity;aggressiveness;fire in sb.'s belly
积极性 [jī jí xìng]
  • [zeal;enthusiasm;fervour;initiative] 指主动进取,努力工作的思想和行动

  • 我们不要打击他的积极性

  1. 国家的官僚体制往往会扼杀人们的事业心和积极性。

    State bureaucracies can tend to stifle enterprise and initiative .

  2. 发挥中央和地方两个积极性。

    Both central and local initiative should be brought into play .

  3. 失败会挫伤学生的积极性。

    Failure can demotivate students .

  4. 教练试图激发队员的积极性。

    The coach tried to get his charges motivated .

  5. 和我共事的人大多积极性极高。

    I am working with mostly highly motivated people

  6. 我们面临的挑战是如何调动那些选民的积极性并鼓励他们加入我们的事业。

    Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause

  7. 现在到了拿出你最大的热情和积极性,努力进取的时候了。

    Now is the time to forge ahead with all the enthusiasm and optimism that you can manage .

  8. 想到今后一直到退休为止都要缴毕业税,学生们的积极性会被彻底打消。

    The prospect of having to pay a graduate tax until retirement would kill the students ' enthusiasm stone dead .

  9. 除非减肥是为了悦已,否则很难保持积极性。

    Unless you are trying to lose weight to please yourself , it 's going to be tough to keep your motivation level high

  10. 放宽经济政策以鼓励生产的积极性。

    Economic policy is liberalized to encourage initiatives in production .

  11. 群众中蕴藏了极大的积极性。

    The masses have a vast reservoir of enthusiasm .

  12. 不要损伤大家的积极性。

    Don 't dampen the enthusiasm of the masses .

  13. 没有正确的领导,群众的积极性就不可能持久。

    Without correct leadership , the enthusiasm of the masses cannot be sustained .

  14. 这种积极性是很可贵的。

    Such initiative is highly commendable .

  15. 这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。

    In this way they brought into full play the initiative , wisdom and power of the masses .

  16. 不要压制地方的积极性。

    Do nothing to stifle the initiative of local authorities .

  17. 学生也不会有积极性。

    It doesn 't have the motivation of the student .

  18. 但是要真正激发他们的积极性还是要根据他们的兴趣搭建课程。

    But to really harness their motivation is to build upon their interest .

  19. 其原则是了解什么能调动这些参与者的积极性,这需要一些心理学上的认识。

    " The principle is about understanding what is motivating to this group of players , which requires some understanding of psychology . "

  20. 特别是,比起归因于缺乏努力,把糟糕的表现归因于缺乏能力对积极性的打击更大。

    In particular , attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the belief that lack of effort is to blame .

  21. 尽管不知道存在两种类型的教学,教师报告表明,在成长思维模式小组中,27%的孩子学习积极性出现了明显变化,相比之下,对照组中此类学生的比例只有9%。

    Despite being unaware that there were two types of instruction , teachers reported significant motivational changes in 27 % of the children in the growth mind-set workshop as compared with only 9 % of students in the control group .

  22. 然而,她的积极性却从来没有减弱,一直留在队里训练、比赛。

    That never dampened her spirits , however , and she remained on the team doing her part .

  23. 自己在垫底的感觉会影响你的信心,最终阻碍你的积极性。

    And feeling as though you ’ re at the bottom impacts your confidence and ultimately your motivation .

  24. 拉杰目前工作很不开心,所以他的同事让他列一个人职业发展的目标清单,来帮他激发工作积极性。

    Raj is very unhappy at work at the moment , so his colleague told him to make a list of personal goals for professional development to help motivate him .

  25. 如何充分挖掘和利用现有的人力资源,调动各类员工的积极性,是C市电信分公司的一个急待解决的问题。

    It becomes one of the most urgent problems to resolve of China Telecom C_city Branch how to develop potentialities and make use of the human resource and how to exert enthusiasm and initiative of staff .

  26. 再次,教师要通过转变传统的教学方式和公平对待每一个学生等方式改善师生关系。最后,调动X高中学生参与校园文化建设的积极性。

    Again , teachers improve the relations between teachers and students by changing the traditional teaching mode and treat every students fairly ; Finally , arousing students ' enthusiasm to construct the campus culture .

  27. 对以传统手段为主的物理教学,应适当增加MCAI的使用以激发学生学习物理的兴趣和积极性。

    It is necessary that add the using of MCAI properly in traditional instruction class to stimulate the student 's interest and intuitive in studying physics .

  28. CAI课件作为辅助教学的工具,在课堂教学中以图文并茂、声像俱佳、动静结合的表现形式丰富了教学内容,提高了教学效率,调动了学生的学习积极性。

    The CAI courseware , as a teaching assistance , has enriched teaching contents , improved teaching efficiency and enhanced students ′ learning enthusiasm , by illustrating with vivid picture and words , sound and image , etc.

  29. 从分析目前发电厂对AGC积极性不高的问题出发,阐述了随着电力市场改革的发展应对现行AGC规则进行改进和完善。

    From the point of uninteresting in the AGC at present , the view that AGC code and regulation should be improved and perfected with the development of electric power market reform was presented .

  30. 从本质上讲,降低代理成本、有效激励人们的积极性、充分发挥企业家才能为MBO的存在提供了最基本的理论依据。

    In essence , reduction of agent cost , effective encouragement of the managements ' enthusiasm , and brings the capability of the entrepreneurs into fully play form the most fundamental ground of theory .