
  • 网络integration circuit;integrator circuit;integrating circuit;Integrator
  1. 输入为方波的积分电路中的分流电阻使其输出的三角波波形在稳态时总是关于横坐标上下对称,与输入方波的初相位无关。

    Triangle-wave output of integration circuit with aquare-wave input is always symmetrical about the horizontal ordinate because of the shunt resistance despite of the initial phase of the input square-wave .

  2. 文中提出采用乘法器和积分器等组成频率差计,乘法器输出含有频率差成分的混合信号,合理设计积分电路的时间常数,提高高频抑制比,就可以得到精确的瞬时频率差信号。

    The multiplier outputs mixed signal which contains the information of differential frequency . If the time constant of integration circuit is properly set to improve high frequency restrain ratio to get accurate differential frequency signal .

  3. RC积分电路实验研究

    Study on Experiment of RC Integral Circuit

  4. 基于PSpice对积分电路的研究

    Study of Integrating Circuit Based on PSpice

  5. 应用电子技术按设定频率上、下限实现自动转换的双通道积分电路,并按此设计PLC控制的变频调速高楼供水系统。

    Variable frequency altering-speed system of supplying water for high building using PLC control was designed by double-channel integral circuit . The circuit transformed automatically by frequency minimum and maximum enacted by electronic technology .

  6. 将CCD(电荷耦合器件)单元等效成一个变阻RC积分电路,使图像中的光照效应分解为对光电势的影响和对光敏电阻的影响。

    The CCD cell is equalized as a variable resistance RC integral circuit , the lighting effect on the image is decomposed into pair impact of photoelectric potential and photosensitive resistance .

  7. 本文从系统模型的时域分析出发,对一阶的RC微分电路和积分电路的激励及响应进行了分析。

    This article embarks from the system model time domain analysis , has analyzes encouragement and response of one steps of the RC differential circuit and circuit of total mark .

  8. 包括了时钟电路、AD采样电路、微惯性器件的校零和补偿电路、数字积分电路和串口输出电路:2、计算机测试系统的设计。

    In this part , we focus on the signal-dealing circuit design such as clock circuit , AD circuit , zero-calibration and compensation circuit and numeric integral circuit . 2 . Test system of MIMU .

  9. 本课题的电路部分工作主要包括:Z向压电体高压驱动以及反馈控制电路(鉴相器、比较器、积分电路)的设计制作,开环电路参数调整、优化改进和PCB板制作。

    The circuit work mainly includes : the design and fabrication of Z-direction PZT high voltage driving and feedback control circuit ; parameter adjustment , optimization of the open-loop circuit ; the fabrication of PCB board .

  10. 根据RC微分和积分电路的基本原理,通过实例,分析和设计一个RC积分和微分网络,并推出一种输出电压大于输入电压有极限的多级耦合结构。

    According to basic RC-differentiating and RC-integrating circuit and with practical examples , how to design an RC-integrating or differentiating network is shown step by step , that an output voltage greater than input voltage is developed .

  11. 考虑到U-I模型磁链观测器含有纯积分电路,会带来两个问题:一是直流漂移误差,二是积分初值误差。

    Because in U-I model flux observation pure integration element is adopted , it brings about two problems of DC drift error and initial integration error .

  12. 本文给出一种新型的有源相位补偿差动积分电路。

    A novel active phase compensated differential integrator is given .

  13. 长时间无零漂积分器中的单元积分电路

    An integration cell of long pulse integrator with ultra-low drift

  14. 积分器电路,积分电路过电流保护电器的短路定额应用分析

    Application and Analysis on Short-Circuit Ratings of Over-Current Protection Devices

  15. 单运放二重积分电路直流误差的分析

    An Analysis of DC Error of Double Integrating Circuit of Single Operational Amplifier

  16. 一种新型积分电路的性能分析及其应用研究

    Performance Analysis of New Integral Circuit and Its Application

  17. 无需匹配运算放大器的有源补偿差动积分电路

    An Active Compensated Differential Integrator Without Matched Operational Amplifiers

  18. 非对称双重积分电路特性及其应用

    The properties and applications of unsymmetrical double integrating circuits

  19. 电容反馈积分电路扫描电压产生器的进一步直线性补偿

    Further compensation for linearity of SWEEP-VOLTAGE generator of the capacity feedback integrator type

  20. 用双通道积分电路实现高楼供水

    Achievement of water supply for high building using double - channel integral circuit

  21. 场积分电路的分析和改进

    The analysis and improvement of the space integral circuit

  22. 对数域积分电路的噪声特性研究

    Study of Noise Behavior in Log-Domain Integrator Circuits

  23. 单运放正系数四次积分电路的研究

    A Study on Circuit of the Positive Coefficient Fourfold Differential of Single Operational Amplifier

  24. 平衡取样积分电路分析及应用

    Analysis on the Balanced Sampling Integrator

  25. 门积分电路的数学分析

    Mathematical Analysis of Gated Integrator

  26. 对数域积分电路的分析与应用

    Log-Domain Integrator and Its Applications

  27. 本文分析了一种对数域积分电路的特性,以及极间电容对其性能的影响。

    The characteristics of a type of log domain integrator and the impairment caused by junction capacitors are analyzed .

  28. 测量速度与积分电路时间常数的乘积(υ×τ)对自然伽(亻马)测井曲线的影响

    Effect of the product of logging speed and the time constant of the integrating circuit (ν×τ) on the radioactive well-logging curves

  29. 数字积分电路相对模拟积分电路来说性能稳定结构简单,不易受外界干扰,具有一定的优势。

    Digital integral circuit analog integrator circuit is a relatively stable performance , simple structure , less susceptible to outside interference , has certain advantages .

  30. 接着分析了数字积分电路和集成芯片积分电路的工作原理,并对三种积分电路进行比较。

    Then analyzes the digital integral circuit and integrated circuit chip , the working principle of integration , and three kinds of integral circuit for comparison .