
  1. 雍正以后,官庄租赋都归福建充公,官员俸外收入减少,失去了捐俸建学的热情。

    After Yongzheng Dynasty , the magistrates lost their passion of contribution since their income besides salary was reduced after the rent of offical field was handed in to the Fujian government .

  2. 家庭农场主要依靠家庭成员,利用在长期生产实践中通过经验积累形成并代代相传的传统农业技术从事农业生产。农产品除了缴纳租赋以换取土地使用权或所有权外,主要供自家消费。

    There was no three-part-structure in traditional agricultural innovation because the technology was gained by experience of the farmer , and the farm product was mainly for self-consumption except the rent and tax .

  3. 租赋确定和征收常常是官民矛盾的焦点,政府、地主、农民围绕农产品展开激烈的争夺,使租赋征收的强制色彩越来越明显。

    Levying taxes is often the focus of the contradictions between the officials and the civilians . The government , the landlord and the Villagers had conflicted on agricultural products , and these forced the mandatory levies more and more obvious .

  4. 安史之乱以后,国家租赋的转运不得不取道荆州,为了保证漕运畅通,才对荆州予以一定照抚。

    After the An-Shih Rebellion , the transport of national rents and taxes had to pass by Jing Zhou . In order to ensure that the transport of grain was unimpeded , the government began to give a certain degree of attention to Jing Zhou .