- 名lend-lease act

The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act .
But lend-lease isn 't the only bone of contention here .
The minute Lend-Lease passes , we 'll be sending out a vast shipment of stuff .
Wise planning during the war had led to the use of Lend-Lease to avoid inter-allied debt .
Of course , they also received significant help through the Lend-Lease Act to obtain more weapons and vehicles , but their contribution has often been overlooked .
In exchange for Lend-Lease the British had to accept that they would not export any Lend-Lease mat é riel and agree not to export British-made products which were similar to Lend-Lease materials .
But if Roosevelt wants to send English arms free of charge , why the devil doesn 't he come out and say so , instead of giving us all this lend-lease baloney ?
Roosevelt worked first to remove the Neutrality Act so that he could sell weapons to Allies , then he worked to pass the Lend-Lease Act , which allowed the US to lend or give arms to countries who would agree to pay for their use at a later date .