
kē zhǎng
  • section chief
科长 [kē zhǎng]
  • [section chief] 处以下的行政或技术管理单位的领导

科长[kē zhǎng]
  1. 他辞了科长的职务。

    He resigned his post of section chief .

  2. 我不想当科长了我要辞职。

    I have to resign my position as section chief .

  3. 屋顶长生草(Sempervivumtectorum)系景天科长生草属多年生常绿草本观赏植物,主要分布在欧洲。

    Sempervivum tectorum is a perennial succulent ornamental plant that spread widely in Europe .

  4. 诊所科长MervatFamour说,“我们向妇女们解释,我们并非强迫他们控制自己的家庭规模”。

    " We explain to the women that we are not forcing them to limit the size of their families ", says Mervat Famour , section chief at the clinic .

  5. 科长回家了,一切都在控制之中。

    The chief 's gone home . everything 's under control .

  6. 生前任中央电视台新闻编辑部副科长。

    Health and the former Central Television News Department deputy chief .

  7. 你找科长请假了吗?

    Have you approached the section chief for taking the day off ?

  8. 女:你能转寄给科长吗?

    Woman : Can you forward them to section heads ?

  9. 科长职位特征分析

    The Characteristic Analysis on the Position of Section Chief

  10. 会计科那个女科长是个十足的母夜叉!

    The woman in charge of the accounts department is an absolute dragon !

  11. 我的科长想要买些草鸡蛋给他的小孩吃。

    My section chief wanted to buy some cottage eggs for his baby .

  12. 如果你的文件科科长,你应该有一个信用报告,对自己了。

    If your documentation section , you should have a credit report on yourself .

  13. 美国陆军部作战计划科科长

    Staff Chief of the Operational Planning Section of the US Department of the Army

  14. 罗伯在争取科长职位方面比我占优势。

    Robert gets the upper hand over me for the position of section chief .

  15. 她们一直戏称宫科长为“老公”,叫顺了口。

    They have been jokingly Palace chief as " husband ", called Shun of the mouth .

  16. 在送到市场经理那里之前,科长们可能会再整理一下。

    They 'll probably sort them a bit more before they go to the marketing manager .

  17. 教授·科长·名片

    Professors , Officials and Cards

  18. 科长总是一本正经,从不跟他人一起开玩笑。

    The head of the section is always very formal ; he never joins in a joke .

  19. 大家发现科长是个很不容易相处的人。

    The head of the section is found to be a very difficult man to get on with .

  20. 他就是由园林工人成长为园林科副科长的缪红文。

    He grows by gardens worker namely the Miao Gong Wen that is gardens division deputy section chief .

  21. 在2007年6月接受警方调查时,这位保安科长否认自己进行过此类威胁。

    The security chief , denied under police interrogation in June 2007 that he had made any such threat .

  22. 池塘上有一群水鸟。海鸥科长翅、蹼足的水鸟。

    There is a flock of waterfowls on the pond . long-winged web-footed aquatic bird of the gull family .

  23. 几种喉部有纵向沟槽且背鳍小而尖的须鲸科长须鲸。

    Any of several baleen whales of of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin .

  24. 简是《纽约日报》的人事科长,在这家报纸里她还负责公共关系方面的特约社论工作。

    Jane is the personal sectional chief as well as the one who is responsible for special editorial on public relations of NewYork Daily .

  25. 培训科长可能希望知道一个工厂里有潜在能力的人数的比例是否同另一个工厂一样。

    A training director may wish to determine whether the proportion of promotable employees at one plant is different from that at another plant .

  26. 豆科牧草种子休眠期比禾本科长,且耐贮藏,贮藏10年的种子多数仍具有一定发芽能力;

    Leguminous species seeds had a long dormancy time and could stand storage . Most of Leguminous species seeds had germination ability after 10_year storage .

  27. 1938年,杨松从莫斯科回到延安,任中央宣传部副部长,兼任秘书长和宣传科长。

    In 1938 , he came Yan ' an from Moscow , was appointed vice-Minister of Publicity Department , meanwhile as Secretary-General and Section Chief .

  28. 根据山西省疾控中心原信息科科长陈涛安的举报,山西儿童的死亡、病残与疫苗不当储存有关。

    The report cited Chen Tao ` an-a whistleblower who had worked with the provincial CDC-who blamed improperly-stored vaccines for the deaths or disabilities of the children .

  29. 比如,姓李的局长被称为李局,姓王的科长被称为王科;如果你是总经理、总工程师或总编,就会被称为什么总。

    If somebody is a chief engineer or a chief editor , he will be called something like " Li chief " or " chief Li " .

  30. 由于我忠于职责,并出色地协助处理了几次突发安全事故,因此在2001年6月被提升保卫科副科长。

    I was committed to my job and successfully assisted in handing some unexpected safety accidents , thus I was promoted to assistant section chief in june , 2001 .