
This paper deals with a statistic method for identification of modal parameters of structures by means of the maximum likelihood estimation ( MLE ) .
If Goldman reeks of moneyed arrogance , McKinsey reeks of intellectual arrogance & the latter capable of producing just as visceral a response as the former .
However , because of the influence of the old legal mode of Soviet Union and the lack of sense of legal system , some concepts and systems in the field of general rules of obligation in China are not appropriate enough .
Now , researchers say they have developed a scent device that can identify the disease .
To solve the problem of false positive in micro-calcification detection , a double-layer support vector classifier model with reject feature is proposed .
According to the interpretation of Zen Buddhism ," the way it is " refers to a state in connection with the cosmos of unconsciousness , which is not interfered by the consciousness .
Complex of native land is the particular outcome of the country society , which is the embodiment of the will of returning home and has become a collective unconscious rooted in Chinese mind .
The weighted sum of all the input currents is regarded as a relative threshold in the first kind of relative rejecting when this network is configured in 2 WTA and so it has some adaptibility .
A guide for blind men reading relates to the electrical production technology .
Recognition performance of 56 Chinese phrases ( abbreviations phrases ) on information of cockpit display by hearing was tested in 3 conditions .
Metaphor is not only a cognitive mechanism but also method of text construal .