
  • 网络racial superiority
  1. 诸如三K党之流的种族主义者四处传播他们的种族优越论。

    Racists like those of the KKK spread their theories of racial superiority .

  2. 一场听证会将在华盛顿大屠杀博物馆进行拍摄,联邦法官将审判犯罪嫌疑人JamesvonBrunn,其父是一名种族优越论者,该男子称希望自己的父亲在周三的摄影前已经死去。

    A court hearing is scheduled today in the shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in D. C , a federal judge will hear how the suspect James von Brunn is recovering , the son of the reputed white supremacist says , he wishes his father would have died in Wednesday shooting instead .

  3. 目前已知,一名白人种族优越论者、前团体领导人因与这起枪击案有关而被捕。

    A known white supremacist and former clan leader is being held in connection with shooting .

  4. 《黑暗的心》不仅仅是一部反殖民小说,同时也是一部充斥种族优越论之观点的小说。

    Heart of Darkness is full of depictions of Africa as a savage and dark continent .

  5. 同时,种族优越论在美国社会占据主导,白人社会把黑人的不幸看作是自然选择的结果。论《土生子》中的阶级和种族冲突

    The status of Negroes in American society was general deterioration . On color and class conflicts in Native Son

  6. 罗斯福的大海军思想建立在其宣扬的种族优越论、文明扩张论和实力和平论基础之上。

    The thoughts on Big Navy are based on the views of Superior Race , Civilized Expand and Peace on Strength .

  7. 以周族为核心的华夏文化崛起后,华夏种族优越论和华夏正统论也由此而产生。

    Along with the emerging of the Chinese culture in which the Zhou nationality played a key role , the arguments about the superiority of the Chinese race and the Chinese orthodoxy arose .

  8. “(最)适者生存”并不是达尔文的话,而是赫伯特·斯宾塞和那些利用达尔文来证明他们所鼓吹的阶级和种族优越论的人们所说的。

    " Survival of the fittest " was not Darwin 's phrase , but Herbert Spencer 's and that of Social Darwinists who used Darwin to justify their wished-for superiority of different classes and races .

  9. 在西方种族、文化优越论基础上生产出来的中国人知识,把中国人建构为一个落后、保守、野蛮的种族。

    The Chinese knowledge , based on the Western Superiority both in race and culture , believed Chinese to be a backward , conservative and barbarous race .