
  • 网络private equity;Private Placement;Pre-IPO;privateplacement
  1. 根据投资方向的不同,私募基金可以分为私募证券投资基金、私募股权投资基金(PE)、风险投资基金(VC)等等。

    Depending on the investment direction , private placement fund can be divided into private securities investment fund , private equity fund ( PE ) . venture capital fund ( VC ) .

  2. 三是从盈利角度来讲,私募基金获利颇丰,以PE为例,一旦该基金投资的企业成功上市,它可以获得高达几倍甚至几十倍的盈利。

    Third , from a profit perspective , the private placement fund is lucrative , with PE for example , the successful listing of enterprises will help PE get times or several times earnings .

  3. 3日,普华永道在一份报告中指出,中国2015年私募股权投资创历史新高,不少投资者在科技领域寻求高增长投资机会。

    China 's private equity1 investment surged to a record high last year as investors2 pursued high-growth opportunities in technology , PricewaterhouseCoopers said in a report yesterday .

  4. 中国大概有三分之一的企业在IPO前有私募股权的支持。

    About one-third of SMEs are supported by private equity before IPO .

  5. •分明频道通信公司另外以10亿美元的价格,将近500个广播电台和电视台卖给了私募资本ProvidenceEquityPartners。

    • a separate $ 1 billion deal to sell around 500 radio and TV stations to Providence equity partners .

  6. 第二季度,伯克希尔与巴西私募股权公司3G资本(3GCapital)完成了对亨氏食品公司(Heinz)的收购。

    In the second quarter , Berkshire completed its acquisition of Heinz with a Brazilian private equity firm 3G capital .

  7. 这四家私募公司是:贝恩资本(BainCapital),百仕通集团(TheBlackstoneGroup),银湖合伙基金(SilverLakePartners)和TPG资本(TPGCapital)。

    The four firms are : Bain Capital , the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , Silver Lake partners and TPG capital .

  8. 菲利克斯•萨尔曼曾在路透社(Reuters)撰文称,拨号上网业务是私募机构的上佳选择。

    As Felix salmon notes at Reuters , the dialup business is perfect for private equity .

  9. 2005年,私募机构贝恩资本公司(BainCapital)提出以35亿美元的价格,收购全国冰球联盟(NationalHockeyLeague,NHL)旗下全部30支球队。

    In 2005 , private equity firm Bain Capital offered to buy all 30 National Hockey League teams for $ 3.5 billion .

  10. 私募股本集团DLJMerchantBankingPartners是瑞士信贷2000年收购Donaldson,Lufkin&Jenrette公司的遗产。

    The buyer is coller capital , a private equity firm focused on secondary transactions .

  11. 凯雷集团(TheCarlyleGroup)联合创始人大卫•鲁本斯坦认为,如今的私募股权行业要比大萧条之前更加繁荣。

    David rubeinstein , co-founder of the Carlyle Group ( CG ) , believes that the private equity industry is stronger today than before the great recession .

  12. 比如,1995年,贝恩资本的第四支私募股权基金购入了佛罗里达上市唱片公司AllianceEntertainment的股份。

    In 1995 , for example , the firm used its fourth private equity fund to purchase shares in a listed Florida record label called Alliance Entertainment .

  13. KKR是一家位于纽约市的私募股权公司。

    KKR is a private equity firm based in New York City .

  14. 第一份竞购出价来自于黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup),与之携手的是规模相对较小的私募股权公司FranciscoPartners和InsightVenturePartners。

    The first rival offer comes from the Blackstone Group ( BX ) , which is working with smaller private equity firms Francisco partners and insight venture partners .

  15. 公司目前由私募基金中桥合伙公司(CenterbridgePartners)、保尔森基金公司(Paulson&Co.)和黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)所有。

    The company is now owned by private equity firms centerbridge partners , Paulson & Co. and Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  16. 在新兴市场,银行融资市场和首次公开发行(ipo)市场也可能相对欠发达,这让私募股权行业日益有发展的机会。

    Emerging markets may also have relatively undeveloped markets for bank financing and initial public offerings , increasingly the opportunity set for the private equity industry .

  17. 因为上个月就有报道称,拉扎里迪斯已联系了黑石集团(BlackstoneGroup)和凯雷资本(CarlyleGroup)等私募公司。

    For example , there were reports last month that Lazaridis had reached out to private equity firms like the Blackstone Group ( BX ) and the Carlyle Group ( CG ) .

  18. 本文以GF证券为例,对甘肃省中小企业私募债券承销业务的发展进行了研究。

    GF Securities , for example , the development of small and medium enterprises in Gansu Province , private bond underwriting business .

  19. 谷歌(GoogleInc.)并购负责人唐•哈里森周二表示,谷歌可能很快会与私募股权公司合伙收购其他公司。

    Google Inc. may soon partner with private equity firms to acquire other companies , according to comments made yesterday by Google mergers and acquisitions chief don Harrison .

  20. 我所能看到的市况完全是积极的,无论是获得风险投资、还是私募支持的企业都顺利地通过了IPO,尤其是那些来自中国的上市公司。

    The only market conditions I see are positive , with both VC-backed and pe-backed companies sliding through the IPO window as if it were greased with butter .

  21. 柯赛恰好是私募股权公司JCFlowers的运营合伙人。这家公司的专长就是购买陷入困境的公司,特别是金融公司。

    Corzine just happens to be an operating partner in J.C.Flowers , a private equity firm that specializes in buying up distressed companies , especially financial companies .

  22. Zynga公司将是迄今为止最大的一次实验,而它显然已通过私募市场的初步考验了。

    Zynga will be the largest test to date , and it clearly has passed the private-market preliminaries .

  23. 私募股权公司凯雷投资集团(TheCarlyleGroup)周三晚间将IPO发行价定为每股22美元,低于此前计划的23-25美元区间。

    Private equity firm the Carlyle Group priced its IPO this evening at $ 22 per unit , which was lower than its proposed $ 23 to $ 25 per unit range .

  24. 最近,与迈克尔•戴尔合作的私募股权公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)在监管文件中披露,它的一些有限合伙人总计将跟投3.50亿美元。

    Silver Lake partners , the private equity firm working with Michael Dell , has disclosed in a regulatory filing that some of its limited partners are making an aggregate co-investment of $ 350 million .

  25. 2011年,15次最大规模的私募行动中值首次超过10亿美元,其中包括推特(Twitter)进行的一轮融资。

    The median value of the 15 largest private fundraisings including a funding round completed by Twitter was more than $ 1 billion for the first time in 2011 .

  26. 根据中国信托业协会(ChinaTrusteeAssociation)的数据,信托资产其中包括贷款、公开交易的证券和私募股权式投资总体增速在第三季度降到了两年多来的最差水平。

    Overall trust assets , which include loans , publicly traded securities and private equity-style investments , rose at their slowest pace in more than two years in the third quarter , figures from the China Trustee Association show .

  27. 毕业后,他在纽约的美林证券(MerrillLynch)从事了两年的投资银行业务,然后去旧金山的私募股票公司VectorCapital工作了两年。

    Since then , he had worked for two years as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch in New York and for two more years in private equity at vector capital in San Francisco .

  28. 现在,费城76人队又有了新的主人哈里斯。我还听说,另外一伙私募机构高管也开始四处搜寻,准备收购NBA球队。

    Now we have the Philadelphia76ers going to Harris , and I 've heard word that another group of PE execs is beating the bushes for their own NBA franchise .

  29. 随后的15年中,他的投资公司AbraajGroup实际上推动了中东和北非建立自己的私募基金行业。

    Over the subsequent fifteen years , his investment firm abraaj group effectively helped give birth to the private equity industry in the Middle East and North Africa .

  30. (举个例子,请看我最近的一篇文章,写的是亨氏(Heinz)如何遭受其私募股权所有人的压榨。)

    ( as an example , see my recent story on how Heinz is getting squeezed by its PE owners . )