
  1. 私分国有资产罪主体构成若干问题的探讨

    On subject of the crime of embezzling state-owned assets privately

  2. 私分国有资产罪研究

    On the Crime of Dividing up State-owned Assets Secretly

  3. 私分国有资产罪的犯罪对象为国有资产。

    The target of the crime is state-owned property .

  4. 私分国有资产罪主体的定性分析

    On the Subject of the Crime of Dividing up State-owned Assets in Secret

  5. 论私分国有资产罪的立法完善

    On the Legislation Improvement of the Crime of Privately Carving up State-owned Property

  6. 循私舞弊不移交刑事案件罪的主体认定关于私分国有资产罪主体认定的几个问题

    Several Juridical Adoptive Problems Concerning The Crime Subject of Privately Dividing The State Property

  7. 第一章简要介绍了私分国有资产罪的历史沿革和定义,为本文的深入讨论作了铺垫。

    Chapter one introduces the legislation history of Crime of unauthorized partition of state property .

  8. 私分国有资产罪若干问题新解

    New Explanation to Several Problems on the Crime of Dividing up State-owned Assets without Permission

  9. 在这部分论述的是私分国有资产罪的犯罪预备、犯罪中止以及犯罪未遂问题。

    The content of this part includes preparation for crime , discontinuance of crime and attempt of crime .

  10. 私分国有资产罪的主观要件。既能由直接故意构成也能由间接故意构成。

    The subjective important document of this crime since can by directly intentionally constitute also can by indirect intentionally constitute .

  11. 私分国有资产罪是1997年刑法新规定的罪名。

    The Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property is the new crime , which is in the criminal law 1997 stipulated .

  12. 私分国有资产罪在目前的司法实践中不可避免地遇到了诸多困惑,这与立法不明确、司法解释不及时全面有莫大的关系,理论界也对此进行了多方面的探讨和研究。

    At present , there is some puzzlement of the crime of seizing secretively State-Owned money and property in practice of justice .

  13. 但从应然的角度分析,私分国有资产罪作为单位犯罪是值得商榷的。

    But from the deserved Angle analysis , pocketing the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property sin as unit crime is worth discussing .

  14. 相关司法解释的尽快出台才能有助于私分国有资产罪的规范量刑,从而保证缓刑的正确、有效适用。

    Related judicatory explanations come on as soon as possible can help the normative measurement of punishments and can ensure the accurate and effective application of the suspension of sentence .

  15. 三是对该罪的主体方面进行研究,认为依照法律规定,私分国有资产罪是纯正的单位犯罪。

    The third is about the subjects of the crime , and conclude that the crime of privately distributing the state-owned assets is a pure unit crime in accordance with the law .

  16. 私分国有资产罪的特征。再次,在司法认定部分从司法实践的高度对为境外窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供国家秘密、情报罪的认定进行了探讨。

    The third part is about the characteristics of the crimes of dividing up State-owned assets in secret . The third part is the study of the recognition of the crime in practice .

  17. 笔者试通过运用刑法解释、比较分析等方法,以及相关学科的知识对私分国有资产罪的上述问题进行研究。

    I tried through the use of criminal law , comparative analysis and other methods , and related disciplines of knowledge on the crime of dividing up the State-owned assets to study these issues .

  18. 私分国有资产罪,是指国家机关、国有公司、企业、事业单位、人民团体违反国家规定,以单位名义将国有资产私分给个人,数额较大的行为。

    Crime of distributing state-owned assets privately means that state organs , state-owned corporations , enterprises , institutions and mass organizations violate state regulations and distribute large amount of state-owned assets in the name of the units .

  19. 总的来说,单位主体观(即私分国有资产罪的主体是单位)是当前刑法学界的主流观点。

    Generally speaking , the view of the unit-subject ( namely the subject of the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property is the unit ) is currently the mainstream viewpoint in the academia of the criminal law .

  20. 私分国有资产罪没有为单位谋取利益,反而侵害了单位利益;犯罪单位不受刑罚处罚,反而受到返还财物等司法救济。

    Divide the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property without sin for the benefit of the unit , but the infringement interests ; the unit , but not be punished by return property to wait the judicial relief .

  21. 针对这一情况,为切实贯彻罪刑法定原则,切实加强对国有资产的保护力度,我国在修订1997年刑法的时候增加了私分国有资产罪这一罪名。

    In view of this situation , our country add the crime of privately distributing the state-owned assets in the criminal law revised in 1997 in order to realize the principle of legality and strengthen the protection of state-owned assets .

  22. 而且,私分国有资产罪作为直接故意犯罪,其主观方面却不是为单位谋取利益,而是单位成员借此谋取个人私利;

    Moreover , the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property as the crime with intent , its subjective aspect is not actually directly seeking the benefits for the unit , but the member of the unit seeks individual personal gains .

  23. 私分国有资产罪作为纯正的单位犯罪,刑法规定只处罚直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员。

    As the crime of privately dividing the state-owned assets is a pure unit crime , the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible for the offence shall only be punished by the criminal law .

  24. 1997年刑法修订后,私分国有资产罪从之前的贪污罪中分离出来,作为一个纯正的单位犯罪,在处罚原则上采单罚制。

    1997 years after the revision of the criminal law , the Crime of Unauthorized Partition of State Property from the sin before of separation of corruption as a pure unit crime , in the punishment in a single system in principle .

  25. 针对国有企业改制中,私分国有资产犯罪层出不穷,1997年《刑法》从贪污罪中分离出了私分国有资产罪,有效的打击了该类犯罪行为。

    In State-owned enterprise reform , dividing up the State-owned assets crime abound , the 1997 Penal Code separate from the corruption out of the crime of dividing up the State-owned assets , effective in combating this type of offence .