
  • 网络Forbes;Forbes Magazine
  1. 如:“SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。”

    E.g. , " Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 . "

  2. 像我的就写,SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。

    Mine just says , Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 .

  3. 据福布斯杂志报道,GAGA去年狂揽8000万美元,这主要得益于她的巡回演唱会。

    According to the magazine , Gaga raked in $ 80 million , thanks in large part to her tour .

  4. 像我的就写,“SusanAdams,福布斯杂志高级编辑,212-206-5571。”包含你公司网站的短链接是可以接受的,但是避免出现一系列推广你的项目和出版物的链接。4.务必包含结尾。

    Mine just says , " Susan Adams , Senior Editor , Forbes 212-206-5571 . " A short link to your website is fine but avoid a laundry list of links promoting your projects and publications 。 4 . Do include some kind of sign-off 。

  5. 财富杂志是继福布斯杂志以来美国第二悠久的商业杂志。

    Fortune magazine is America 's second longest-running business magazine after Forbes magazine .

  6. 我从福布斯杂志的封面辨认出你。

    I recognized you from the Forbes cover .

  7. 86岁高龄的女王也是福布斯杂志百强女性榜中最年长的一位。

    At 86 , the Queen is the oldest in Forbes magazines list of 100 .

  8. 在福布斯杂志白手起家亿万富翁排行榜中,14位女性里有七位来自中国。

    Seven of the14 women identified on Forbes magazine 's list of self-made billionaires are Chinese .

  9. 据福布斯杂志估计,53岁的德普身价达4800万美元。

    Depp , 53 , is estimated by Forbes magazine to be worth $ 48 million .

  10. 福布斯杂志统计,曼彻斯特联队仍然是世界上最有价值的足球俱乐部。

    Manchester United is still the most valuable football club in the world , according to Forbes magazine .

  11. 福布斯杂志年度排名显示,今年全世界共有1210名亿万富翁,比去年增加了199名。

    Forbes magazine 's annual list shows there are now1,210 billionaires around the world-that is199 more than last year .

  12. 中国女性在《福布斯杂志》的世界最具权力女性榜单中彰显了自身的最强实力。

    Chinese women have made their strongest showing on Forbes magazine 's list of the world 's most powerful women .

  13. 根据福布斯杂志报道,在薪水最高的女性运动员名单中,网球运动员占了大多数,前十名里就有七个。

    Tennis players dominate the list of best-paid sportswomen published by Forbes Magazine , taking seven of the top ten places .

  14. 斯皮尔伯格两次获得奥斯卡最佳导演,据福布斯杂志身价为36亿美金。

    A two-time Best Director Oscar-winner , Spielberg has an estimated net worth , according to Forbes , of $ 3.6 billion .

  15. 福布斯杂志首次发布非洲四十名富豪榜,这证明了非洲大陆在全球重要性与日俱增。

    Forbes magazine has published its first list of Africa's40 richest people , saying it indicates the growing global importance of the continent .

  16. 今年明星富豪榜的头名是脱口秀主持人奥普拉·温弗里。据福布斯杂志估计,她今年的收入达到了2.75亿美金。

    Talk show host Oprah Winfrey was the highest-earning celebrity this year with an estimated income of $ 275 million according to Forbes .

  17. 六月的福布斯杂志在全球最有价值的球队评定中,将切尔西放到了第七的位置上。

    In June , Forbes magazine put Chelsea at No. 7 on its list of the most valuable soccer teams in the world .

  18. 最近被福布斯杂志评为2011年全球100家最具创新型企业之一。全球每天有10亿人次乘坐迅达电梯及自动扶梯。

    Recently named one of Forbes Magazine's100 Most Innovative Companies for2011 , Schindler equipment moves one billion people everyday all over the world .

  19. 据福布斯杂志报道,詹妮弗·劳伦斯是今年入围奥斯卡的演员中收入最高的一位。

    Jennifer Lawrence is the highest-earning actor or actress to earn an Oscar nomination in this year 's awards , according to Forbes 's magazine .

  20. 福布斯杂志报道说:当在他众多公司的一家中处于领导地位时,他给他的债权人留下了超过2.9亿美元的债务。

    Forbes magazine reports that while at the helm of a string of his companies , he left his creditors holding the bag on over $ 2.9 billion in debt .

  21. 吴,毕业于炼油工程专业,已经连续三年被美国福布斯杂志列为世界最有影响力的三位女性之一。

    Wu , a graduate in oil-refinery engineering , has been listed among the top three powerful women in the world for three years by Forbes magazine in the United States .

  22. 据福布斯杂志报道,这位年仅32岁的企业家兼慈善人士是排行第六的世界首富,净产值446亿美元。

    At the young age of 32 , the entrepreneur-philanthropist is the sixth-richest person in the world , with a net worth of $ 44.6 billion , according to Forbes magazine last year .

  23. 《福布斯杂志》上海分社负责人范鲁贤表示,人们往往愿意居留在居住条件好的地方,而中国已经成为了一个具有吸引力和竞争力的选择。

    People always want to live where there are better living conditions , and China has become an attractive and competitive choice , said Russell Flannery , Shanghai bureau chief for Forbes Magazine .

  24. 福布斯杂志撰稿人安东尼•德马科称,本届奥运会大部分用的是回收银,这使2016年里约奥运金牌成为“有史以来最可持续的”。

    And much of it is recycled silver this time around , which makes the 20-16 Rio medals " the most sustainable ever made , " according to Forbes magazine contributor Anthony DeMarco .

  25. 最近刚把奥普拉·温弗瑞从福布斯杂志编制的全球最有权力的名人榜上撤下来的安吉丽娜,与她的搭档布拉德·皮特有6个收养和亲生的子女。

    Angelina , who just recently dethroned Oprah Winfrey as the world 's most powerful celebrity in a list compiled by Forbes magazine , has six adopted and biological children with partner Brad Pitt .

  26. 权势榜第二名是德国总理默克尔,福布斯杂志将她称为欧盟27个成员国的主心骨、承载欧元命运的人。

    The silver medal of power went to Mrs Merkel , the German chancellor , whom Forbes described as the backbone of the 27-member European Union and the person who carries the fate of the euro on her shoulders .

  27. 中国经济在过去三十年经历了飞速发展。今天,中国的亿万富翁数量正以全球最快的速度增长,从十年前的一个都没有,激增到今天的242人(据福布斯杂志)。

    China has seen rapid economic growth over the past three decades , and it is now one of the world 's fastest growing producers of billionaires - 242 and counting , according to Forbes - which is extraordinary considering that just over a decade ago , there were none .

  28. 火箭队球星姚明上周刚签下了一分为期5年价值7500万美元的合同。他的收入位居福布斯杂志公布的中国名人榜第一名,这也是他连续第二年赢得第一的位置。

    he spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US . 5 . pull the trigger 6 . rookie Yao Ming topped Forbes Magazine 's list of Chinese celebrities again . The Houston Rockets ' star signed a five-year , $ 75 million contract last week , and earned the ranking for the second straight year .

  29. 这便是《福布斯》杂志将HelloKitty评为史上最畅销授权娱乐产品的原因。

    That 's why Forbes magazine has called Hello Kitty one of the best-selling licensed entertainment products ever .

  30. 去年,《福布斯》杂志(Forbes)估计,陈宁宁个人财富高达2.16亿美元。

    Last year Forbes magazine estimated Ms Chen 's wealth at $ 216m .