
  • 网络neurasthenic syndrome;Neurasthenia syndrome
  1. 结论:长期接触高温,可引起工人神经衰弱综合征。

    Conclusions : Long time espousing in the hot environment could result in neurasthenic syndrome .

  2. 结果:本组36例CPB术后精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16的,谵妄状态8例、精神分裂样状态2例、神经衰弱综合征10例。

    Results : There were 16 patients with depression state , 8 patients with delirium state , 2 patients with schizotypal state and 10 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome in 36 patients .

  3. 结果本组CPB术后精神障碍的发生率为3.17%(38/1200),38例精神障碍表现为抑郁状态16例,谵妄状态10例,神经衰弱综合征9例,精神分裂样状态3例。

    Results After operation , the occurrence of mental disorder was 3.17 % ( 38 / 1200 ) . There were 16 patients with depressed state , 10 patients with delirium state , 9 patients with neurasthenia 's syndrome and 3 patients with schizotypal state .

  4. 方法以某雷达通信、电子干扰部队作业人员为对象,共1103人,根据神经衰弱综合征诊断标准对神经衰弱综合症的发生现况进行调查。

    Methods A total of 1 103 soldiers from some radar signal and electron interference army were investigated .

  5. 其异常程度与接触者出现神经衰弱综合征、发锰含量增高成正相关。

    The abnormal degree of REG was associated with neurasthenia , and increased content of manganese in hair in the exposure groups .

  6. 静电在治疗失眠、神经衰弱、更年期综合征、皮肤病等疾病上的疗效显著。

    The treatment effects are significant in insomnia , neurasthenia , climacteric syndrome , dermatosis , etc. with electrostatic .

  7. 睡眠倒错:白天昏昏欲睡,而夜间兴奋不眠,可见于神经衰弱、癔病、脑外伤性神经衰弱综合征和脑动脉硬化。

    Morpheuswrong : Drowsy by day , and nightly excitement not Mian , visible at neurasthenic , hysteria , head traumatic sex is neurasthenic be asked for integratedly and head arteriosclerosis .