
  • 网络Community Resources;Community Source
  1. 当然,家长们并不是唯一的社区资源。

    Parents , of course , are not the only community resources .

  2. ApacheIvy:访问Ivy项目网站,查看文档、教程和社区资源。

    Apache Ivy : Visit the Ivy project site for documentation , tutorials , and community resources .

  3. 昨天微软发布了另一个社区资源,被命名为MSDN代码展览馆(CodeGallery)。

    Microsoft launched another community resource called MSDN Code Gallery , yesterday .

  4. 目的充分利用与发掘社区资源优势及功能。

    Objective To fully utilize and develop community resources and potentials ;

  5. 依托社区资源推行社区警务战略的思考

    Push Community Police Service Strategy with the Support of Community Resource

  6. 加强利用家庭、社区资源的行政支持。

    Improve administrative support measures of using the resources actively .

  7. 丽江纳西族的社区资源管理传统

    The Communities'Resources Management Tradition of the Naxi People in Lijiang

  8. 两个机构分担社会、学术界、社区资源。

    The two institutions share social , academic , and community resources .

  9. 利用社区资源,拓展幼儿体育活动的空间

    On Making Use of Community Resources and Enlarging Sports Space for Children

  10. 还有一些民兵组织是为争夺社区资源而成立的。

    Other militias come from communities locked in resource disputes .

  11. 基于关键字组合的网格层次社区资源发现

    Grid hierarchical communities resource discovery based on keyword combinations

  12. 教育资源与社区资源共享机制探讨我国教育硕士专业学位教育研究

    The Share Mechanism Research in Education and District Resource

  13. 教师继续教育社区资源的课程趋向

    Course Orientation of Teachers ' Continuing Education Community Resources

  14. 讨论了充分利用社区资源,实行家庭、社区的综合性治疗措施。

    The comprehensive measures of treatment of lung-heart disease in community were discussed .

  15. 社区资源的福利文化思考

    Contemplation of the welfare culture based on community resources

  16. 幼儿教师对利用家庭、社区资源的实践探索;

    The teachers ' practice and exploitation activities .

  17. 村落社区资源整合研究&以遇驾山村落社区为例

    Research On Tribes and Villages Resource Integration

  18. 农业是人类通过生产劳动,利用农村社区资源,从事各种涉农产业的经济部门。

    Agriculture is economic department concerning agricultural production utilizing rural area resource through social production .

  19. 但是也存在着一些不足之处:(1)社区资源挖掘和使用不够充分;

    But still some problems exist : ( 1 ) the community resources are not fully used .

  20. 经过培训的农牧民认为天祝图书馆体系是一个非常有价值的社区资源。

    Farmers who have been trained think that the Tianzhu Library Network is a valuable community resource .

  21. 项目为保护区范围内或周边的所有26个试点村编制了社区资源管理计划。

    Community resource management plans have been formulated for all26 pilot villages within or bordered protected areas .

  22. 上海市高校附属幼儿园家庭、社区资源占有情况调查

    A Survey on Family and Community Resources Available to Kindergartens Attached to Colleges and Universities in Shanghai

  23. 基于城市社会&生活空间质量观的社区资源配置研究

    Research on the Allocation of Community Resources on the Basis of the Concept of Social-life Space Quality

  24. 综合实践活动;社区资源;生活;体验生活;积累素材。

    Comprehensive practice an activity ; Community resources ; Participate a life ; Experience life ; Backlog material .

  25. 村民希望通过由自己选举产生的村民委员会(以下简称村委会)来控制社区资源,体现和维护他们的利益。

    The villagers hope the villagers committee elected by themselves to control the resources and maintain their interest .

  26. 利用社区资源推动少数民族妇女扫盲工作的全面发展

    Making Use of Community Resources to Promote the Work of Eliminating Illiteracy for Ethnic Minority Women in an all-round Way

  27. 利用社区资源矫正罪犯在西方得到了许多国家的法律确认,在联合国亦得到了倡导。

    Correcting criminals by community resources has been recognized by law in many western countries as well as in united Nations .

  28. 乡村群体性冲突事件之所以时有发生,究其原因,主要是乡村社区资源配置不合理,利益关系不协调,农民负担过重。

    Because of unreasonable resource setup , uncoordinated benefit relationship , too heavy farmer burden , village group conflict takes place constantly .

  29. 因为从此您就可以更易找到资源、更快修补项目缺陷,并且通常您还可以利用其他的社区资源。

    You can find resources more easily , get fixes more quickly , and in general take advantage of the additional community .

  30. 滇东南岩溶山区社区资源利用系统分析与模式重建&以广南县篆角乡布标村公所为例

    Systematic analyses and modeling reconstruction for natural resources utilization in a community : case from the karst areas of Southeastern Yunnan Province