
  • 网络social operational mechanism
  1. 能源作为国民经济发展的物质基础,在社会运行机制中正发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As the material basis of national economic development , energy is playing amore and more important role in the social operational mechanism .

  2. 创新社会管理体制,协调社会运行机制;

    In addition , social management system should innovate to assort with social operational mechanism ;

  3. 节水型社会运行机制体系研究

    Study on operating mechanism of water-saving society in China

  4. 国家创新体系的社会运行机制研究

    The Study of the Social Operation of the SNI

  5. 运用现代公司治理理论,建设城市治理结构,这是市政经济有效率发展的社会运行机制保证。

    This is the social operation mechanism guarantee of municipal economy development efficiency .

  6. 论知识创新的社会运行机制

    On the Social Functional Mechanism of Knowledge Innovation

  7. 和谐社会运行机制研究

    Research on the Operational Mechanism of Harmonious Society

  8. 从社会运行机制看两种制度发展变化的内在逻辑

    Analysis on the Operating mechanisms of Two Systems

  9. 农村社会运行机制

    The Moving Mechanism in the Rural Areas

  10. 培育健康的社会运行机制,增加社会的文化含量;

    To cultivate a kind of healthy mechanism of social operation and increase the culture connotation of society ;

  11. 因此,需要构建和完善促进弹性就业的社会运行机制,以保障弹性就业的正常发展。

    Accordingly a mechanism of social security must be founded and perfected to promote healthy development of flexible employment .

  12. 建设有中国特色的社会主义,就是如何将动力机制与平衡机制有机地紧密结合起来,形成一种既有严密平衡、又有强劲动力、两者相互协调的总的社会运行机制。

    To build socialism with Chinese characteristics should unite effective , strong driving force mechanism with good balance mechanism .

  13. 只有改革与除腐同步进行,才能逐步形成良性社会运行机制,使我国市场经济的战略选择健康发展。

    And only by eradicating corruption while conducting the reform can we give rise to a sound social mechanism for the healthy development of market economy .

  14. 文章分析了技术价值系统各要素间的相互作用关系及其社会运行机制,探讨了对技术价值系统的可能控制。

    The paper analyses the interactions among the parts in the system , and attempts to give some control methods over the system of technological value .

  15. 在社会运行机制变动过程中,某种程度的平衡机制欠缺、动力机制失范,就是当今中国一系列社会问题的深层病因。

    Inadequate balance and impetus mechanisms are to some extent the underlying causes of a series of social problems in present-day China as society 's operating mechanisms are transformed .

  16. 究其贫富差距悬殊的根源,在于法制化水平低、利益协调机制差、打击非法行为不力等社会运行机制方面的原因。

    Tracing it to its source , it lies in some reasons of social operation mechanism , such as low level of legalization , the bad interest coordination and inadequate efforts to crack down illegal activities .

  17. 因此,需要政府积极作为,为维护女性就业及相关权益,加强政府人力资源保障部门统一协调管理,建立健全促进社会运行机制,建立行之有效的权益维护系统。

    Accordingly , need government to serve as actively , for the maintenance of female employment and related rights and interests , to strengthen the government human resource departments coordinated management , establish a sound social operation mechanism , build effective rights maintenance system .

  18. 奇虎360科技公司董事长兼首席运营官周鸿祎16日在第三届世界互联网大会上对媒体表示,随着物联网和万物互联越来越流行,网络已经成为整个社会运行机制的基石。

    Zhou Hongyi , chairman and CEO of Qihoo 360 Technology Co , said to media during the third WIC Wednesday that with the popularity of internet of things ( IoT ) and internet of everything , internet has become the basis of the whole social operation .

  19. 社会运行机制是社会主体或其代表者对社会运行价值所作的评价、选择和对这种选择的实施。社会运行机制可分为农村社会运行机制和全社会运行机制。

    The moving mechanism of a society refers to the evaluation and choice of social value made by its anents and representatives and the enforcement of such a choice It falls into two types : the moving mechanism in the rural areas and the moving mechanism for the whole society .

  20. 高校大学生社会实践运行机制探索

    Exploring the Operating Mechanism of University Students ' Social Practices

  21. 和谐社会的运行机制与大众媒体的责任

    On the operating mechanism of harmonious society and mass media 's responsibility

  22. 高校后勤社会化运行机制的研究

    The Research of Operating Mechanism of University 's Socialized Logistics

  23. 改革开放以来,先富起来政策作为社会运行动力机制导致了收入差距的扩大,先富群体也随之出现,在农村也是这样。

    Since the opening-up and reform , the policy of getting rich earlier as the social motion operating mechanism has enlarged the income gaps with the rural earlier-rich group emerging , so has the countryside .

  24. 本文通过分析学习型社会的运行机制,指出学习动机的产生和学习能力的形成是高校教学过程中必须完成的首要任务。

    By analyzing operating mechanism of learning society , this paper points out that formulation of learning motivation and forming of learning ability are primary tasks that should be finished in the course of university teaching .

  25. 本文认为,要建立健全江苏农业投融资体制,需要通过构建农业投资的数量扩展机制、农业投资的多元化运行机制、农业投资的政策引导和微观积累机制和农业融资的社会化运行机制来实现。

    In sum , the study shows that the system of agricultural investment and financing in Jiangsu will become perfect by setting up quantity expanding mechanism , many-faceted operating mechanism , policy guiding and microcosmic accumulating mechanism .

  26. 香港社会办体育运行机制的分析

    Analysis on Mechanism of Sports Managed by Society in Hongkong

  27. 科研仪器设备社会化协作运行机制研究

    Research on mechanism of social coordination of scientific research instruments

  28. 欧美人类需要理论与社会福利制度运行机制研究

    Studies on European Human Needs Theory and Social Welfare System

  29. 网络社会本质与运行机制

    Innate Character of Network Society and Circulating Mechanism

  30. 市场经济与社会系统的运行机制

    Market Economy and Movement Mechanism of Social System