
  • 网络Social Satisfaction;Society Satisfaction
  1. 规划局工作的社会满意程度分析

    An analysis to the social satisfaction towards local planning authority

  2. 经营理念:社会满意、客户满意、员工满意、股东满意。

    Business philosophy : social satisfaction , customer satisfaction , employee satisfaction , shareholder satisfaction .

  3. 企业理念&顾客满意,员工满意,社会满意,股东满意。

    Enterprise Philosophy – All for Customers'Satisfaction , Employees'Satisfaction , Society 's Satisfaction , Shareholders'Satisfaction .

  4. 学校品牌竞争的目标是社会满意最大化,品牌忠诚最大化。

    The targets of brand competition of school are maximization of social satisfaction and brand faithfulness .

  5. 但这会使人神经紧绷:拉脱维亚仍然需要让国际社会满意的领导并且坚持紧缩政策。

    But that might rattle nerves : Latvia still needs to satisfy international lenders and stick to tight austerity policies .

  6. 而算计性承诺则会通过降低分销商的经济和社会满意,对知识转移产生负面影响。

    But manufacturer 's calculative commitment will make negative impact on knowledge transfer through reducing both distributor 's economic satisfaction and social satisfaction .

  7. 顾客满意不但包括让产品、服务的接受者满意,而且包括让员工满意、让社会满意。

    Customer satisfaction not only satisfy the receiver of the production and the service , but also satisfy the employee and the society .

  8. 在一个企业中,顾客满意是使命,员工满意是途径,股东满意是归宿,社会满意是责任,它们之间是相辅相成的。

    Be living in the business , customers ' satisfaction is the mission , employees ' satisfaction is the method , stockholders ' satisfaction is the final settling place , community satisfaction is the responsibility , it 's supplementary and complementary between them .

  9. 但目前的公务员退出仍然不能使个人、组织和社会都满意,尽管《公务员法》对公务员退出有相关规定,在实践中却很难推行。

    Though there are relevant regulations in the Public Servant Law , it is difficult to perform in practice .

  10. 住房质量的高低,直接影响居民生活水平的高低,关乎居民对社会的满意程度和社会稳定度。

    The quality of housing directly affects the level of people s lives , satisfaction with society and social stability .

  11. 这样做的重要意义,一方面在于当我们衡量经济发展成就时,除了考察经济发展是否有效率之外,还把诸如经济发展的结果是否能使大多数社会成员满意这类价值因素纳入评价准则。

    When estimating economic achievements , we not only analyze whether the economic development is effective or not , but also discuss some value standards , for example , whether most people are satisfied with the economic outcome .

  12. 内塔尼亚胡总理承诺进行经济变革,但是并不能使社会积极分子满意。

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is promising economic reforms but has satisfy social activists .

  13. 希政府表示不得不在削减预算与让其“社会伙伴”满意间取得平衡。

    The Greek government says it has to strike a balance between budget cuts and keeping its " social partners " happy .

  14. 同时,与以往研究成果进行比较,得出运用本文模型所产生的结论,为企业实施社会责任顾客满意战略提供有力支持。

    Getting the conclusion after comparing with the previous conclusion , the article provides the support for the customer satisfaction strategy of social responsibility .

  15. 这样,政府确保人民对自己的社会地位感到满意,而不会试图改变现状。

    In this way , the government makes sure that people are happy with their position in society and will not try to change things .

  16. 4社会自我和自我满意与大学生心理健康水平关系较密切。

    Social Self and Self Satisfaction correlate with psychological healthsignificantly ;

  17. 如今,越来越多的研究生介入社会找到一个满意的工作。

    Nowadays , more and more graduate student step in society to find a satisfied job .

  18. 第四个是一个人相信自己的社会地位是令人满意的,获得别人的尊重不需要通过暴力。

    And the fourth is a belief that a person 's position in society is satisfactory and that getting respect does not require violence .

  19. 老年人生活质量是指老年人对自己的身体健康、精神心理及社会交往诸方面满意程度的主客观总结和评价。

    Old people 's quality of life refers to their satisfaction degree of their physical condition , psychology state and social communication and so on .

  20. 要建设人民满意的政府,应树立以民为本的管理理念,并以之指导政府活动,加强社会服务提高公众满意程度,正确履行政府职能,解决人民群众的实际问题等几个方面着手。

    In order to build governments with which people are satisfied , we need to have the administrative concept of people-orientation and solve the problems concerned by the people .

  21. 最后,本文展望未来,提出了税收治理的善治方向,即要努力在社会发展和人民满意两大纬度,实现税收的最佳治理效力。

    At the end , this paper proposes the direction of good governance of taxation . Namely , government should realize the optimal governance effect of tax based on social development and people satisfaction .

  22. 授课16周,自主学习模式班在道德自我、社会自我、自我满意、自我行动以及自我概念总分上总体水平高于自主&合作学习模式班。

    For 16 weeks , self-regulated learning class at moral self , social self , self-satisfaction , self-action as well as the self-concept total score the aggregate level are higher than independent - cooperative learning class . 4 .

  23. 多维满意理论是指企业组织在市场经营中做到让顾客满意,在内部管理中做到让员工满意、股东满意,在社会中做到让社会满意。

    The satisfactory theory of many-dimensions is that enterprises make customers satisfactory in the management and marketplace , to make employees and stockholders satisfactory in inner administration and to make the whole society satisfactory in social lives .

  24. 高职教育只有主动适应社会经济的需求,提高教学质量,加强实践技能训练,才能培养出社会满意的优质产品。

    Only when we take initiative to get higher vocational education to meet economical and social needs by improving teaching quality and strengthening practical skills training , can we produce " high quality products " satisfactory to the society .

  25. 完成社会赋予的使命是非营利组织存在的目的,只有较好地完成其使命并可让社会满意的组织才能发展壮大。

    Completes the mission which the society entrusts is the purpose of the Non-profit organization , only to complete the mission so that the community can be satisfied with the organization to grow and develop .