
  • 网络social attitude
  1. 性别歧视是一种社会态度,语言反映这种态度。

    Gender discrimination is a social attitude that is reflected in language .

  2. 前言:目的:考察个人利益与青少年社会态度之间的关系及发展趋势。

    Objective : To investigate the impact of self-interest on social attitude of young persons and its development with age .

  3. 盖恩斯维尔佛罗里达大学社会态度研究者凯特·拉特利夫认为,就像一个领域的两个阵营,一方关心开放科学,另一方不关心开放科学。

    Kate Ratliff , who studies social attitudes at the University of Florida , Gainesville , says that it can seem as if there are two camps in a field-those who care about open science and those who don 't.

  4. 英国社会态度调查(BritishSocialAttitudesSurvey)的记录表明,在1983年,约有90%的选民相信银行是管理良好的机构。

    The British Social Attitudes Survey records that in 1983 some 90 per cent of voters thought banks were well-run institutions .

  5. K-Hole公司将“normcore”描述成一种社会态度。

    The agency described normcore as more of a sociological attitude .

  6. A21对于国家现状、官方娱乐和沉闷的白俄罗斯朋克界等都持有强硬的社会态度。

    A21 have taken a hard social stance to state mode , official show-biz and the inactive Belorussian punk-scene .

  7. 仅三项国家调查运用了社区儿童饥饿鉴定项目指数,即1999和2005年的“国家食品消费调查(NFCS)”和2008年的“南非社会态度调查”。

    Only three national surveys had used the CCHIP index , namely , the1999 and2005 National Food Consumption Surveys ( NFCS ) and the2008 South African Social Attitudes Survey .

  8. 对眼镜需求的增加也影响了对眼镜的社会态度。

    This increased demand impacted the societal attitudes toward eye glasses .

  9. 内隐社会态度的矛盾现象研究

    An Initial Research on the Ambivalence of Implicit Attitude

  10. 中国的肥胖流行可能是来源于针对人体肥胖所流行的社会态度。

    China 's obesity epidemic may have some roots in the prevailing social attitudes towards body fatness .

  11. 最近一项全球社会态度调查表明,英国是全世界种族观念最为淡薄的国家之一;

    Britain is one of the most racially tolerant countries on the planet , a survey claims .

  12. 语言是语言的创造和使用者在思想、态度和文化观念上的反映,与人们的社会态度密切相关。

    Language reflects the thoughts , attitudes and culture of people who make it and use it .

  13. 现在我们把这个跟我之前所说的对眼镜的社会态度结合起来,

    So now let 's tie this to what I 've said before about societal attitude towards glasses .

  14. 这一根本原因在于社会态度、规范和行为以及使其长期存在的政策。

    The root causes reside in social attitudes , norms , and behaviours and the policies that perpetuate them .

  15. [这]将要求社会态度发生深刻的转变,使之与20世纪中叶的时代节奏合拍。

    [ This ] will require a profound shift in social attitudes , attuning them to the mid-twentieth century .

  16. 制度制定和信息传递是引发社会态度转变的根本因素。

    The establishment of system and the transfer of information was the ultimate factor to arise the change of social attitude .

  17. 那些认为社会态度与妇女的希望保持一致的人们较为自由的声明(埃丽卡阿比尔)

    The liberated pieties of people who believe that social attitudes have kept pace with women 's aspirations ( Erica Abeel )

  18. 北京、西安大学生对奥运会和残奥会社会态度的比较

    Comparative study of the social attitude of college students in Beijing and Xi ' an towards the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

  19. 人类历史在演变甚至是灭绝的过程中,语言都是对我们的文化和社会态度的反应。

    Evolving and even dying over the course of human history , languages are a reflection of our cultural and societal attitudes .

  20. 社会态度主要是指下岗职工对下岗原因、对未来职业期望和对获得新工作的看法。

    The social attitude mainly refers to the reason of laid-off , the future career aspirations and view about how to get a work .

  21. 他们呼吁加大努力力度,以解决性和生殖健康不良与贫困、两性不平等和消极的社会态度这两者之间的关联。

    They call for greater efforts to tackle the links between sexual and reproductive ill-health and poverty , gender inequalities and negative social attitudes .

  22. 有着开明社会态度的年轻消费者是一个比宗教保守派更大的目标市场,企业正迅速对千禧一代做出调整。

    Younger consumers with liberal social attitudes are a bigger target market than religious conservatives , and companies are quickly reorienting themselves to millennials .

  23. 科学是对待同性恋者的主要原则,仁爱是对待同性恋者的社会态度要求,自律是同性恋者自我道德约束。

    Science is the main principle to homosexual , charity is to treat the gay community attitude , self-discipline is gay self moral constraint .

  24. 今年1月开展的一项“英国社会态度”调查发现,年轻人对婚姻的态度已经不那么传统了,他们倾向于将职业发展放在首位。

    A British Social Attitudes survey in January found that young people showed a less traditional attitude towards marriage and would put their careers first .

  25. 根据当下的社会态度,这可能有助于增加社会对自然主义者的关注,而不是将防止人们仇视在公共场合的裸露行为。

    Given the social attitude of the day , this may serve to call attention to naturalists rather than keeping haters of public nudity at bay .

  26. 今天的日本与五年前截然不同。尤其是社会态度方面,已偏离了亚洲传统价值观。

    Today 's Japan is totally different from the Japan of five decades ago , particularly in social attitudes , which hav strayed from traditional Asian values .

  27. 结果表明,总体上农民工的社会态度是偏乐观的,这与现有文献的结论一致。

    The results show that migrant workers ' social attitudes are optimistic on the whole considering pains they suffer , which is in accord with existing literature .

  28. 不过,很久之前社会态度就发生了大变化;建造公路桥的时候,伤亡人数降低幅度超过90%。

    The major change in social attitudes occurred long ago , however ; for the second bridge , casualties were reduced by more than 90 per cent .

  29. 最近一次英国社会态度调查显示的不少于40%的投票人表示“几乎从不”相信能有哪届政府把国家的利益放在第一位。

    Fully 40 % of voters told the latest British Social Attitudes survey that they " almost never " trust any government to put the national interest first .

  30. 基于社会态度调查进行社会态度监控,能够解释预测社会态度的变化,对于化解当前存在的敏感社会问题有积极作用。

    Monitoring social attitude which is based on social attitude survey can explain and forecast the attitude changing , and play a effective role in solving the arising social problems .