
  • 网络social fund
  1. 马耳他只要求申请入籍者至少在该国住满1年,办理过程总花费不到120万欧元,其中包括给马耳他国家发展及社会基金(NationalDevelopmentandSocialFund)的捐款,部分捐款过后不可退还。

    Malta 's residency requirement is only one year , and the total price is less than 1.2m , part of it in an non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund .

  2. 我国的政府或有债务主要表现为金融机构的不良资产和支付缺口、各类公共社会基金特别是社会保障基金的支付缺口、政府的财政担保三方面。

    In our country the main contingent government liabilities are the harmful capital and the paying defect of financial organization , all kinds of pubic social fund , especially the defect of paying of the social safeguarding fund , and the government 's financial guarantee .

  3. 什皮德拉表示,应当鼓励雇主实行平等薪酬,动用欧盟社会基金来帮助填平薪酬差别。

    Employers should be encouraged to introduce equal pay and EU social funds used to help close pay gaps , he said .

  4. 这在表面上看似乎是公平的,因为在社会主义条件下,生产资料等要素收入归国家所有,居民只能获得在扣除各项社会基金之后的劳动剩余,这使居民间收入分配差距缩小。

    It seems as if it was fair , because in socialistic country , producing material et al belongs to country , anyone who can get is only the residue after dividing all kinds of social common funds .

  5. 乔治·索罗斯的开放社会基金会1979年成立于纽约,此后基金会逐步扩大,形成了一个遍布东欧、前苏联、中部欧亚大陆,以及南非、海地、危地马拉和美国的庞大网络。

    In 1979 , Soros ' Open Society Foundation was Established in New York , then the Soros foundation enlarged quickly . It becomes a huge network including Eastern Europe , the former Soviet Union , Eurasia , South Africa , Haiti , Guatemala and America .

  6. 以此类推,人口增长率缓慢下来时就会给社会安全基金的财经带来压力

    Analogously , the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances .

  7. UML在社会保险基金风险预警系统中的建模应用

    Application of UML to Modeling for Warning System of Social Security Funds

  8. VaR模型可以很好度量社会保障基金的市场风险,其扩展模型可以度量社会保障基金的流动性风险和信用风险等。

    VaR model does well in addressing social security fund market risk .

  9. 本章研究了VaR模型在社会保障基金投资风险管理中四个方面的应用:风险控制、业绩评价、投资组合管理和资产负债管理。

    Specifically , Chapter Four is about the application of VaR model to social security fund risk management .

  10. 第二,探索VaR模型应用于我国社会保障基金投资风险管理的广度。

    Second , the applications of VaR to social security fund risk management are explored to a deeper extend .

  11. 去年,那些在海外上市的国有企业遵照规定,不得不将10%的新股划拨到政府管理的养老基金&全国社会保障基金理事会(NationalCouncilforSocialSecurityFund)。

    For the past year , state-owned companies listing overseas have had to allocate 10 per cent of the new shares to the National Council for Social Security Fund , the government-run pension fund .

  12. 一件不太为人所知的事实是,大部分的美国债务14.3万亿美元(andcounting)由美国的社会保障基金、养老基金、和美联储所持有。

    A little-known fact is that most of America 's debt-14.3 trillion and counting-is owned by Americans in Social Security trusts , pension funds , and by the Federal Reserve .

  13. 本文系国家社会科学基金项目基于Wiki的知识共享与创新服务系统实现研究(项目批准号07BTQ012)的主要研究成果。

    This dissertation presented the major research achievements of project " Research on Wiki-based knowledge sharing and innovation service system ", which is supported by the National Philosophy and Social Sciences Foundation ( Grant No.07BTQ012 ) .

  14. 社保基金主席戴相龙上周末在夏季达沃斯论坛说:中国的全国社会保障基金(社保基金)将投资到中国发展银行(CDB)。

    China 's National Social Security Fund ( NSSF ) will invest into the China Development Bank ( CDB ), NSSF chairman Dai Xianglong , said on Sunday at the Summer Davos forum .

  15. 本文受湖南省社会科学基金(02ZC20)资助。

    The paper is supported by Social and Science Fund of Hunan Province ( 02ZC20 ) .

  16. 在坦桑尼亚,第二个“社会行动基金”(TASAFII)的重点是提高地方政府和社区团体在项目中发挥的作用,如道路和学校建设项目。

    In Tanzania , the second Social Action Fund ( TASAF II ) has concentrated on increasing the role played by both local governments and community groups in projects such as road and school building .

  17. 但中国正快步赶上,其全国社会保障基金理事会(NCSSF)和去年成立的中国投资公司(CIC)名下资产分别为710亿美元和2000亿美元。

    But China is rapidly catching up , with the $ 71bn National Council for Social Security Fund ( NCSSF ) and the launch last year of China Investment Corp , with $ 200bn .

  18. 本研究受到国家自然科学基金(71171037)和教育部人文社会科学基金(社会资本视角下的电子实践网络中知识贡献研究,09YJC630024)资助。

    Humanities and Social Science Foundation ( under the perspective of social capital network of knowledge contribution to electronic practice research . 09YJC630024 ) funding .

  19. 本论文系国家社会科学基金项目《我国学习型企业信息消费的满意度研究》课题(批准号:03BTQ022)的研究成果之一。

    This paper is within the research of national social science fund projects " The Research on the Satisfaction Degree of Learning Enterprise Information Expense in China " ( No. 03BTQ022 ) .

  20. 未来北京市社会保障基金问题研究

    Study on Problems of Beijing Municipal Social Security Fund in Future

  21. 社会保障基金筹集管理初探

    Primary Investigation on the Collection and Management of Social Security Funds

  22. 社会保障基金管理中的公众参与机制研究

    The Research on Public Participation Mechanism of Social Security Fund Management

  23. 社会保障基金保值增值研究

    An Analysis of Value Hedge and Increment of Social Security Fund

  24. 武汉市社会保障基金短缺成因及对策分析

    A Research into the Shortage of Social Security Fund in Wuhan

  25. 试议社会保险基金审计重点

    The Key Points for the Auditing of Social Insurance Fund

  26. 这里的社会保险基金的法律监管谈的是广义上的。

    The legal supervision of social insurance funds is broad sense here .

  27. 社会保障基金海外投资风险研究

    A Study on Risk of Overseas Investment by the Social Security Fund

  28. 东北地区社会保障基金失衡问题及对策

    Analysis of the Problem of Unbalanced Social Security Funds in Northeast Region

  29. 水库移民社会保障基金筹集模式探讨

    Some discussions about collecting mode of social security fund of reservoir immigrants

  30. 社会保障基金的运行成败也影响到国家财政。

    Its operation is closely related to the state finance .