
  1. 区分社会主义商品生产和资本主义商品生产;

    We should distinguish between socialist commodity production and capitalist production ;

  2. 马克思和恩格斯忽视社会主义商品生产的原因新探

    The Reason of Marx and Engels ' Negligence of Socialist Production

  3. 社会主义商品生产、劳动价格和工资改革

    On Socialist Commodity Production , Labour Price and Wage Reform

  4. 论社会主义商品生产存在的长期性

    On the Nature of Long Existence of socialist Commodity Production

  5. 斯大林部分肯定了社会主义商品生产的可能性,但又把它局限在个人消费品的范围。

    Stalin affirmed the commodity economy in part , but he thought it only existed in the consumer goods .

  6. 分析认为,在社会主义商品生产条件下,劳动力不再是商品,奠定了人生存意义的基础;

    The analysis shows that under the condition of socialist commodity production , the labor forces are no longer the commodities but the basis for human existence .

  7. 分析结果表明,社会主义市场经济的商品生产、内在机制和价值取向对人的生存和发展具有重要影响。

    The results show that the commodity production in the socialist market economy , its inner structure and value orientation have great influence on human existence and development .