
  • 网络Shemaiah
  1. 罗波安所行的事,自始至终不都写在先知示玛雅和先见易多的史记上吗?

    Now the acts of Rehoboam , first and last , are they not written in the book of Shemaiah the prophet , and of Iddo the seer concerning genealogies ?

  2. 但神的话临到神人示玛雅,说

    But this word of God came to Shemaiah the man of God

  3. 哈琳的子孙中,有玛西雅,以利雅,示玛雅,耶歇,乌西雅。

    And of the sons of harim , Maaseiah and Elijah and Shemaiah and Jehiel and uzziah .

  4. 他的儿子示玛雅有几个儿子,都是大能的壮士,掌管父亲的家。

    Also unto Shemaiah his son were sons born , that ruled throughout the house of their father : for they were mighty men of valour .

  5. 属亚多尼干的子孙,就是末尾的,他们的名字是以利法列,耶利,示玛雅,同着他们有男丁六十。

    And of the last sons of Adonikam , whose names are these , Eliphelet , Jeiel , and Shemaiah , and with them threescore males .

  6. 利未人米拉利的子孙中,有哈沙比雅的曾孙,押利甘的孙子,哈述的儿子示玛雅。

    And of the levites ; shemaiah the son of hasshub , the son of azrikam , the son of hashabiah , of the sons of merari ;

  7. 大卫将祭司撒督和亚比亚他,并利未人乌列,亚帅雅,约珥,示玛雅,以列,亚米拿达召来

    And David called for Zadok and Abiathar the priests , and for the Levites , for Uriel , Asaiah , and Joel , Shemaiah , and Eliel , and Amminadab

  8. 又有耶杜顿的曾孙,迦拉的孙子,示玛雅的儿子俄巴底,还有以利加拿的孙子,亚撒的儿子比利家。他们都住在尼陀法人的村庄。

    Obadiah son of Shemaiah , the son of Galal , the son of Jeduthun ; and Berekiah son of Asa , the son of Elkanah , who lived in the villages of the Netophathites .

  9. 在他手下有伊甸,珉雅珉,耶书亚,示玛雅,亚玛利雅,示迦尼雅,在祭司的各城里供紧要的职任,无论弟兄大小,都按着班次分给他们。

    Eden , Miniamin , Jeshua , Shemaiah , Amariah and Shecaniah assisted him faithfully in the towns of the priests , distributing to their fellow priests according to their divisions , old and young alike .

  10. 又有一个人奉耶和华的名说预言,是基列耶琳人示玛雅的儿子乌利亚,他照耶利米的一切话说预言,攻击这城和这地。

    And there was another man who was a prophet of the lord , uriah , the son of Shemaiah of kiriath-jearim ; he said against this town and against this land all the words which Jeremiah had said .

  11. 又有撒迦利亚的弟兄示玛雅,亚撒利,米拉莱,基拉莱,玛艾,拿坦业,犹大,哈拿尼,都拿着神人大卫的乐器,文士以斯拉引领他们。

    And his brethren , Shemaiah , and Azarael , Milalai , Gilalai , Maai , Nethaneel , and Judah , Hanani , with the musical instruments of David the man of God , and Ezra the scribe before them .

  12. 其次是守东门,示迦尼的儿子示玛雅修造。

    After him repaired also Shemaiah the son of Shechaniah , the keeper of the east gate .