
  • 网络hard real-time system;Hard Real Time System
  1. 硬实时系统中基于软件容错的动态调度算法

    Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms with Software Fault-Tolerance in Hard Real-Time Systems

  2. 硬实时系统中基于任务同步及节能的动态调度算法

    Dynamic task scheduling algorithm with task synchronization and energy savings in hard real-time systems

  3. 基于DNA算法的硬实时系统预调度的研究

    Research on Pre-run-time Scheduling of Hard Real-time System Based on DNA Algorithm

  4. 基于WINDOWSnt/2000环境的硬实时系统实现方法

    A Hard Real-time System Realization Method based on Windows NT / 2000 Environment

  5. 提出一种基于Ethernet的通信协议RTCC,能够向分布式硬实时系统提供硬实时性能保障,而Ethernet硬件不需做任何修改。

    In this paper , an Ethernet based protocol called RTCC is presented , that provides hard real time performance guarantees to distributed hard real time applications without requiring any modifications to the existing Ethernet hardware .

  6. 硬实时系统的通信协议

    Communication protocols for hard real time systems

  7. 基于防危核(壳)的安全关键硬实时系统响应时间的分析

    Response Time Analysis for Safety-Critical Hard Real-Time Systems Based on Safety Kernel / Shell Scheme

  8. 有保证的调度对硬实时系统是必须的,这是因为系统中每个进程必须满足它们的截止时间,否则后果不堪设想。

    Guaranteed scheduling is necessary for hard real time systems , because each process of them must meet their deadline , or a serious consequence will result .

  9. 分布式硬实时系统应用日益增长,网络处理硬实时消息的能力变得更加重要。

    With the growing trend towards distributed hard real time systems , the ability of computer networks to handle hard real time message traffic is becoming more important .

  10. 硬实时系统指超过截止期限后将造成灾难性后果(例如展开气囊过晚或制动压力产生的滑行距离过长)的系统。

    Hard real-time systems are those in which missing a deadline can have a catastrophic result ( such as deploying an airbag too late or allowing brake pressure to slip for too long ) .

  11. 为了更好地定量分析可预测性,需要为以固定优先级方式调度的、周期性任务的硬实时CORBA系统建模。

    In order to achieve this , scheduling models should be set up for hard real-time CORBA systems with static priority and periodic tasks .

  12. 文章介绍了POSIX兼容的嵌入式硬实时操作系统LynxOS,LynxOS的硬实时性及其在嵌入式系统应用中的重要功能。

    This paper first introduces a hard real time OS & LynxOS , which is compatible with POSIX standard .

  13. 硬实时仿真系统时间调度

    Time Scheduling in Hard Real Time Simulation System

  14. 在硬实时嵌入式系统中,任务间的抢占不仅导致操作系统上下文切换的时间开销,而且还会造成存储设备、网络设备、外界环境等资源带宽的降低以及能源消耗的浪费。

    In the hard real-time embedded systems , the preemptions of tasks not only lead to the context-switching time spending of the operating system , and other resources to reduce bandwidth and waste energy consumption .

  15. 在目标平台上实测结果表明,从硬实时任务中断产生到硬实时任务得到调度执行的最大延迟小于100μs,可以满足绝大多数嵌入式硬实时系统的要求。

    The actual test result on target platform shows that the maximum latency from the generation of hard-real-time interrupt to the execution of hard-real-time task is less than 100 μ s , which could meet the need of most of the embedded hard-real-time systems .