
  • 网络break blood;Blood-breaking;removing blood stasis with drastic drugs;break the blood
  1. 目的:比较破血药三棱、莪术对血液流变性影响的异同。

    Objective : To compare the effects of blood-breaking drugs Sanleng and Eshu on hemorrheology indexes .

  2. 结果提示:促正常内皮细胞或促受损内皮细胞分泌PGI2的不同侧重可能造成了活血化瘀药中养血药和破血药的差别。

    These results suggested that the difference of the secretion of PGI_2 between the normal endothelial cells stimulated and injured endothelial cells stimulated might be the difference between the drugs for nourishing blood and the drugs for cracking blood .

  3. 破血下瘀法治疗胸、腰椎压缩性骨折并发症32例

    Effects of expelling blood stasis therapy on vertebral compression fracture

  4. 方法采用自拟利尿排石汤中重用软坚破血药,用科学方法煎服药,每日一剂治疗。

    Methods Diuretic lithagogue decoction formulated through practice was used , once each day .

  5. 结论自拟利尿排石汤重用软坚破血药治疗尿路结石疗效肯定。

    Conclusion It is effective to treat the patients with urinary stone by diuretic lithagogue decoction .

  6. 胸椎;腰椎;骨折;中草药;破血下瘀法。

    Thoracic vertebra ; Lumbar vertebra ; Fracture ; Herbs ; Activating blood stagnation and expelling blood stasis .

  7. 活化的重组因子Ⅶ给中医破血逐瘀法治疗急性脑出血带来的挑战和思考

    Thinking and Challenge Induced by the Hypothesis of Breaking Stagnant and Eliminating Blood Stasis in Treating Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage by rF ⅶ a

  8. 鬼箭羽的功效在《本经》的载述主要是破血、通经、杀虫,治疗多偏重于妇科疾病。

    The functions of Euonymus alatus in herbal canon , are removing blood stasis , restoring menstrual flow and killing worms , especially for gynecological diseases .

  9. 目的:观察部分破血活血中药对妊娠早期小鼠流产及死胎的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of some herbs for relieving blood stasis and promoting blood circulation on the abortion and fetal death of the small mouse with early pregnancy ;

  10. 目的比较研究疏肝理脾活血法和破血祛瘀法抗肝纤维化的作用。

    O observe the effect of two kinds of formulas of Clearing Liver and Invigorating Spleen ( CLIS ) and activating blood circulation and removing stasis ( ABCRS ) on liver fibrosis .

  11. 其中虫类中药最被看重,被视为血肉有情之品,具有走窜通达、破血行血、化痰散结、疏逐搜剔之特性。

    Insects Chinese medicine the most important was considered " sentient flesh and blood products ", has go channeling accessible , expelling Blood Circulation , phlegm , and sparse-by found the tick characteristics .

  12. 东方顺着金铃的手指,看到了从不离身的‘破血’,才一下子从天堂又跌回到人间,知道自己还有很多事需要做。

    The finger along the Eastern Jin Ling , who never saw from the'Poxue ' , it suddenly fell from heaven and return to the world , know that they still have a lot of things to do .

  13. 胎膜早破孕妇血中白细胞介素1β水平的研究

    Interleukin-1 β Levels of Venous Blood in Pregnant Women with Premature Rupture of Fetal Membranes

  14. 活(破)血逐瘀法治疗真性红细胞增多症疗效观察及其机理探讨

    Activating Blood Circulation and Removing Stasis in Treating Polycythemia Vera : Clinical Observation and Therapeutical Mechanism

  15. 胎膜早破孕妇血C-反应蛋白、总补体活性、补体成分3含量的改变及其临床意义

    The change of serum C reactive protein , total complement activity , complement 3 concentrations in women with premature rupture of membranes

  16. 你割破了,血会凝固、结痂

    When you cut yourself , blood clots and forms a scab .

  17. 目的:了解胎膜早破孕妇母血中白细胞介素8(IL8)、C反应蛋白(CRP)及白细胞计数对绒毛膜羊膜炎的诊断意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of maternal serum interleukin 8 ( IL 8 ) and C reactive protein ( CRP ), and leucocyte count for detecting chorioamnionitis in patients with premature rupture of membrane ( PROM ) .

  18. 胎膜早破与母体血硒水平的研究

    Premature rupture of membranes with the research of the horizontal relation of blood selenium in the parent

  19. 输卵管异位妊娠输卵管破裂口外侧可见血凝块和绒毛。

    Sometimes blood clot and chorionic villi , as seen here , are recovered outside of the tube following rupture of an ectopic pregnancy .

  20. 目的通过测定胎膜早破和非胎膜早破孕妇血中白细胞介素6、17含量,探讨白细胞介素6、17对孕足月胎膜早破合并感染的诊断价值及意义。

    Objective To investigate diagnostic values and significances of IL-6 and IL-17 in maternal serum for full-term premature rupture of membranes ( PROM ) associated with subclinical chorioamnionitis .