
shí yóu huà ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ
  • Petrochemical plant;petrochemical works
  1. 石油化工厂火炬设计及运转操作的安全性(一)

    Flare design and operation safety of petrochemical works ( I )

  2. 该技术在武汉石油化工厂工业应用的结果表明,利用催化裂化干气制氢的工艺技术开发是成功的。

    The technology was applied in Wu-han Petrochemical Works with successful result .

  3. DCS与PLC的Modbus协议通信在石油化工厂的应用

    Application of Modbus protocol communication between DCs and PLC in petrochemical plants

  4. 国外石油化工厂生产区DCS控制室空调设计

    The Design of the DCS Control Room Air Condition System in Petrochemical Factory Abroad

  5. 介绍了DCS在北海石油化工厂340kt/a重油催化裂化产品精制系统脱硫装置上的设计与应用。

    The design and application of DCS in the desulphurization unit of the 340 kt / a deep catalytic products refining system of Beihai petrochemical plant is introduced .

  6. PIMS软件在石油化工厂的应用

    Application of PIMS software to petroleum works

  7. 以武汉石油化工厂余热电站的控制系统为例,介绍SIMATIC系统的应用方法及效果。

    Describe application of SIMATIC system , take the control system in the power station of Wuhan petrochemical works for example .

  8. 本文着重介绍DCC工艺技术的特点以及在现有的炼厂或石油化工厂建一套DCC装置可供实施的几个方案。

    This paper focuses on description of the characteristics of DCC technology and integration of a DCC unit into a refinery and / or a petrochemical plant .

  9. 中国石化广州石油化工厂炼油污水NH4-N含量高、COD/NH4-N比低,致使其具有经氧化沟处理后出水脱氮效果不稳定的特点,为此研制开发了一种沸石滤床。

    Waste water discharged from Guangzhou Branch of China Petrochemical Corporation Limited has high concentration of ammonium and low COD / NH4-N ratio . The waste water is treated by oxidation ditches and the removal efficiency of ammonium nitrogen is unstable .

  10. 介绍了脱硫醇活化剂KTL-1在武汉石油化工厂催化裂化汽油脱硫醇装置上进行工业应用试验的情况,并与ZH-22活化剂应用情况进行了比较。

    A gasoline sweetening cocatalyst KTL-1 for fixed bed reactor was tested in Wuhan Petrochemical Works'sweetening unit and compared with cocatalyst ZH-22 .

  11. 这种LPG产自油气田,但油气田生产的LPG不足。因此,人们把眼光投向炼油厂甚至石油化工厂,希望从其获得无(低)烯烃LPG。

    But the LPG produced in oil and gas fields is insufficient , thus people throw a look to refinery even to petrochemical plant and hope to obtain the LPG without alkene ( or with low alkene content ) .

  12. 以石油化工厂为例,从评价重要环境因素的四个步骤入手,通过对PTA装置环境因素的分析,运用综合方法确定其重要环境因素。

    The chemical factory was taken as an example . Four steps of evaluating important environment factors were taken as starting of evaluation . By analyzing environment factors of PTA plant , they were determined by means of comprehensive method .

  13. 针对美国RESCO公司隔热衬里材料RS9和耐磨衬里材料RS17E用于石油化工厂催化裂化装置制定了一整套施工程序,提出了各工序的注意事项,从而确保了施工质量。

    A set of construction procedure has been made based on RS-9 insulating liner material and RS-17E abrasive liner material which are used in catalytic cracking equipments of petrochemical plants . It points out notices for each process and ensures construction quality .

  14. 中国石化青岛石油化工厂在其10Mt·a-1重油催化裂化装置上采用了石油化工科学研究院新开发的GORII型降烯烃催化剂。

    Commercial application of GOR-II olefin-reducing catalyst , developed by Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing ( RIPP ) in a 1.0 Mt · a ~ ( - 1 ) FCCU of Sinopec Qingdao Petrochemical Plant was described .

  15. 浅谈石油化工厂重要环境因素的评价

    Preliminary Discussion on Evaluation of Important Environment Factor in Petrochemical Factory

  16. 石油化工厂网络数据库访问管理开发设计

    The Design of Access and Management of The Enterprise 's Network Database

  17. 建筑学原理在石油化工厂总图设计中的运用

    Architectural Principle Used in Plot Plan Design for Petrochemical Plants

  18. 炼油厂和石油化工厂环境噪声预测系统

    Environmental Noise Prediction System for oil Refineries and Petrochemical Plants

  19. 石油化工厂控制室防雷设计的探讨

    Discussion of Lightning-proof Design for Petrochemical Plant Control Room

  20. 机泵调速技术在石油化工厂的应用利用变频调速技术节能降耗

    Application of the Speed Adjustment Technology of Compressors and Pumps in Petrochemical Plants

  21. 介绍了武汉石油化工厂设备管理工作的经验。

    The working experience of equipment management for Wuhan petrochemical plant is introduced .

  22. 石油化工厂高架火炬的安全距离探讨(四)

    Study on safety distance of elevated flare in petrochemical plants ( IV )

  23. 石油化工厂油品储罐安全动火技术

    Safe Ignition Technology about Oil Tank of Petrochemical Factory

  24. 石油化工厂蒸汽伴热系统问题讨论

    Several aspects of steam tracing system in petrochemical plants

  25. 这个石油化工厂是完全自动化的。

    This chemical and petroleum plant is completely automatic .

  26. 石油化工厂大型塔器的可施工性设计

    Construction design of giant tower in petrochemical plant

  27. 石油化工厂废油渣在橡塑改性方面的应用

    Application of Industrial Waste Oils to Rubber-Plastic Modification

  28. 珠海振戎还代表中国民营石油化工厂从伊朗进口凝析油。

    It also imports Iranian gas condensate on behalf of private Chinese petrochemical plants .

  29. 石油化工厂运行设备和管线的隐患及防护措施

    Bidden Danger of Operating Equipment and Pipeline in Petrochemical Factory and the Prevention Measures

  30. 石油化工厂的蒸汽系统设计

    A Steam System Design for Petrochemical Plants