- 网络T-bills;Treasury bill

The warnings came as investors accelerated their exit from the Treasury bill market , as concern mounted about market turmoil should a failure to raise the debt ceiling result in a default this month .
Examples include stock market prices , Treasury Bill rates , and credit market conditions .
Two weeks ago , the Federal Reserve extended " operation twist " selling short-term government bonds while buying long-term debt in an effort to support the economy by lowering long-term interest rates .
Treasury bills maturing later this month and in early November rose above 30 basis points , their highest level since late 2008 when the Federal Reserve adopted a zero interest rate policy and anchored short-term interest rates .
Instead of just holding these balances in short-term US Treasury bills , they have created sovereign wealth funds with sophisticated investment strategies .
Nor is this all : on Monday short-term yields on Treasury bills were below 1 per cent ; credit default swap spreads on financial institutions reached exceptional levels and credit spreads on riskier bonds were widening rapidly .
European bank bonds , the VIX Index of expected US equity volatility and short-term Italian and Spanish bonds are all back to where they stood in July before the eurozone crisis intensified .
Yields on four-week Treasury bills have been driven below zero .
So they flock to safety in bills and hope for better gains .
Why does money keep flooding into the short-term Treasuries market , or T-bills ?
Three-month Treasury bills pay exactly nothing .
The Treasury bill rate is4 percent , and the expected return on the market portfolio is12 percent .
Money market funds are avoiding the one-month treasury notes which mature on August 4 and August 11 .
It is unclear how far they would fall , but nearer-term bills will probably experience the worst blow .
The prospect of a deal pushed Treasury bill yields higher on paper set to mature in late November and early December .
China , for example , bought $ 5bn of bonds and notes in December , but sold $ 9bn of Treasury bills .
Since mid-May , when the US hit the borrowing limit , the supply of short-term bills has dropped sharply , helping prices .
Just like homeowners who relied on teaser rates , the Government will face a similar problem when all its low-yielding short-term debt matures .
Investors had initially poured into short-term government debt yesterday , extending a flight to quality as they shunned the stricken commercial paper market .
Returns in real terms have even moved into negative territory on six-month paper , implying that investors still look to Germany as a haven .
By selling short-term Treasury bonds and using the proceeds to buy longer-dated ones , it aims to reduce costs for millions of struggling American homeowners .
Moreover , large intraday interest rate swings , approaching 100 basis points , were more evident in short-dated US Treasury bills than in emerging market bonds .
Interbank loan rates starting today also eased , though modestly , while the yield on safe short-term US Treasuries moved higher , as risk appetite improved .
When the balance shows surplus , the U.S.A Ministry of Finance will transfer the surplus cash to the Tax and Loan Accounts to gain interest income .
In a further sign of market stress , the Italian bond yield curve inverted , with yields on shorter-term debt rising higher than those on longer-term paper .
Without a developed short-term bond market , we can 't find a criteria for the pricing of financial products , price distortions will be caused by irrational pricing .
Rather than selling any of its holdings , China appears to have let the bills mature and then used some of the proceeds to buy longer-dated coupons , analysts say .
It is a standard in order to raise money with emission deadline , national debt can be divided for long-term national debt , short-term national debt and metaphase national debt .
And reserves are an attractive vehicle for that : they are one of the world 's few remaining risk-free assets , and at0.25 % , they pay more than Treasury bills .
With the spectacular flop of the German bond auction and the alarming rise in short-term rates in Spain and Italy , the government bond market across the eurozone has ceased to function .