
  • 网络Knowledge Theory of Value;Theory of Value of Knowledge
  1. 知识价值论不能代替马克思的劳动价值论

    The knowledge theory of value can not replace Marxist labor theory of value

  2. 知识价值论是对劳动价值论的深化和发展

    Theory of Knowledge Value : Deepening and Development of Cognition to Theory of Labour Value

  3. 知识价值论观点述评

    Comment on the View of Knowledge Value

  4. 知识价值论是以一定的价值观和知识论为基础的关于知识价值的理论。

    Value theory of knowledge is a theory about knowledge value based on certain values and knowledge theory .

  5. 知识价值论不是对劳动价值论的否定,而是劳动价值论的新发展。

    Theory of knowledge value isn 't negation of theory of labor value but a new development for theory of labor value .

  6. 在此基础上,指出价值理论遵循从劳动价值论到劳动知识价值论,再到知识价值论的发展规律。

    On the basis , the text points out that the value theory follows the development rule from " labour axiology " to " labor - knowledge axiology ", and then will reach the " knowledge axiology " .

  7. 论知识论与价值论美学的内在统一性

    The Intrinsic Unity of Aesthetic Theory of Knowledge and of Value

  8. 从而形成了一种关于视觉文化传播初步的、知识论与价值论意义的系统解读。

    Thus forming a preliminary communication on the visual culture , knowledge of the significance and value system of interpretation .

  9. 直觉主义虽具有抵制极端理性主义把认识方法狭隘化的积极意义,但往往混淆知识论与价值论,阻碍科学探索中的理性批判。

    The intuitionism has positive significance to resist that the absolute rationalism should be rigid and narrow , but it often obscures the theories of knowledge with the theories of value and obstructs rational criticism in science probe .

  10. 人是创造价值的根本力量。对知识经济与知识价值论,开发人力资源是创造知识价值的源泉,以及人力资本与经济增长等问题作了研究和分析。

    Some problems such as knowledge economy and knowledge value theory , theory that developing human resources is the source of creating knowledge value , relationship between human capital and economic growth are analysed and investigated .

  11. 知识劳动和知识技术在劳动价值论中的运用与发展

    Application and Development of Knowledge of Labor and Technology in the Theory of Labor Value

  12. 人类已经步入知识经济时代,由此产生了知识价值论。

    Mankind have been in the age of knowledge economy , Knowledge Axiology is brought out .

  13. 随着现代科技革命和知识经济的发展,必须深入研究知识生产的新特点和知识价值论的新发展。

    With the development of modern science and technology and the arrival of knowledge e-conomy , an involvement in and profound understanding of the characteristics of knowledge production and development of theory of knowledge value is widely felt .