
  • 网络Knowledge Expert
  1. 基于主题图构建知识专家学术社区研究

    Study on Establishing Academic Community of Knowledge Expert Based on Topic Maps

  2. 数据库包括现场设备位置数据库、参数设置数据库以及小型知识专家数据库等。

    The database including position of the on-the-spot equipment database , setting-up parameter database and a small-scale knowledge expert database etc.

  3. 理财知识专家、儿童理财网站MoneySavvyGeneration的创始人苏珊o比切姆解释道:许多父母之所以使用贿赂,并非因为我们自信这是最好的教育工具,而是因为我们厌烦了。

    Financial literacy expert Susan Beacham , founder of Money Savvy Generation , explains : A lot of parents use a bribe not because we 're confident it 's the best parenting tool , but because we 're tired .

  4. QualityStage使用通过知识专家服务编写的大量巧妙的规则处理要清理的数据。

    QualityStage tackles the data to be cleansed using a large set of hand-crafted rules written using the services of knowledge experts .

  5. 理财知识专家、儿童理财网站MoneySavvyGeneration的创始人苏珊o比切姆解释道:“许多父母之所以使用贿赂,并非因为我们自信这是最好的教育工具,而是因为我们厌烦了。”(没错。听起来很合理。)

    Financial literacy expert Susan Beacham , founder of Money Savvy Generation , explains : " A lot of parents use a bribe not because we 're confident it 's the best parenting tool , but because we 're tired . " ( Yep . That sounds about right . )

  6. 社区医生糖尿病防治知识专家传授与互动式优化教育方案的效果评价

    The Effectiveness Assessment of Expert Teaching and Interactive Education for General Practitioner in Community

  7. 基于全生命周期的机床产品协同设计知识专家系统

    The Experts System of Cooperative Design Knowledge Based on the Machine Tool Products Full Life Cycle

  8. 但分类中还存在漏分和错分现象。(3)基于决策树的知识专家系统分类,将复杂的问题简单化,可以针对不同的分类目标定义不同的规则。

    However , there are still leaking classified points and sub-phenomenon mistake . ( 3 ) Knowledge-based expert system decision tree classification , will simplify the complexity of the problem , and you can target different definition of the classification by different rules .

  9. 介绍了用面向对象的可视化语言Visualc++实现的一个可处理不确定性知识的专家系统开发工具RESTOOL。

    An expert system building tool & RESTOOL developed in Visual C + + and having the capability of dealing with uncertain knowledge is introduced .

  10. 基于事例的推理(Case-BasedReasoning,CBR)作为基于知识的专家系统(ExpertSystem)的一个分支,它是目前人工智能(ArtificialIntelligence)研究中一种正在迅速发展的推理方法。

    Case-Based Reasoning ( CBR ), a branch of Knowledge-Based Expert System , is a rapidly growing reasoning method in the research of Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) .

  11. 要想控告这些克隆企业很难,来自美国律师事务所的知识产权专家davidgoldstone认为。

    Suing clones is hard , says David Goldstone , an intellectual-property specialist at Goodwin Procter , an American law firm .

  12. 介绍锅炉分气缸CAD系统的结构及功能、程序设计方法和应用.引入知识型专家系统解决产品的选型问题,建立实用的接口函数,使设计、计算与绘图融为一体。

    The article is , to introduce the formation , function , programme designing and application of the CAD system of the boiler cylinder ; to recommend intelligent expert system to solve the select model designing problems of products ;

  13. 多知识库专家系统构造工具MKS

    Multiple Knowledge Bases Expert System Constructing Tool : MKS

  14. 总体来说,基于知识的专家分类系统总体精度和Kappa系数都比监督分类的结果提高,本试验提高了土地利用分类提取的精度,是一种值得推荐的遥感图像分类方法。

    Generally speaking , knowledge-based expert classification system for the overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient of the results is higher than supervised classification , the test improve the extraction of land use classification accuracy .

  15. 要想控告这些克隆企业很难,来自美国律师事务所的知识产权专家DavidGoldstone认为。在很多国家,注册专利费钱又费时,很难进行。

    Suing clones is hard , says David Goldstone , an intellectual-property specialist at Goodwin Procter , an American law firm . Registering patents in many countries is both costly and time-consuming , and they may prove hard to enforce .

  16. marks&clerk事务所律师、知识产权专家柯斯汀吉尔伯特(kirstengilbert)表示,上诉裁决为品牌所有者指控其产品仿造者享有不公平优势进一步敞开了大门。

    Kirsten Gilbert , solicitor at Marks & clerk , an intellectual property specialist , said the judgment opened the door wider for brand owners to allege imitators of their products enjoyed an unfair advantage .

  17. 咨询公司FTI的知识产权专家马克贝赞特(MarkBezant)表示:“只有一小部分艺术家能这么做,因为他们保有相关权利,这是关键。”

    Mark Bezant , an intellectual property expert at consulting group FTI , said : " It only worked for a small number of artists who had retained the relevant rights . That was the key . "

  18. 常驻香港的知识产权专家乔.西莫内(JoeSimone)表示,周四的裁决并未明确乔丹以及使用他的姓氏销售运动鞋的耐克(Nike)是否可以借助后续的诉讼,阻止乔丹公司使用乔丹之名。

    Joe Simone , an intellectual property specialist based in Hong Kong , said Friday 's rulings left it uncertain whether Mr Jordan and Nike , which sells trainers under his name , could prevent the Chinese company from using the name through future proceedings .

  19. 船舶避碰领域的知识与专家系统

    The Knowledge about the Field of Preventing Collisions and Expert System

  20. 采用规则与人工神经网络表示知识的专家系统

    The expert system representing knowledge with rules and artificial neural networks

  21. 知识和专家经验有很大的区别。

    There is a vast difference between knowledge and expertise .

  22. 含元知识的专家系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design of the Expert System Containing Meta - knowledge

  23. 一个可处理不确定性知识的专家系统开发工具

    Expert System Building Tool Capable to Deal with Uncertain Knowledge

  24. 本文提出了一种能处理模糊知识的专家数据库数据模型。

    This paper presents a data model for fuzzy expert database systems .

  25. 基于模糊文本分类的多知识领域专家推荐方法

    Approach to expert recommendation with multiple knowledge areas based on fuzzy text categorization

  26. 其他一些知识产权专家则比较悲观。

    Other intellectual property experts are more pessimistic .

  27. 应用专家系统理论,建立基于医学知识的专家帮助系统。

    Applying theory of expert system , expert help system based on knowledge is built .

  28. 还有一些可供替代的架构,应该让具备所有相关可用知识的专家对它们进行评估。

    Alternative architectures exist and should be evaluated with an expert based on all available information .

  29. 11日晚,一位知识产权专家对此表示,用一个5岁孩子的名字做商标,这还是前所未有的事情。

    Last night , an intellectual property expert said it was unprecedented to trademark a five-year-old 's.

  30. 此外,过与知识产权专家和政府官员的访谈提供了对这些论点一些新的视角。

    Besides depth interviews with IP experts and government officials have further nourished these arguments with new perspectives .