
  • 网络truth criterion;Kanontesaletheias
  1. 用价值目标弥补真理标准之局限

    Supplementing the Truth Criterion with the Value Objective

  2. 这表明解决认识问题.除了要有实残标准或真理标准,还要有价值标准式价值目标。

    Therefore , in resolving cognitive prob - lems , both the practice criterion ( or the truth criterion ) and the value criteria ( or the value objectives ) are called for .

  3. 价值实践中的真理标准刍议

    On the St and ard of Truth in the Practice of Value

  4. 也谈真理标准与实践标准

    Also on Both the Criterion of Truth and the Criterion of Practice

  5. 实践·直观·真理标准

    Practice , Perceptual Intuition & the Criterion of Truth

  6. 论非实践性真理标准说的历史形态

    On the Historic Modes of Non-practical Criteria of Truth

  7. 论理论评价的真理标准和价值标准

    On the TRUTH-CRITERION and VALUE-CRITERION of theory evaluation

  8. 论真理标准讨论的实践和理论意义

    The theoretical and practical significance of the discussion of the criterion for testing truth

  9. 论真理标准的相对性和多样性

    Relativity and diversity of the standard of truth

  10. 在对真理标准问题讨论的支持中逐步完善了实事求是;

    Progressively perfecting seeking truth from facts while supporting the discussion about the criterion of truth ;

  11. 真理标准问题讨论的深层意义是变革了人们的思维方式。

    The purpose of the discussion on the criteria of truth is to change the traditional thinking mode .

  12. 讲真理标准应同时讲清楚三个有利于标准。

    Explaining the truth standard , we should make " the three favorables standard " clear at the same time .

  13. 真理标准问题,结合实际来讨论,恐怕效果好一点,免得搞形式主义。

    If we combine discussions concerning the criterion for judging truth with practical work , we shall achieve better results and avoid formalism .

  14. 它们都由若干过程要素组成,大致分逻辑检验、操作物化和结果评验三大环节,这三大环节地位不同,功能各异,共同起到真理标准的作用。

    Both are composed of several elements which fall into roughly three parts , the logic check , the materialized operation , and the results test .

  15. 真理标准讨论运动作为当代中国史上的一个亮点,引起相当多学者的关注和研究。

    A significant event in China 's contemporary history , the movement of discussing the criteria of truth has aroused attentions and efforts from a considerable number of scholars .

  16. 本文将实事求是思想路线的恢复和发展过程划分为四个阶段:批评“两个凡是”;支持真理标准问题的大讨论;

    This article deals with the recovery and development of emancipating the mind in four ways , that is , to criticize " Two all ", to support the debate of truth standard ;

  17. 在我国社会生活中,流行的真理标准观轻视人的主体性,淡漠真理的价值性,影响到人们在价值实践中,总是避免不了左倾和右倾的摇摆。

    The popular standard of truth always sways between leftism and rightism in the practice of value since it despises the speciality of subject consciousness , dims the value peculiarity of the truth .

  18. 文章指出:生产力标准既是真理标准又是价值标准,既具有一元性又具有多样性,是真理与价值、一元性与多样性的统一。

    It is pointed out in this paper that the criterion of productive force is both the criterion of truth and value with unity and multiformity , and the unification of truth and value .

  19. 其内容上的真(真理标准)、功用上的善(价值标准)和形式上的美(审美标准)及其三者的统一是人文社会科学评价标准的要旨。

    The paper proposes that the main contents of criteria be the truth on the fact , the goodness in function , the beauty with respect to the form and the unity of the three .

  20. 这就要求诉讼制度能够体现交往合理性,并要求诉讼程序尽可能保障交往合理性的兑现,以期有效地达至共识性真理标准。

    This requires that the litigation system reflect the rational association and that the litigious process ensure as much as possible the realization of rational association so as to effectively reach a consensus on the standard on truth .

  21. 学习“三个代表”重要思想,应当把真理标准和价值标准结合起来,在提高我们的思想觉悟和政策水平的同时,把“三个代表”重要思想转变成为社会主义现代化建设的实际行动。

    On studying it , we should connect the standard of the truth with that of the values , improving our ideological consciousness and standard of policy and changing its influence into the action of the socialist construction of modernization .

  22. 从真理标准大讨论以来,七次哲学讨论及部门哲学呈现的百花齐放局面谱写了马克思主义哲学的新篇章。而实践&人始终是哲学理论探讨的核心。

    Ever since the discussion of truth criterion , there have been seven important philosophy discussions and the flowers in blossom of branch philosophy , all of which were around the core of practice-man and have composed a new chapter of Marxist philosophy .

  23. 但如果深入到世界观的内部层次&自我意识和真理标准,探讨它们在经济全球化过程中的变化,可以断定经济全球化对马克思主义世界观教育同样构成挑战。

    However , if we go deep into the interior level - self-awareness and the criterion of truth , and probe into their changes in the course of economic globalization , we can ascertain that economic globalization equally poses a challenge to Marxist weltanschauung .

  24. 科学形象的历史描述皮克林的批判编史学及有关争议之分析历史认识真理标准的三家十二说新时期历史认识论研究学案之二

    Historical Account of Science : on Pickering 's Critical Historiography and Its Dispute 12 THEORIES FROM 3 SCHOOLS ON THE STANDARD OF TESTING THE VERIFICATION AND OBJECTIVITY OF HISTORICAL RECOGNITION The Second Part of the Research on the Historical Epistemology in the New Period

  25. 真理标准问题的大讨论、十一届三中全会的召开和《哥德巴赫猜想》的面世,宣告了一个新的历史时期的开端和包括报告文学在内的文艺春天的来临。

    The large-scale discussion on " the criteria of truth ", the convention of the Third Plenary Session of Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC , and the debut of Goldbach Conjecture announces the beginning of new historical period and the arrival of artistic spring .

  26. 化学实验是现代科学研究中,认识主体获得直接的感性经验和事实材料的根本途径和重要手段,是检验和发展假说的实践基础,是使化学科学知识达到真理标准的方法。

    Chemistry experiment is a fundamental way and an important means that perceptual experience and facts are obtained by recognizing principal part in modern scientific research . It is a practical base of developing hypothesis and also a way of making chemistry scientific knowledge reach true standard .

  27. 如果以现代化进程为大背景,以抽取精神内核法为主要方法,去考察真理标准讨论的意义与价值,会发现:真理标准讨论运动传承于“五四”运动,而又有所不同。

    Taking modernization progress as the general background and employing the method of extracting spiritual cores to explore the meaning and value of this movement , we can find out that , while this movement may trace its origin to the May 4th Movement , there are differences between them .

  28. 真理的标准只能是社会的实践。

    Only social practice can be the criterion of truth .

  29. 真理的标准与价值的标准

    The St and ard of Truth and of Value

  30. 我们已经得出这样的结论:实践是检验真理的标准。

    We have reached the conclusion that practice is the criterion for testing truth .