
  • 网络Linear relationship;Line Relationship;straight-line relationship
  1. 利用图像中的消失点描述平面直线关系

    Description of Plane Line Relationship by Vanishing Points

  2. 利用消失点列的射影不变量描述平面直线关系

    Description of Planar Line Relationship by Projective Invariant of Vanishing Points

  3. 实验结果表明,冲击韧性αK的对数值随分形维数DF增加成单调上升的直线关系。

    Experimental results show that the logarithms of impact tough-ness increase monotonically with the increase of fractal dimension .

  4. 对单视图,提出了一种利用消失点列的3D不变量解释平面直线关系的方法;

    In single-view case , the theory is presented to interpret relationship between two planar lines by applying 3D invariants of vanishing points .

  5. MTT分析显示细胞数和OD值呈直线关系。

    MTT analysis shows that a linear relation exists between cell amount and OD value .

  6. 对于一般的凝聚材料,D(u)直线关系适用范围的最高压缩比(ρ2/ρ1)大约等于1.5。

    For common condensed matter , the maximum compression ratio ( p2 / p1 ) which fits the linearized expression is about 1.5 .

  7. 金的浓度在0.005&5.0μg/mL范围内,峰高与金的浓度呈良好的直线关系。

    The height of the adsorption wave was rectilinearly related to the concentration of Au (ⅲ) in the range of 0 . 005 to 5 . 0 μ g / mL.

  8. 结果慢性HCV感染者的血清IL-10水平明显高于健康人(P<0.001)并且与丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)的水平呈正的直线关系(P<0.01);

    Serum IL-10 level was significantly increased in patients with chronic HCV infection as compared with that in healthy individuals ( P < 0.001 ) .

  9. 在ph(1/2)值与酯烷基的Charton空间参数v间存在着近似的直线关系。

    There is an approximate linear correlation between pH_ ( 1 / 2 ) values and Charton steric parameter v of the ester alkyl groups .

  10. 实验结果表明:场电压与源电偶层的面积成直线关系,并由此直线求得FRANK系统导联轴长度。

    The result showed that the relationship between voltage of electric field and dipole layer size of electric source was linear , the lead axis length was calculated by the straight line .

  11. 由新引进的变量AD和BD之间的直线关系,求出了井筒存储系数C值。同时,给出了井筒污染系数S值。

    By the linear relationship between newly introduced variable A D and B D , wellbore storage coefficient ( C ) has been reached , meanwhile , wellbore 's damage coefficient ( S ) has been given .

  12. 结果表明:水分活度的下降与pH值及水分含量均是呈直线关系,随制品pH和水分含量的降低,水分活度逐渐下降,但pH值对水分活度的影响较小,水分含量影响较大。

    It was found that relationship between water content and water activity is linear , Water activity value decreases gradually with the decrease of acid value . pH value has less influence on water activity . The main factor affecting water activity is water content .

  13. 结果表明,凝胶在PH值6一8.4区间,其pH值与PH值测定点间的距离成直线关系,形成了良好的pH梯度,所以此区间对蛋白质的分离效果最佳,分辨能力也最强。

    The results indicate , the pH values between 6 to 8 . 4 in the gel are linear with the distances between the testing spots , and form the well-grads of pH values . So the effect of proteins separation and the resolving power are thebest of all .

  14. 钙电极经测定性能是优良的,与EDTA法比较后,电极法测定结果准确,电极电位温度变化符合直线关系,随温度升高而升高。

    The performance of calcium electrod is excellent , compared with EDTA mensuration the result of electrode mensuration is accurate , and there is a linear relationship between the electrode potential and temperature , which is increased with the temperature .

  15. 结果分流口直径(SD)和门静脉直径(PVD)之比(SD/PVD)与FPP、PCPG、PVF呈负相关,与HAF呈正相关,且直线关系良好。

    Results FPP , PCPG and PVF had a good linear negative correlation to the ratio of SD to PVD ( SD / PVD ) respectively . HAF had a good linear positive correlation to SD / PVD .

  16. 维生素D2的表观饱和溶解度与增溶剂的浓度呈直线关系,聚氧乙烯蓖麻油C-125的增溶效能,约相当吐温80的4倍多。

    A comparison was made between the efficiencies of polyoxyethylene castor oil C-125 and Tween-80 in the solubilization of calciferol . Experimental results showed that there existed a linear relationship between the apparent solubility of calciferol and concentration of the two solubilizers .

  17. 结果发现,飞灰的气化速率随转化率的增大而降低,呈直线关系,提高温度20℃或气体分压0.2MPa,反应速率相应提高1倍左右及0.1~0.3倍。

    The gasification reaction rate decreases with an increasing in carbon conversion , with an approximately linear relationship . Increasing the temperature by 20 ℃ or the reactant gas pressure by 0.02 MPa will raise the reaction rate by 1 time or 0.1 to 0.2 times .

  18. 同时测量尺度与测量对象的数值具有良好的相关性,在双对数图上有良好的直线关系。

    The measured scale and objects have a fairly good correlation .

  19. 隧道水平收敛和拱顶下沉位移与隧道埋深近于成直线关系。这些研究结果为深埋长隧信息化设计和施工以及围岩稳定性分析提供了科学依据。

    Displacement of horizontal convergence and settlement vary linearly with tunnel depth .

  20. 极限摩尔电导率和温度呈直线关系。

    The limiting molar conductivities were linearly correlated with temperatures .

  21. 此转录活性与一定范围的细胞核浓度呈直线关系。

    The transcriptional activity was in linear relation with certain range of the nucleus concentration .

  22. 硝基化合物与相应产物燐光位移能差绝对值有对位>邻位>间位,且成直线关系。

    The emission wavelength of nitro compounds are longer than that in their reduced products .

  23. 提出了一种基于点与直线关系从透视投影画隐线图建立平面立体线框模型的新方法。

    Then we propose a new method of reconstructing three-dimensional models from two-dimensional hidden-part-drawn line drawings .

  24. 草群干物质产量与栽植桶水分散失量之间呈极显著的直线关系;

    There was a linear relationship between dry matter yield and water loss from soil columns .

  25. 过滤精度与最大孔径之间呈直线关系。

    The experience relationship between the filtration rating and the maximum pore size is a linear one .

  26. 其参数与综合反映应力特征及土性特征的各物态起始体应变间均有良好的指数或直线关系;

    Their parameters have a linear or exponential relationship with the initial volumetric strain of each physical state ;

  27. 采用叠加原理,对修正等时试井数据进行理论推导,得出直线关系式;

    By superposition principle , the theoretical deduction to modified isochronal testing data drives a linear relationship equation .

  28. 打过浆与未打浆苇浆在回用过程中抗张指数与紧度均成对数直线关系,其斜率分别为2.481和2.09。

    The slopes of both logarithmic straight lines were 2 . 481 and 2 . 09 , respectively .

  29. 研究表明职业对颞窗探查失败率无明显影响,最主要的影响因素是年龄,但失败率与年龄并不呈直线关系。

    The study showed that there wasn 't significant effect for occupation on failure ratio of detecting temple window ;

  30. 研究发现滑动摩阻力与土的类型、法向应力有关,且与法向应力近似呈直线关系;

    The results show that friction resistance is related with soil type , and is approximately linear to the vertical pressure .