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  • Greenwich
  1. 这片占地147英亩(约60公顷)的地方,正式的名称是“格林威治岬角公园”(GreenwichPointPark);

    Officially , the 147-acre site is called Greenwich Point Park ;

  2. 老格林威治学校(OldGreenwichSchool)从幼儿园至五年级有大约370名学生。

    About 370 students in kindergarten to Grade 5 attend the Old Greenwich School .

  3. 格林威治岬角(GreenwichPoint)是户外运动的集散地。

    Greenwich Point is the hub for outdoor activity .

  4. 在裁判重新观看内村航平的鞍马动作回放时,北格林威治体育馆(NorthGreenwichArena)的观众都在紧张地等待着。

    The crowd at North Greenwich Arena tensely waited as the judges reviewed Uchimura 's routine .

  5. 吉姆•波顿,CNN,英国格林威治报道。

    Jim Bolden , CNN , Greenwich , England .

  6. 老格林威治(人口6600人)的中心地带,是位于主干道桑德海滩大道(SoundBeachAvenue)的一片商业区。

    The heart of Old Greenwich ( population 6,600 ) is its business district on Sound Beach Avenue , the main thoroughfare .

  7. 吃完晚餐,在华盛顿广场公园(WashingtonSquarePark)散散步,然后穿过格林威治村,来到西3街(West3rdStreet)的蓝调爵士俱乐部(BlueNoteJazzClub)。

    After dinner and a stroll around Washington Square Park and through Greenwich Village , pop in to Blue Note Jazz Club on West 3rd Street .

  8. 老格林威治社区位于格林威治镇的西北部边缘,与斯坦福德(Stamford)交界,并伸入长岛湾(LongIslandSound),是一个有单独邮政编码的普查指定居民区。

    A census-designated place with its own ZIP code , Old Greenwich occupies the southeastern edge of the town of Greenwich , bordering Stamford and extending into Long Island Sound .

  9. 于是1884年在这里伦敦郊外的格林威治,格林威治标准时间(gmt)诞生了。

    So Greenwich meantime , or GMT , was born here outside London in 1884 .

  10. 12月某个寒冷的周一晚上,索罗斯驱车一个小时,从曼哈顿赶到康涅狄格州的格林威治布鲁斯博物馆(BruceMuseum)。

    On a chilly Monday night in December , Soros took the hour-long drive from Manhattan to the Bruce Museum in Greenwich , Connecticut .

  11. 维京之星拥有9层甲板,驶过了伦敦地标,包括金丝雀港口、O2竞技场和格林威治皇家海军学院。

    The nine-deck passenger ship sailed past London landmarks including Canary Wharf , the O2 Arena , and Greenwich 's Royal Naval College .

  12. (上个世纪)70年代政府开始采用协调世界时,即UTC,格林威治时间寿终正寝。

    It died in the seventies when governments adopted Coordinated Universal Time , or UTC .

  13. 格林威治的自动驾驶小车在Jubilee地铁线的北格林威治(NorthGreenwich)站等几个公共交通枢纽停靠,是有意为之。

    It is no coincidence that the Greenwich pod stops at several public transport hubs , including the Jubilee Line 's North Greenwich station .

  14. 其中售价最贵的是一栋位于格林威治湾(GreenwichCove)、面积7700平方英尺(约715平方米)的殖民地风格住宅,成交金额为1305万美元(约合人民币8017万元)。这里有什么?

    the most expensive , a 7700-square-foot colonial on Greenwich Cove , closed at $ 13.05 million .

  15. 实现同步轨道(GEO)高分辨力对地观测的技术途径(下)格林威治天文台的高级职员每天把大钟校对两次。

    Realization of high-resolution visible earth observation on geostationary earth orbit Officials from Greenwich OBservatory have the clock checked twice a day .

  16. 上个月的一天晚上,莱斯利·金(LesleyKing)收到一条Facebook讯息,这件事体现出老格林威治(OldGreenwich)在她看来最好的一面:这是个很团结的社区。

    One night last month , Lesley King received a Facebook message that reflected what she considers one of the finest qualities of Old Greenwich : a connected community .

  17. 例如,纽约人都知道他们地处东部标准时区(EST),但只有经常跨国旅行的人才知道纽约位于格林威治标准时间西五区。

    For example , New Yorkers know their time zone as Eastern Standard Time ( EST ), and only a regular international traveler would recognize it as GMT-5 .

  18. 在老格林威治的盖博大厦(OldGreenwichGables),共管公寓的一般价格从单卧室的50万美元(约合人民币307万元),至三卧室的90万美元(约合人民币553万元)不等,据约翰逊说。

    Condominiums at Old Greenwich Gables range from one-bedrooms , generally priced in the $ 500000s , to three-bedrooms in the $ 900000s , according to Mr. Johnson .

  19. 位于格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)地下的这间信号室是一个名副其实的博物馆,展示着古旧的电机技术,其中某些部分可追溯至上世纪三四十年代。

    The tower - a subterranean room in Greenwich Village - is a veritable museum of ancient , electromechanical technology , some of it dating back to the 1930s and 1940s .

  20. 1884年,国际子午线大会确立了格林威治标准时间(GMT),即伦敦附近的格林威治皇家气象台(theRoyalObservatoryinGreenwich)的平均太阳时间。

    The International Meridien Conference of 1884 established Greenwich Mean Time , referring to the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich , near London .

  21. 全纽约的目光都被一只名叫Molly的猫所吸引。它被卡在格林威治一座老建筑的双层墙中。

    New Yorkers were gripped by the story of a cat called Molly which got stuck between the double walls of an old building in Greenwich Village .

  22. 以每小时10英里的最大速度,这种车在格林威治半岛西部的洲际酒店(InterContinentalHotel)和东部的公寓区之间规律地运行,一路发出嘟嘟声。

    The vehicle runs regularly - at a maximum speed of 10mph , beeping continuously - between the InterContinental Hotel on the west of the peninsula and blocks of flats to the east .

  23. 同样,大多数美国人都知道美国西海岸位于太平洋标准时区(PST),却不知道它也叫做格林威治标准时间西八区。

    Likewise , the U.S. West coast time zone is known to most Americans as Pacific Standard Time ( PST ) zone rather than GMT-8 .

  24. 摆脱了闰秒就意味着由太阳测出的格林威治标准时间的消亡,GMT也不再精准了。

    Getting rid of it would mean the end of Greenwich Mean Time , which is measured by the sun and would no longer be accurate .

  25. 戴维・惠特科姆(DavidWhitcomb)与亨丽・惠特科姆(HenrieWhitcomb)位于纽约格林威治村的寓所有一个2500平方英尺(约合230平米)的全景式露台,他们的绿色幕恢复了露台大量不可用的空间。

    David and Henrie Whitcomb 's vertical garden redeemed a chunk of unusable space on their 2500-square-foot wraparound terrace in New York 's Greenwich Village .

  26. 让所有位于伦敦东南格林威治的Meridina小学师生没有想到的是,JohnnyDepp本人还真的以杰克船长的形象全副武装地来到了他们学校。

    To the astonishment of staff at Meridian primary school in Greenwich , south-east London , Captain Jack arrived in the form of Johnny Depp , the actor who plays him .

  27. TRL负责格林威治项目的尼克?里德(NickReed)希望,对乘客而言,共享自动驾驶车辆将比共享人类驾驶的车辆更舒服。

    Nick Reed , who is in charge of the Greenwich experiment for TRL , hopes it will be more pleasant for passengers to share space with autonomous vehicles than human-driven cars .

  28. 正在格林威治半岛进行的这个实验,是与希斯罗机场(Heathrowairport)和交通研究公司TRL合作开展的。这项实验探索的是一个根本性问题——自动驾驶车辆能否适应城市街道?

    The Greenwich experiment , which is being run in conjunction with Heathrow airport and TRL , a transport research company , is exploring a fundamental question about how autonomous vehicles will fit into city streets .

  29. 在伦敦东部泰晤士河畔的格林威治(Greenwich)半岛,居民们已经习惯于在滨江的道路上遇到一种形似太空舱的四轮Pod车。这种小车缓慢地穿行在跑步、行走、骑车和牵狗的人们之间。

    On the path along the waterfront of the Greenwich peninsula , on the river Thames in east London , residents have become used to encountering a four-wheeled pod trundling among the runners , walkers , cyclists and dogs .

  30. 众所周知,格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)曾经是“垮掉的一代”诗人、爵士音乐家、艺术家与波西米亚人聚集的地方,现在也仍旧是敏奈塔酒馆的所在地。酒吧里古老的橡木吧台,最适合靠着喝杯小酒或餐前鸡尾酒。

    Greenwich Village , famously once home to New York 's Beat poets , jazz musicians , artists and Bohemians , is still home to Minetta Tavern , whose old oak bar is perfect for leaning on while sipping a draught or classic cocktail before dinner .