- Direct negotiation;direct bargaining

US Envoy Pushes Palestinians to Enter Direct Talks With Israel U.S. envoy George Mitchell urged Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to move from indirect peace talks with Israel to face-to-face negotiations .
We should initiate direct talk with the trade union .
Can you negotiate with the Lessor ?
Oral business negotiations refer to face-to-face discussions or those conducted through international truck calls .
The meetings will be the first direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians in20 months .
UEFA carried out direct negotiations for the first time for the European Championship rights outside Europe .
The United States has said it would not negotiate directly with the Iranians until they suspend uranium enrichment .
Since the dispute cannot be resolved through direct negotiation between our two parties , we agree to ~ it by arbitration .
A large amount of international trade is handled not only by direct negotiation between buyer and seller but also by agencies .
The FRA is an agreement that two parties agree today to a future exchange of cash flows based on two different interest rates .
According to international law and practice , territorial and maritime disputes should first be settled through direct negotiations between the parties to the disputes .
Congo 's President Kabila may have to meet General Nkunda 's demand for direct negotiation , simply because the Tutsi rebels are militarily dominant ;
But at a later news conference the rebels ' political chief insisted on direct negotiations with the Congolese President Joseph Abila before they consider withdrawing from Goma .
Nkunda says he is protecting the region 's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area , and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government .
Mr. Annan had suspended the talks Tuesday , saying they were going in circles and that he would engage the two leaders directly to try to break the deadlock .
Efforts to reconcile Palestinians appeared to take a step forward on Sunday when Hamas and Fatah representatives meeting in Yemen agreed to hold direct talks aimed at resolving their split .
Vice President Joe Biden said today the United States is prepared to hold direct talks with Iran on its nuclear program if that country shows it 's serious about such negotiations .
Hong Lei said " We hope countries not related to the disputes over the South China Sea will respect the efforts of the countries involved to resolve the issue through direct negotiation . "
But Li Xiande , another CAAS Professor , says agribusiness groups are increasingly negotiating supply contracts with the village officials who control the use of the land , rather than with the farmers themselves .
In the first Korean nuclear crisis in 1993 , China has adopted the attitude of non-intervention and non-interference , tried to promote direct negotiations between the DPRK and the U.S. and achieve a peaceful settlement of the nuclear issue .
The Middle East Quartet consisting of the United Nations , the European Union , Russia and the United States will meet for the first time in more than a year to support the direct Israeli-Palestinian negotiations that have recently reconvened .
Confidence building The goal is to build enough trust and reach enough common ground to begin direct negotiations , something the Palestinians are not willing to do until Israel stops building settlements in the occupied West Bank and in East Jerusalem .
International efforts to bring an end to the conflict in Syria got off to a bad start on Friday . Talks between the Syrian government and the opposition coalition opened in Geneva , Switzerland . But the two sides refused to hold direct negotiations .
Since Ahmadinejad came to power , as Iran 's stance over the nuclear question becomes more uncompromising , it pays attention to tactics to prevent conflict from intensifying completely . It aims to impel America to negotiate directly and solve the nuclear issue from the origin .
There are a number of ways to obtain international exploration and production blocks , including direct negotiation with resource nations , involvement in bidding for blocks , acceptance and transfer of projects , acquisition of exploration blocks and full project control , exchange of assets , and corporate mergers .
We should initiate direct talks with the trades unions .
Israel says direct peace talks should without s.
Meanwhile a westbank based delegation from Hamas has arrived in Egpyt for indirect ceasefire talks .
The Chinese Government hold negotiations with the Japanese Government and requested other countries to mediate .
The Israeli prime minister on Monday appealed for direct peace negotiations with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas , to be started in New York and co