
  1. 对于总部位于珀斯(Perth)的FMG来说,这意味着要放弃在明年6月之前将皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石年产量提高到15500万吨的计划。

    For Fortescue , based in Perth , that means backing off plans to raise the annual iron-ore output rate at its Pilbara operations to 155 million metric tons by next June .

  2. 中国钢铁公司同意以高价购买西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石。

    Chinese steel makers have agreed to pay record prices for iron ore from the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia .

  3. 必和必拓和力拓矿业集团计划通过合并其在皮尔巴拉地区的运营部门来节省最少$10十亿。

    BHP and Rio Tinto plan to save at least $ 10 billion by combining their operations in the Pilbara region .

  4. 铁矿石现在占力拓集团利润的大约80%,公司正在分析相关计划,以求到2015年把皮尔巴拉地区的产量提高至3.53亿吨。

    Iron ore now accounts for about 80 per cent of group profits at Rio and the company is analysing plans to lift production in the Pilbara to 353m tonnes by 2015 .

  5. 西澳大利亚地区受到的影响将最为严重,在这里,皮尔巴拉地区的铁矿石产量占澳大利亚海外输出总量的大部分,而该州政府曾认为,今年铁矿石平均价格将达到122美元。

    The impact will be felt hardest in Western Australia , where the Pilbara region produces most of the iron ore shipped abroad and the state government assumed prices would average $ 122 through 2014 .

  6. 然而,中国监管机构在审批国内企业在海外投资的大型矿业项目时,变得更为谨慎,原因是中国多家矿业公司在澳大利亚的投资陷入了麻烦,尤其是皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)地区的中澳铁矿项目(SinoIron)。

    However , Chinese regulators have become more cautious about granting approval for large mining investments overseas after several Chinese mining companies ran into trouble with iron ore investments in Australia , most prominently with the Sino Iron mine in the Pilbara .

  7. 如果你想寻找一幅代表亚洲经济增长的画面,西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉(pilbara)地区正在开挖的大洞不会是最糟的选择。

    If you are seeking an image for Asian growth , you could do worse than the giant holes being dug in the Pilbara region of Western Australia .